CPS and Foster Care Abuses: -- INDEX of PUBLISHED STORIES now on the Steemit Blockchain --

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

@familyprotection started 6 months ago, for the purpose of sharing stories of CPS and Foster Care abuse, being a support system and educating the public.

We hope that getting these stories seen and heard may help protect families and children from ever being torn apart in the first place.

Also, with the funds that we are beginning to collect, invest, and grow from the Steem Dollar donations of those who have written with our tag #familyprotection, we hope to help families in crisis and further spread the word of these atrocities against families and children.

We have had SO MANY people on Steemit share their own personal accounts of trauma and tragedy at the hands of CPS agencies.

This is a list of people who have shared their own personal experiences here on Steemit in the last 6 months.


anouk.nox had her oldest children removed by CPS in Holland and given to their abusive father. She had to flee the country to keep herself and her new baby born in a healthy relationship safe.

Below are some of her posts.

How my kids and I fled to a women's shelter for their violent dad
How the police let me down from the first time I called them for help
The first days in a women's shelter with my 2 oldest kids, fled for their violent dad
An introduction of Anouk Nox, I will not be silenced anymore! This year I will make a difference...
My ex made me believe that his stepfather was sexually abusing my 2 oldest children
How I learned to speak up, when disagreeing with social workers / CPS workers
My mind is filled with thoughts about planning procedures and my beloved children


bettyboob shares how in the past CPS forced her and the children to have contact with her abusive, stalker ex-husband, after she asked them to help her and the children. Then she shares how CPS wreaked havoc for her new husband's children.

Below are some of her posts.

How a careless teenager turned into a step-mom - Part Nine - STALKING
How a careless teenager turned into a step-mom - Part ten - CPS
How a careless teenager turned into a step-mom - Part 19 - Threatened by CPS
How a careless teenager turned into a step-mom - Part 20 - Fighting CPS


I have posted true events that happened to my good friend Anna, in the same town where I live in Canada. I have also helped a couple of other families with their battles against CPS/MCFD but have not yet written about those.

When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted -- Tammy's Story
The Nightmare Before Christmas -- Anna's Story Part I
Healing Families Destroyed by CPS -- Anna's Story Part II
The Ministry of Children & Family DESTRUCTION -- Anna's Story Part III
Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust -- Anna's Story Part IV
Fighting Government Child Kidnappers in Court -- Anna's Story Part V
The System is Stacked Against Parents -- Anna's Story Part VI


cfs.leaks is a single father in Winnipeg, Manitoba who grew up in foster care himself. He interviews former foster children who are now living on the streets and/or prostituting themselves, and cfs.leaks spreads the word about the abuse of children that happens in the system.

Very recently his own son was taken by CFS (Children & Families Services).

WHAT THE FUCK... CFS pulled my son from school
My current situation...
Update on my situation
Article about parents dying younger after having their kids taken from them


chatterboxchick grew up as a Foster Child in the UK. She is now wondering if what she has been told about her background is true or not. She is on a search to find her birth mother and get to the bottom of it.



charisma777 is an American mother whose son has just been taken away by CPS after she went to them looking for help.

My son was Taken away by CPS!


curlfamilyvlog has been both a Foster Child, and a Foster Parent. She has documented the trauma and injustice that she experienced as a child, and the corruption that she witnessed as a Foster Parent.

My Experience Being A Foster Parent
Who I Am And Why I Am Here
How I Became A Foster Child
How CPS steal the childhood from the children they are claiming to protect
The Three Foster Homes That I Spent Time In.- Growing Up In Foster Care


dottydoris is a Foster Parent who found the treatment of Foster Children by the system to be unacceptable.

The System Can Be Fixed With Some Common Sense In My Opinion


earthmother is a single mother in Ontario who was recently terrorized by visits from CPS. She talks about how traumatized her daughter is from it too. Fortunately she got helpful advice from her friend @wwf which she followed and stopped them in their tracks.

Standing for Peace against CPS. PART 1
Standing for Peace Against CPS part 2
Standing for peace Against CPS part 3
Dear Avia:
98 days since the first CPS visit- Our Emotional Roller Coaster


fishyculture shares how her grandson was almost removed by CPS as a newborn because his mother did not want to take anti-depressants for post-partum depression while breastfeeding.

Protecting Children Requires Knowledge


gardenbsquared has done a 3-part interview with parents 'Jill' and 'Harold', who wish to stay anonymous, about how their children were taken from them and adopted out against their wishes.

Loving Parents Despair - Video interview with Jill and Harold who had their two children stolen by the state
Loving Parents Despair - Video interview with Jill and Harold ... Part 2
Loving Parents Despair - Video interview with Jill and Harold ... Part 3


havok777 shares how his siblings and him were taken from their schizophrenic mother as children, BUT their experiences in Foster Care were much, much worse than they were with his 'crazy' mom.

I Have A Story About Being Raised By The Ignoramus!


An American single mother who was just recently forced out of her RV and into a Homeless Shelter by CPS under the threat of having her children removed. The Steemit community rallied around her call for help, and through donations and upvotes, brought her the funds that she needed to rent her own place so that CPS would get off her back.

