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RE: The Worst Trip Down the Mountain Ever - Part One of the Birth of Baby #6

in #family5 years ago

I had to laugh, because with my youngest, there was no way I could have stopped it even if I had wanted to. So even if there would have been people saying to stop pushing, I would have lost the battle hehe. It wasn't me pushing, it was my body that took over. I was very happy that I was at home (unassisted) because I would have never made it into the nearest hospital (about an hour), so he would have been born in the car or the side of the road (probably better as it was gorgeous, even in the middle of the night) for sure.

I am looking forward to reading the next part!
And welcome to this world, dear little baba :)


Unassisted at home?! Wow!! :) My placenta was in a weird place most of my pregnancy, so it just wasn't a good idea to go unmonitored and that was the reason my midwife decided a homebirth was probably not a going to happen. Just happy to have had a good delivery. :)