Guardian Ad Litem Part 2


Guardian Ad Litem Part 2

On Monday I told you who they are and they are apart of the family court system.
Today I want to give you insight on why you should NOT trust them.

As I already told you their recommendation carries more weight than anyone else in the courtroom and yet they are not being paid and carry no degrees.

So why should you not trust them?
Case #1
In this article they are accusing the G.A.L. of being bias. They also claim that they were using their power to further their personal agenda. Other claims is they refused to look at all the evidence before making a recommendation. Claiming the office is corrupt.

Case #2
This is a report about a court that questioned the agency and claimed it was pervasive and egregious. This is also a video report so you can watch it or read it.

These are just 2 of the hundreds of cases where the motives behind a G.A.L. has been placed in question.
The issues are:

  1. Not having an agency like this to speak up for the child.
  2. What really motivates the G.A.L.

Now I know many that do it because they love the children and this is the ONLY reason one should ever consider doing this. You spend your time, money, and many many hours researching the family history, talking to everyone involved all to go back and tell the judge what you think should happen with the child. It is a huge toll to place on anyone and to do it all and never get paid. For the ones that do this for the love of the children they should be honored and applauded.

However there are MANY that do this for the wrong reasons. And you will never know until you go into the court room and what they recommend is not what you were told.
You see while they are talking to you, you do not see them as a threat so you open up to them. You tell them way too much information and you think you are getting them on your side.
When in reality they will lie to you and tell you that they are going to tell the judge one thing when they do the opposite. This is all al ploy to get you to tell them everything.

You see a G.A.L. sometimes uses their position to add it to their resume. They can be tempted with bribes and threats. After all they are people, and many accept them as shown in the first case this was not uncommon.
And just because you have net heard about it where you live that does not means it is not going on. It only means they have not been caught.

It is one thing when you are dealing with a curropt agency and another when you are dealing with a single person that is using their power to further their personal agenda. These are very hard to know the difference and their opinion matters the most.
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I personally have had experience with G.A.L.

  1. When I was a foster child I had an attorney which after a few years he decided that he wanted to become a judge but he still wanted me in his life. He was my only consistent throughout my whole teenage life in foster care. So he became my G.A.L. I never had one before him. And I went to live with him and his wife. I was only there for a little over a month but during that time I spent my time helping him with his campain to become a judge. He won and recently retired.
  2. I myself was a G.A.L. for over a year before I became a foster parent. I had to give it up along with my home day care in order to be a foster parent. But I helped with 3 different families.

So in conclusion I can say that there are people within the G.A.L. program that do good. But you must be very careful as many are there to only benefit themselves and at the cost of your children. You can never know what their experiences are or their true motives. there have been cases that the G.A.L. has been related to the foster parents and the foster parents wanted to adopt the children. There have been cases where the G.A.L. has used their position to get a business deal with the other party in the case.
The idea of having a third party in the room to speak out for the child is a great idea. However the program needs to be redone and required the G.A.L. to have some kind of background in child psychology. They require this type of training for people to work in a child day care so they do understand why it is important. So why is it a young adult with no history dealing with children can be a voice for another child in a court of law. And this court of law decides the fate of the child?
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As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

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I would never think your comments to be spam or a scam. I appreciate that you take notice of my posts. And there is no question in my mind the reasons you have chosen to do this. I fully support it and will back it up. The fact that you even have to add this statement is sad. But I understand why you did. I wish people would keep their negative comments off my blog.

I had not heard of a Guardian Ad Litem before.
I just did a tiny bit of research and see that they do not exist in my province, but they do in others. So it is probably implemented in some States and not others as well.

What my good friend Anna told me (whose story I shared on Steemit) is that her daughter was assigned a lawyer. When she heard her daughter look up to her own lawyer and say that she wanted to go home to her mother, the lawyer condescendingly told the child, "Don't worry. We are going to do what is best for you."
The child's own lawyer never actually listened to her wishes.

I am now wondering if a parent can pay for and choose the child's own lawyer to increase the likelihood of an unbiased lawyer.

This is a great question you asked if a child can have their own lawyer. I know they can if they have a criminal charge, but I am not so sure when it comes to family court.

In BC, Canada children DO get their own lawyer. Although the small article I read seemed to indicate that not all children get one becaude of lack of funding. In Anna's experience, the assigned lawyer worked WITH the Social Services/CPS system. If the parents can choose their own lawyer, and if the lawyer acting as a Guardian ad Litem really has a lot of pull with the Judge, than maybe @familyprotection funds would be better served in helping parents hire a lawyer for their child, moreso than a lawyer for themselves.
And maybe we could help supplement the costs of good people who are Guardian Ad Litems in Provinces/States that do it that way, so that they can afford to give their time to this cause.

... anyways, you have got my brain juices flowing. Thanks!

that is an awesome idea. I can say that my attorney once he became my G.A.L. things between us changed. I was very lucky to have him on my side, as many children are not so lucky.

My daughter is in a custody battle right now and we have a GAL, he is an attorney, for her two children that is so biased he is unprofessional. He never researched or documented my daughters family only taking into account what her ex husband and wife story which is fabricated or blown out of proportion. I can't go into details, but if he keeps on abusing his power with the judge I will have to sue him for harassment and unprofessional conduct.

I hate to tell you that you can not sue him. He is protected. However you can file a complaint against him with the G.A.L. office. It will not guarantee that anything will be done but, this is your only course of action you can take against him.

Our family has a custody situation and the first gal assigned was amazing. The other side thought she was bias so now there has been a new Gal assigned and his ways are totally different and he wont talk about anything with our side cept a one on one with the child and getting answers to questions for the other sides concerns .... the system sure puts the child thru more then it should . Very sad.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

thank you

You are most welcome

I appreciate your writing . I like it . Best of luck .

Likewise, finally we do not know what the intentions of these people really are, and it is a pity those who use the children for their benefit.

There must be other motivations apart from placing them in the curriculum, although I would say that these people who are dedicated to doing evil on many occasions must have some psychological pathologies, apparently do not feel remorse