Ways to change the world conquer yourself conquer weak minded barriers and build understanding in order to take on a problem.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

So you want to change the world...


In this series I will discuss tactics, strategies, actions to use to change the world. I will also discuss barriers that get in the way and how to deal with them. I do this as a way of empowering you. I hope one day someone says I brought change after reading your article on how to change the world. Some of these things I discuss may seem odd but like I said do not do anything

This series will go into several topics including social engineering which is a science with many types of people needed to get the job done.
I find "former" criminals who have found something to live for wether it is in their live or not. My friend my right hand man was a petty criminal who gave up hia progamming to call the police on someone who had sexually assaulted a women in the states. He seen the police do nothing and he realized the authorities are rarely the one to call. Yet he would do well to understand the victories we have had online as that is content with an aversion to censorship. But his programming has left him limited he sees the world in a real world sense. Except the real world is mostly a lie as most people are not who we present ourselves to be . You don't know how powerful you can be unless you learn to use full potienal thinking with a imagination that can make things simpler.

This series will go indepth as I understand it.
First you must conquer yourself. Know your weaknesses in order to conquer them or make up or hide them. Then firgure out your strengths to build them up or solidify them so they cannot be taken from you. As power can be turned upon itself and become a weakness. An open weakness can be a strength its all about how you use it. If your enemy or target can not only dismiss you but see that others dismiss you this will give you room to operate and even in plain sight.

Like me having near zero operational budget increased my information gathering ability. I manage to track down those that have been exploited and helping them see the world for what it is. Many already knew as they were stuck in a state of homelessness and have sold everything including their bodies and encouraged those they love to do the same. These people rarely talk to you but many of these type of people seem to live a conspiracy like Evan who dreams of find his worth beyond sex and is a great artist. He says he trusts me more then anyone because he said I confirmed things he was seen but was dismissed about.
Me being poor took me places I never wanted to go but it was humbling. It actually changed the way I had planned things. I see most these poor people as the most volnurable and easily manipulated because many of them have had their lives or someone else they cared about destroyed by people they hardly met. Such as these CFS fuckers who see me act against them in ways people don't do. Most go along with what ever they say and hope the judge shows mercy. You would think a judge would like me empowering parents but most judges are corrupt or blind to actual corruption. I live in a place with the most kids in care in the western world the judges here and for quite sometime.
If I was a judge I would like to help someone like me who seemed like a struggling father who uses the internet and art to tackle corruption and stays the course despite all the difficulties of my situation. But so far all I can get locally to take action and help are either those that work in the sex trade or know someone that had or former wards of CFS and those that have had their kids taken by them.

I will give an example: my friend for a long time before I went into care had gotten in trouble with the neighborhood tough guy. This neighborhood tough guy was also my friend but he was an ego maniac. Someone elses ego mania can be a powerful ally but don't be a yes man . So long as they feel better at what ever they believe they are good at. In shanos case being a tough fighting unofficial gangster who wasn't actually in a gang but hanged around and worked with some gang members. He had a speech impediment and this made him seem stupid. Yet he was smart not a genius but smart but his speech impediment made others feel much smarter then him. People always thought they could have their way with him yet he often turned the table at the last second. His seemingly weakness, his speech made others feel so much smarter and there fore they would scam or use him thinking they were so sly and so stupid. Many thought they were going to have their way with shano and yet his weakness was his strength. His known strength was his hands and when my friend fucked shano over shano had to respond so I was worried about my friend that I knew since childhood

Don't worry I ain't gonna end my life well unless the sick fucks try and breitbart me or something. I hope to bring change to the system and the people of my city and country. I am only one man and yet I have caused a few glitches in the matrix. Some I am unaware of. I will do an article once I compile them and show which ones. Once a glitch is known action can be taken to patch it but it is important to see them as it can cause a system failure once we can maintain enough of them.

A glitch in the matrix is something that is redpilling. Something that exposes a hidden truth usually unpleasant. And yet after a while most people become blackpilled thinking they cannot take on the bad or evil that causes the world to be degenerative or downright evil. And yet we can. You can. Never say you cannot, might as well say you won't. The few reasons you should say "I can't" is if you do not want to do something or it would go against your morals or because you do not know the course but will figure it out.