The fall into Homelessness
Our Homeless Experience Part 6: The Shelter, Part 1
Our Homeless Experience 7: The Homeless Shelter, Part 2


kryptocoin has been involved in helping families and friends with CPS for quite a while. Below are a couple of accounts that he has shared with us.

Martha's Case: Beware Of Court Appointed Attorneys And Weigh Your Options When Using Them!
Broken Adults: The Deeper Waters --Alice's Experience After Aging Out - Kidnapped And Trafficked Immediately

kryptocoin also shares an AMAZING story of a Foster Mother who helped her children secretly have contact with their parents, and sometimes helped them to be reunited.

I Have Met And Known A True Angel


lostinthewoods is a father in BC, Canada who spent time in foster care as a child, and had his own children removed from him as a single father. Fortunately he strategically fought the system and had his children returned home.

Just In Time For Christmas: CPS/MCFD Hits Where It Hurts
Seen And Not Heard: Family Protection Series #2


lturner shares a story how as a child she was almost taken by CPS for being considered 'truant' because she was homeschooled.

The Day The Truant Officer Knocked


Mark Whittam is the founder of @familyprotection. Those of us who were following him on Steemit saw how he was suddenly faced with CPS in Sweden threatening to snatch his child away for simply choosing to homeschool. His family fled the country before they could take her. Mark grew up in Foster Care himself and knows that there is no care in foster 'care.'

The Government Want's our Child, Which is Why We Are Going On The Run
Our Child Is Being Put On The Child Protection Services List Because We Refuse To Send Her To School....What is Freedom...Are We Free?
Keeping My Child out of Foster Care, Because I Grew up in This System That Really Doesn't Care!!
Surviving Foster Care
Growing Up in Foster Care.......... And How it Effects Your Relationships


misslasvegas is a single mother in Ireland who is documenting her ongoing harassment by CPS. Below are some of her accounts.

The dreaded day has come: Social Services are after my kids - I'm making an exit plan
Update: Standing my ground against Child Protective Services - They're showing their true colours
The child protection workers now overstep their boundaries - Again
The report for the assessment they did for my kids home education - I'm telling you: these people are nuts!
The never ending story: Merry Christmas the CPS way!
Why it has been quiet from my end. It's changed some things...

misslasvegas has siblings who were abused by the CPS system as children. Those accounts are recorded here:

The care system broke my siblings - here's their story. Part One: My father's children
The care system broke my siblings - here's their story. Part Two: my mother's child/my sister


nobutsd is an American father whose mother made false allegations against them to CPS and got custody of his children as a Foster Parent for the money. Although he admits that he did have addiction issues, he documents lies and trickery used unjustly against him and his wife.

My Children Get Taken By CPS - Volume 1
My Children Get Taken By CPS - Volume 2
My Children Get Taken By CPS - Volume 3
My Children Get Taken By CPS - Volume 4
My Children Get Taken By CPS - Volume 5


richq11 is an American grandfather who just recently fought to keep his granddaughter out of the clutches of CPS.

CPS & Me: The Crusade Hits Home
CPS & Me: The Hearing
CPS & Me: Fear
CPS & Me- Update: An Offer You Can't Refuse
CPS & Me: The End (I Hope)!!!
CPS & Me: It's Over- It's Over- It's Over... A Message Of Hope


snowpea shares how she almost lost her children when she contacted CPS and police asking for help with her ex who she feared could be putting her children in danger. Instead of helping, they turned the tables and investigated her instead.

How I Could've Lost My Kids For No Good Reason


tecnosgirl was a Foster Child who experienced a lot of difficulties and injustices while in 'care.'

Below are some of her posts.

Child in crisis CPS ~~ The good and the Bad
Why and how I ended up in State Custody
Going back into State custody for the second time
Runaway, Throw Away, Trying to protect myself when the system failed


thethreehugs documents some of her experiences as a Juvenile Detention Officer with the foster children that she encountered in her job.

Some of her posts are below:

My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children -Introduction
My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Maria
My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children - Tanisha - From The Cradle to The Grave
My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer...A series of True Stories of Abuse of Children..Rachelle's Story
My life as a Juvenile Detention Officer.."Keep em Calm - Keep em Drugged!" .. Rebecca's Story..


wwf is the natural child of Foster Parents. He describes how difficult and traumatic it is to become emotionally attached to so many new 'brothers' and 'sisters' only to see them taken away over and over. He has also counselled friends on how to deal with CPS investigations.

The Children of Foster Parents - an untold story
A letter to hold Child Protective Services accountable


I have probably missed some stories. It was a lot of work to go back and find all of these. BUT I think that it was worth it to have this quick and easy resource of true accounts which are original to Steemit, and to show just how many such sad cases there are out there. In a fairly small segment of people here on Steemit who have even heard of @familyprotection -- we have so many people who have been traumatized by so-called "Child Protective Agencies" world-wide!! The problem is a LOT bigger than people realize. I think that most of us are only starting to realize just how huge of a problem that it is.

We need to continue gathering these true experiences with CPS and Foster Care on the Steemit BLOCKCHAIN. If you have a story of your own that you haven't shared yet, please do so and tag it #familyprotection.



Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.

Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection


Thank-you @canadian-coconut for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Till the time people wont unite and make the Governments Fall, you cannot and will not be able to do anything to these "Government agencies" even for the next 100 years. we across the world lac UNITY, and thats what they have taken advantage of, Divide & Rule policy.. Divided we fall, and thats what the governments have done, divided us by religion, caste, colour, countries, false hate, etc. So that we never unite and be their puppet/slaves.


As for this child protecting agencies, we dont have this in or so called "3rd world countries" if someone ever did that, that thing will get shut within no time" No government authority has the right to kidnap kids from their parents here. No wonder many are leaving the west and getting settled in third world countries, for taxation issues and more freedom.

If you want to know the real enemy, it is the secret organizations that have hijacked the CPS and use it for abuse. It is not really the government. The government is just a hollow shell agency that is controlled by power hungry people.

Oh my gods, so many. Thank you for bringing attention to our horrible experiences. 💜

yes! And I don't think that you had any idea that @familyprotection and these stories were on Steemit at all, when somebody brought your own plight to our attention here on Steemit.
I am so glad that you got everything straightened out and managed to get CPS off you back!

Me too. And no, I had no idea your group existed, I was just looking to tell our story and get it all off my chest.

@luanne was our connecting angel, I believe.

People stepped up in sucha huge way. Thanks to Steemit I was able to pay 2 months of rent, 2 months of the electricity bill and the $400 pet deposit to bring Hiro and Ella home with us.

I couldn't have done it without this community.


What an awesome report!

Great work @canadian-coconut!

Getting all these people and their stories in one place is a real eye-opener for everyone, and to think this is just people on steemit. I can't imagine how many people in the world that have been effected by cps.

These stories are getting heard because of you, @familyprotection is succeeding in shining a light on this epidemic of abuse at the hands of government "protection" agencies.

Thank you for caring!

I agree. Amazing job @canadian-coconut.

You are so right @markwhittam, all these stories from all these people are really a huge eye-opening since I really had no idea of how terrible CPS was and what their motives were and to see so many people speak out is just heart breaking, but so glad for all these people to have the courage to speak out.

And like you said, the sad thing is that these are the people on steemit, but how many more are affected by this terrible trauma, stories that are not heard, it really, really makes me sad and mad how people can do this.

@familyprotection is changing the world, it is becoming so powerful. Without @familyprotection these families would have nowhere to turn, nowhere to go and share their stories and look for help and most of us would not know the truth about the horrific CPS. And this is just the beginning.
Thank you, thank you and thank you for your courage to create this absolutely amazing project.

This is great post. I need to bookmark this one because of a lot of values it provide to each of us. Every single post is telling a priceless story that is a must read for us to learn

Thanks for making this post @canadian-coconut that must have been lots of work going through all these posts! Thank you for mentioning me and I see that several posts of others I didnt read yet, so this post makes it easy to find them. Thank you and @markwhittam & the whole community for the support .. It feels like a warm family and everybody is so helpfull and kind. Thanks to all of you!!! <3 Lets try to make the world a better place for all the families around the world!

This is awesome, I was thinking that it would be really great if someone made a resource post with links to all of the incredible, heartbreaking, beautiful, traumatic stories that have been shared on steemit.

I'm definitely resteeming and bookmarking this for ease of access, thank you @canadian-coconut, for everything!

way to go @canadian-coconut! this is a lot of work and must have taken some time to get together. thank you! many incredible injustices and stories that need to be seen.

This warms my heart that a database library is completed. This will be a wonderful resource for folks who are going through the CPS hoops. I can see this helping families as a legal reference as well. I would encourage any cross-referencing through indexing or color coding as that will allow for this resource to be user-friendly. I would also encourage a master database of all blogs and stories submitted to @familyprotection. I recall writing a Blog on this in the Scott Campbell series about a digital library and the benefits of this a couple of months ago. Again this is exciting and thank you @canadian-coconut

I suffered mental, physical and sexual abuse in the care system in the South west. I was moved from home to home in ever increasingly violent, cut off, abusive environments. i have lived with PTSD and drug and alcohol problems as a consequence of my abuse for 40 years. I am just recovering and have only recently learned to think about those experiences due to counselling.. 40 years lost in the wilderness, scared and violent until i went to CBT therapy and giving up sunstances.
I am getting stronger everyday. Soon i will be strong enough to confront my abusers and the care system that gave me to them. Thank you for reading...

Thank-you for sharing about the abuse that you went through as a Foster Child.
If you would like to write out more detail, you could make a post and tag it #familyprotection to make sure that we see it.

Thank you. I think i will...It's a great idea and service you offer. You should be proud of yourselves.

Kudos to @theaverageman for speaking up. Boys & men are oft overlooked in the realm of trauma recovery/healing. Keep up the great work.

Thank you very much. I realize that there are many more like me, some still suffering in silence..
I am posting about my experience in @familyprotection, a great initiative on steemit..

Thank you EVERYONE for sharing your stories, and Linda for compiling them all together like this. You will never be silenced again!!