How I Became A Foster Child

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

I want to start this off by saying that I did a video on this 2 months ago. And last weekend I noticed that video along with a few others have vanished off of DTube. So now I will write these down instead of doing videos.

I was searching around in a box of old photos I got when my step-mother died and I came across this photo of me when I was around 12 years old. This is one of the last photos I have of me being happy before I was taken away from my family. The next picture I have I was almost 18. I will show you more photos as I continue to tell you my story.


I had an experience with CPS when I was real young I believe I was between 3-4 years old. I am still waiting on further details on this since I was so young I do not remember it so clearly. When I get those details, I will tell you about that story. But this story I am telling you happened when I was 12 years old.

It was my 8th grade year. Which was the last year I attended a regular school. One day I had an argument with my father before I went to school and this one got out of hand. I was 12 years old and getting mouthy. So, my father smacked me on the mouth and I went into the bathroom and did my makeup for that day. I was still learning how to apply foundation, and I did not like the way it came out, so I tried to take it off and reapply it. By doing this I left a huge red mark on my forehead. I had no choice other than to go to school with this poorly covered up red marked face and a busted lip. When I arrived at school no one said a word to me about the state of my face. A few hours into school I was called to the principal’s office. There I was meet by a CPS case worker and a police officer. They did not talk to me at the school. Instead they took me to the police station where I was questioned and held for the remainder of the day. I was given nothing to eat all day and only 1 glass of water. There they told me that my father had done horrible things to me. Which he had not. They told me that they were being told that they have others saying my father was abusing me. My father loved me, and I insisted that he never abused me. After a few hours they kept telling me things like they did not believe what I was saying, “Why was I trying to protect him?” “He would never hurt me again.” “I was safe now.” This went on for some time. Than they told me that if I talked to them, they would take me home. After trying to tell them the truth all day I thought they wanted me to tell them what they believed to be the truth and they said they would take me home. So, I told them that my father abused me. I told them what I thought they wanted to hear.

This was the worse mistake of my life and the single act that tore my family apart. The glee they had when I “finally confided in them” was like watching a flip being switched. By this time, it was already dark outside, and I was moved from the police station to another office where I was given something to eat. I think it was a cheese sandwich. There I sat for a few more hours. I kept asking them when I was going home and at one point they told me they were trying to find me a home. This is the moment I realized I was not going home. They put me in a foster home that night and I remember the bedroom there was nowhere to walk as there were a few bunk-beds in it and other bedrooms with other children. This was my worse nightmare.

The next time I saw my father was in court. I was not allowed to go near him. This was also the day that I meet my attorney. This attorney was the only person that stayed in my life for me the rest of my childhood. He later became my G.A.L. When I heard the claims against my father in the courtroom I tried to recant, and they would not let me talk. Than I tried to tell my attorney the truth and he said there was nothing he could do at that point. It took some time but the initial charges against my father were dropped. CPS was not done with us though. They claimed that I was disturbed as who could say such horrible things against their own father when they were untrue. And they got my father to enter in a case of CINFINS. Which stands for Child In Need of Services Family In Need of Services.

I tell you this because this was a common way to keep a child in foster care when they did not have any real reasons of abuse. This was a huge mistake on our part as this kept our case plan open indefinitely. Under this case plan I was never allowed to go back home. For the rest of my childhood I stayed in a few foster homes but the most of my time I was a runaway. I spent time in a few Mental Hospitals, and Juvenile Detention, and a few different Group Homes and a Shelter for teens. I will tell you about these places in future posts. This post I wanted to tell you what brought me to foster care and how my story began.

This was the start of a lifetime dealing with CPS. I have been a foster child, G.A.L., Day Care Worker, Ran my home day care, and a Foster Parent. I have also had CPS called on my for my own children a few times.

As I stated before this some of this was talked about in my videos, but those videos are now gone. So, I will put them into blogs so they will be here for whenever anyone needs them.
This is just the beginning of my story and the information that I have. If you wish to hear more please consider following. And upvoting and resteem this. The more people that know about the ways CPS uses to steal children the less likely they are to get away with it. And one day we will be strong enough to put a stop to their tyranny.
As I fully support the #familyprotection movement 25% of ALL the SBD generated for this post will be transferred to #familyprotection.
As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

Thank-you @curlfamilyvlog for supporting our community.

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What they put you and your family through was horrific and indecent. The way they manipulate children and cause them to lie on their parents is just outrageous. How they try to get you to confide in them and trust them just to turn you over to an unfit living situation is a nightmare.

I am sorry you had to live through such experiences but I am so glad you are alive and well today and able to share your story with us. It really does need to be heard and others need to be aware of their tactics so they will be prepared not to fall for them. Thank you for being so open and brave to share these things with us. 💜

The only thing that got me through was the feeling and hope that someday it would all be for a reason. I am healing while I tell my story and my hope is that it will in turn help someone else. And this information will be there for when someone needs it.

That’s amazing and I couldn’t agree more. Everything happens for a reason and as you are getting healing someone will be getting help through your testimonies~

Hey interesting that you've written about it, I should investigate more about CPS, lately I've seen many publications about it. You had it difficult, friend. Thank you very much for sharing.

Thank you for your comment. CPS is a very evil corporation and they need to be stopped.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection

Thank you

You are welcome!

I have read your previous publications but, this impressed me a little and especially because many believe that they will only hit us once, I know that in many opportunities we apologize for the fact that there is something in between, but it is not right. For some reason I can not upload videos to dtube either, I do not know what is happening but, I hope you can see my latest publication, I did it thinking about tools to all who are in this cause to help.

apparently videos are deleted after so long.

I read your intro post. You have courage to speak openly about your past. May God Bless you in your efforts to help other children. I have upvoted, reposted, and followed.

thank you. I was once told I could write a book about my life. I feel this is a start.

incredible story, I am moved. I have written in response to this because of my desire to adopt and personal recommendations so that those like me who adopt know before the story of the child they adopt. Thank you for sharing a look at my publication

Thank you for your reply. I read your post and added a more in-depth comment to your post.

Thank you for taking the time to put this i writing, I was sad to hear that you had lost your videos and for reason I think it's important that this story didn't disappear from the familyprotection archive.

What you went though was horrible and it's proof that they put pressure on children to say what they want to hear and that they look for any little reason to separate families and brake them down.

Thank you @curlfamilyvlog for continuing to open people's eyes to how messed up the system really is.


I was rather upset that my videos are gone.