You have no idea what your capable of because of the programming in you mind. We often box ourselves in and don't realize it. Telling ourselves we cannot only reaffirms our own programming. This will hold you back more then anything. So stop saying we cannot when we can even if we don't know how at the time of thinking we can't. Just remember...

Man, once monkeys (Appearently) have gotten our creations off this planet and into space. (Appearently)

Women have a profound effect on men so please ladies encourage men to be brave but also good natured. Often times I see woman encourage degenerative qualities in men and yet a woman who inspires and not scolds a man to be more then he is will often make this man more then he is. Even creating a desire could change the world without you knowing. Like if you instill a man to protect younger ones he may not allow his friend to give that nice girl meth because she isn't hooked and has her life ahead of her. If we create chains of positive actions they will multiply. Don't do things you don't feel right about.

We need to be more honest and less dismissive.
Cognitive disanance is killing humanity. Cowardice is killing humanity. We must be have an open mind to find truth. To properly make observations and discuss course of actions to take to deal with these ugly truths. We need to get good leaders ones that do not sellout their country so a few prosper. We need to focus on our own problems so we can help other places of the world. In a globalized world I am a nationalist but in a globalized world nationalism is a decentralizing of power. This may add layers
to the red tape but it could prevent a mass execution of many people.

If we let the ultra rich rule this world they will see us as useless eaters. Their is a force of wealthy super rich that look down upon the world, they want less for you and yours and more for themselves they want to take away your humanity. And they can so long as we allow and enable this. I will go into who and their control mechanisms. If you work in a place who's policies are unjust and damaging to the individual then you probably serve this force without knowing as not everyone is in the know.

But some are kept at an arms length of the truth and by thier personality flaws. Flaws make up who we are and when we overcome them we grow. Also sometimes we think we cannot bring change because the problem is far. And yet we could find those closer to the problem and may have been affected or knows and cares about those effected.

I have brought a change in thinking to people that saw themselves as career criminals and now they act of their own in what they do for OpWinnipeg. I don't know how OpWinnipeg ends but I will tell you how it began. It began with me dreaming of getting justice for the boys most never talked about. Even before having my son taken from me I had hoped that one day I could create something that would help get those forgotten boys of bonnycastle park. After seeing Brian Bowman turn bonnycastle park into a dog park. I knew I had to do something so I was already redpilled and taking actions against these super rich often downright evil.
I sometimes told myself I couldn't even as I tried.

things I helped in... I do this to show you that you can bring the change you wish to see.
I helped brexit happen by exposing/redpilled citizens in the UK about what the european union and how it's more power in less hands I did this by making art that wasn't very well made but the content was dynamic. How it was multinational companies who controlled once families owned and operated. How kids in care were being treated in the U.K. but the police wouldn't hold those acountable for terrible acts connected to the highest position of land then once people were getting restless and wanted change so the elite wanted to bring change so they used Syria as an excuse to send millions of male refugees across the globe in a fake immigration crisis that is orchestrated. The only competition the elite like is that which pits us against each other so they can get more for less at our expense. We also helped Donald Trump get elected because as much as ego-maniac as he is. Hillary was evil and kept evil company rapists to worse and she represented the controlling force and was corrupt yet protected in her corruption. To wake up the next day after brexit was a life changing and after Trump got elected I had high hopes that his ego mania would perhaps be enough to take on this force that uses children for sex as leverage to keep those that lust for children 100 percent compliant to whatever they push forward like when the european union decided to forever change its culture by bringing in mass amounts of refugees. Which also upset the gender quotas in europe which has a depressing effect. And to say anthing was considered some sort wrong think racist. But these people never asked for their lives and indeed the course of history forever changed as most shouted at those that would preserve their country and way of life.
Now I am not saying I hate immigrants but rather I see them as often being plebs because they run from their homes which are often war torn counties but I think if those corrupt in government took things to a point of civil war. I would stay and fight till we won or I died.
Syria and Lybia were done for corporate interest. They seemed like they were good leaders but they both challenged the U.S. in ways that upset the true owners (((the bankers))) of the U.S. And so the TVs at that time would chime on about the atrosities of these 2 seperate nations and their corrupt leaders. And many TV plebs believe the lies or half truths told by Western Media. Full truth and understanding is not something you will find on T.V. unless we make a real change in the world. We of the internet know we are the freepress of our time as we each choose the internet for all its B.S. because atleast its not entirely controlled yet.
If we could get a great leader who didn't like the corporate entities controlling us. But its worse then that as their are groups of people that seek to control what we think and know by controlling what we read hear and can say despite the fact that what they would have us think is not factually correct and more misinformation and misdirection is often used to get us on a side and keep us locked in to a lie they keep telling. Which they would have to keep re-telling the lies that if exposed would be potientally damaging to those that perpetuate the lie. So without truth we could live what ever lies they told us rather then having enough truth and desire for real knowledge that could be used to find meaningful solutions outside of the official agenda. But we must not allow ourselves to be decieved if you think I simply make up the posts as what I have posted here is stranger then most movies. We need monetization of good human interaction and action that empowers those who are having their rights taken away.

