Wow! You two on those swings! What a great time! You are so lucky to have a very nice loving family! It’s time for having lots of happiness and joy!
Wow! You two on those swings! What a great time! You are so lucky to have a very nice loving family! It’s time for having lots of happiness and joy!
It was my sister and my daughter on the swings, but we all look pretty much alike from far! I am lucky, I know many people don't have that, including my husband. I will see my sister one more time as she passes by my town next week. She has been with her husband's family since she left me, and there is a lot of mending to be done by her husband and his mom. It seems to be going well so far, so I am happy for him.
Yes! I forgot your hair is different!! These photos are smashing!
Thank you @kaminchan!!! And thank you for supporting my daughter's boyfriend. He is a good guy, and like many was not raised in such a way as to have natural confidence.
They look good together! He will grow like a big tree!
I hope so :)