in #familyprotection7 years ago

This story shows how parents shouldn't trust just anyone when it comes to protecting their families' interest.

Dave and June, a happily married couple, decided to leave their country to the US. June was already a few months pregnant. She and her husband wanted their child to be a citizen of the US when given birth to.

On arrival, they didn't have where 2 lay their heads so they signed up for shelter in the neighborhood.

They kept on getting favors from sympathetic people around the same neighborhood, not for long though.

One day, June approached a lady in her early 30s by name Lydia(who happend to be from same country with June), June thought she could be trusted. June told her all she had gone through to survive. Lydia agreed to help.IMG_20180225_210755_400.jpg

Lydia and her husband Scott even took them in to live in the basement of their apartment for the time being.

June Started using Lydia's hospital card for her anti natal, 'cos that's the only way she could get medical attention.

Then the unexpected happend!

Dave was caught by the authorities and deported back to his country!

He kept in touch with his wife, telling her to always be at alert and always stay out of reach of the authorities.

Few weeks later... June put to bed a baby boy!

She had to register his name with surname as written on her hospital card(which originally carried Lydia's name on it).

Few weeks later, something happened that still appears to June to be the greatest joke ever.

The police were at the door demanding to see the occupants of the apartment. Lydia answered the door, letting them in.

They said a report got to them that an intruder was in the house, so they searched the houses and found June in the laundry.

June was shocked 'cos they said she was the intruder and threatened to take her away...the couple just watched.

She cried and reached out for her baby whom Lydia was carrying but Lydia said the baby doesn't belong to June, that the baby was hers!
June couldn't say a word because definitely anything she says will be used against her in the court of law.

June couldn't believe what she heard!

Unknown to June, Lydia was the one who called and told the authorities that there was an intruder in her apartment!

Down at the station she tried explaining what happened but all records showed that she had never been to any hospital for anti natal or even child delivery.

It then dawned on her that the people she so much trusted and believed in were just helping her for their own selfish reasons.

They wanted her child

It was then she recalled in one of her discussions with Lydia that the couple had been married for 7 years without a child.IMG_20180225_211239_074.jpg

"No wonder they welcomed us with such ease, and even offered to give me her hospital card to use," June thought in tears,while on her way back to her home country. "what will I tell my husband?"

NB- Real names not used for security purpose