Or laws and directives or policies that are no good to the whole of the nation. Like the combination of taking kids away from parents and not informing the public on so many issues that leave most people misinformed. Being misinformed can be worst of all sometimes such as the spread of the bloods and crips in Canada which has permiated society. The bloods and the crips grew out of the black panther movement which was a problem for the owners of the U.S. as many were not with the war and they were not only thinking for themselves perhaps on a self desructive path at times yet they were rarely killing each other so the fbi developed co-intel programs to cause a divide and all it would have taken was to inform the natives that were susceptable to influence after having generations stolen by the government. And the continued things that were done to them by those in government. To them all they see was the white faces that abused and opressed them in the worst ways or watched over them in suffering and not helping and so they grew resentful against many whites unless you were respectful or understanding but what the failed to understand at that time is their is controlling forces that run such terrible acts as a way to destablize the home this force is one of mostly scientifict nature meaning it is always learning collectively and yet it is not yet centralized. They worked together sometimes and conquer eachother other times. They understood human manipulation as it has always allowed these people to wear a cloak to their true self. Like Kenneth Anderson who wears the cloak of good police officer who once you were alone if you were a troublesome boy and he was arresting you he would do things to you and suddenly you would go from a careless kid who gets into trouble to a kid with a ugly secret that you want to forget.

Or pushing carbon credits on citizens despite the fact their are better solutions then taking from ordinary citizens. Leadership all over the world is controlled by huge corporate interests and personal interest of groups of people. They have most the money yet if you live in a free country we the people have power to not only vote but work to create change. Even those we see as enemies or simply disagree with.
Carbon credits seem to have done some good as I seen a device that creates fuel from pollution in the air. This is good innovation and it could be better empowered other then taxing the nation as we need to move away from the central bankers who own our money creating it for us which we have to pay back at interest. Those that designed paper issued money to represent amout of gold have always manipulated things to work for their favour for the cost was always easy to pay because they controlled the desired currency. So what is money... money is the ability to exchange more easily for a bread maker may need iron work done and yet the iron workers wife bakes homemade bread.

Whatever we the people choose to trade amongst each other is currency also as long as its not easily replicated then you can have stablity. I think we as a global world need to find better banking solutions to rid ourselves of the rothschild owned and those that would allow an evil family to own anything in our country. These families have a history of making fortune out of misfortune at a grand scale. And they often cheat and sell out those they work for.
Do the slavemasons feel free... The may have what looks like freewill but they have allowed themselves to go against a healthy future because they are indoctrinated as many have as humanity has been divided not by our differences but on mostly our narrow minded lack of understanding. Understanding is what makes our differences bring us together to see good ideas flourish and develop common ground as much of humanity has been decieved about so much. Poverty is a lie we could end poverty in a short amount of time is we all update our way of thinking. Once we declare ourselves not all powerful and knowing but willing to learn and understand and to truly grasp this can give you powers you weren't aware you had. Like an older kingdom getting subverted by banksters who after making the king felt all powerful until the king felt like he would gain more by engaging in usury by allowing these banksters to print money so there fore be able to make forgies and control that which the people use as trade which is used to feed and clothe themselves. To control this very aspect is a sinister gain as it gives the riegns of power over the desires of the wants and needs of a nation. This type of thing should not be managed for private profit these families see us as unruly ants they seek to take away our free will as they only pretend to have it I suspect.

I never thought I would be an artist till I seen the power of memes many Winnipeg artists would be better at this then me. If a picture can speak 1000 words it can shatter 1000 lies.

So what do you create does it help empower people by increasing wisdom and desire for knowledge and promoting understanding?

I never considered myself a writer but here I am writting so many of these articles to help shed some light on these issues that are often just out of sight and there fore hidden till its in your face as problems left unchecked can grow into serious business.

I am a creative enemy thats my biggest skill that I bring to the table in my internet activism. I think ouside the box. I am intelligent enough to understand that I am always learning yet I am selfless which is a useful quality that can have some consequences. I cannot stop as no one seems keen on exposing what happens to kids in care in my city. Even the advocates of Winnipeg do very little to hold those that have abused peoples human rights accountable. And even if someone loses their job for misconduct what does this do. We must work to let these people know that everytime you allow an inhumane policy to bind our hands and you go along with it, it slowly bleeds away our humanity. If this is fermented with the right propaganda this can turn you into a inhumane person. A inhumane person often needs reassurance and a comfy white lies to let themselves feel like they are good by focusing on the good parts they like to forget the bad and hope to not be remembered as being part of that. I will give an explanation : Most CFS workers think that residental schools were an evil and cold part of canadian history. And yet see themselves as completely different from that even though most kids in CFS are native and little is done to keep the family together and keep those bonds strong little is done to correct the behaviors in a way that is non judgemental while keeping your judgement in check with understanding that may have or may have not waranted a government employee coming into your home.

Also understanding is not acceptance. You can know you will never accept something but still try to understand it just avoid the lore as you yourself as an invidual are not limited by other peoples perception. To properly defeat an enemy or idea you must understand it enough to know what people tell themselves as they live their life and facts does the enemy or people holding opposing idea.

To those that work in CFS you are not my main target but you have allowed inhumane policies to be used for so long. Those that have worked constantly dismiss the false truth as they pretend to care or be sympathetic. You look after children from terrible homes that have faced things not human should face especially a child. I understand that CFS is a need in Winnipeg but it must be based on truth not suspicion. Otherwise you end up being a child trafficking organization rather then an organization that is damaging to those children and families of that child. To grow up without family love and connections are hard but to allow these children to work at workmates for 1 or 2 dollars an hour with strangers with authority over you makes a resentment of authority also its damages the childs future in ways that will follow these children for live.
Many CFS workers both the in the admin and the frontline dedicated babysitters. Are some what of good people at heart my biggest problem with the system is the cognitive disonance of those that work in the field those that close their eyes to the states of kids in care in Manitoba. Even to those that worked my case and did me wrong I don't hate you. I am the anti you until you are properly woke and more so then knowing the media lies cause its much more the media who lies. We lies first to ourselves then outward. I hope that one day a CFS worker uses his right to record injustice done by someone the system deems more trust worthy amd of higher stature. I hope through our collective efforts that the boys that have became indoctrinated into the sex trade as wards of CFS are compensated for not only the abuse and dehumanizing they faced as wards but also they attemped cover up and cowardice of this city to keep such ugly truths hidden out of sight and out of mind. Shame on those police that failed to go after the pedophiles that preyed on those boys and allowed themselves to be part of a cover up of crimes against children. Many of these boys had terrible things done to them those that became indoctrinated were rewarded in odd ways such as becoming part of meth dealing network that isn't persued by the law in the same way as other criminal organization. Because those that run that gay mafia have dirt on those in position of powers. Ultimately this is a situation where cultures fail to police each other. Like how most of the gay community in Winnipeg knew about the bonnycastle boys yet even those who shunned those that bought those children that were taken away from those who wouldn't let that happen to them and would take action or speak up about it. But its always easier to look at a different group then and think of how they are shit but in many cases we are the same with the same problems which are caused by the same things cowardice and lack of understanding.

This series sometimes may babble on but I am trying to put as much as myself and what made me level up so fast.

I often minimalize my abilities and education not to put myself down but to encourage you to do more.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Nice, beautiful and informative. Keep sharing, great work!