Don't call CPS!

in #familyprotection6 years ago

What are your rights?
Is your child your child?
Does anyone have the right to judge your life?
Does anyone have the right to tell you what is right or what is wrong?
Does anyone have the right to take your child?
Please don't call CPS!

They say we should send our kids to school,
Not home school, state school.
Even though state education is abhorant,
Designed to turn your child into a drone.
Dont think, just stop asking questions and repeat.
Please don't call CPS!

They say we should keep our house tidy and clean,
At all times.
And if you dont, they will come knocking at your door.
Not to help you cope,
Not to give you support,
But to criticise and harrass you,
To make you feel worse,
To judge you for being poor,
To berate you for having bad luck.
Please don't call CPS!

If they cared they would help,
Truly help.
If they cared they would come,
With cleaners and cooks,
And try to improve.
They are not a service,
They are a business.
Please never call CPS!

What if the money spent on CPS was used to help?
What if their time was spent assisting people who cannot cope?
What if they helped you pick the pieces up?
What if they actually cared and dared to find the truth?
Please never call CPS!

To them its just a job,
Another child, another statistic,
Another child, another removal,
Another child, to damage for life,
Please never call CPS!

How can one person decide,
On a whim,
Whether you are worthy of your birth right?
How can one person,
With no training, no skills, no empathy or love,
Be empowered to break the most important bond we have?
How was this allowed to happen?
How IS this allowed to continue?
Please never call CPS!

We must claim our rights, with all our might,
We must support each other and stand up, rise up,
We must not be scared to say NO,
We must not be intimidated,
We must be fearless and calm,
We must be strong to know that together we can prevent,
The greatest injustice a parent can endure.
Please never call CPS!

If I had a hundred soldiers,
I would march them not to war,
but to help, and to give support.
Protection means to preserve civil liberties and rights,
How dare they call themselves Child Protection Service?
When protect is the furtherst and last thing they do.
Please never call CPS!

If you ever see a parent struggling to cope,
Never call CPS, don't even think of it,
Instead just give some help, however small.
Even a smile or a word of encouragement can change someones day.
When someone is not able to cope, that is our time to help,
Not to judge, and certainly not to call,

Help don't judge.
Give and forgive.
We are all human,
Let's Be humane.
Who didn't have a bad day,
A bad week,
A tough life?
Who didn't need help sometimes?
Please never call CPS!

If you are ever visited by CPS please remeber the golden rules:

#1: Do NOT defend yourself!

Breathe. Be calm… and be quiet!

Don’t show your anger or anxiety and, no matter how hard it is, DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF! The more you say, the more they know! Do NOT volunteer information for any reason. I understand the urge to be cooperative but you could just be making things worse for yourself later.

#2: Do NOT let them in the house!

It's true! Unless they have a warrant and/or there is an obvious emergency, they cannot force themselves into your home. Even if a police officer is present, they can only enter your home if you consent, if they have a warrant OR if they hear an emergency situation going on.

Do NOT consent to let CPS in your home!

If you do let them inside, you can ask them to stop or leave at any time. Unless they obtain a warrant, they are just like anyone else visiting your home. You have the right to make them leave at any time.

#3: Do NOT forget to ask these important questions – and record the answers!

  1. Can I see your ID?
  2. What is the name and phone number of your supervisor?
  3. What are the exact allegations that have been made against me?
  4. Do you have a warrant to search my home or speak to my children?

#4 – Do NOT assume they have a court order – or even enough evidence to get one.

They cannot come in your home without a court order unless they witness an emergency taking place.

They cannot take your children away without a court order except in exigent circumstances, and even then a court order is required before CPS can legally remove a child from your home without your consent. Exigent means that an emergency is actively taking place and action must be taken immediately.


Thank-you @eco-alex for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

(If you feel that our community has brought more rewards and attention to this post, please consider contributing a portion of those rewards back to our cause.)

Mom's the word
Great advice Alex!
"Anything you say can and will be used against you.

Well said and beautifully written. I appreciate your sentiment mood. Don't call the CPS. Thanks for sharing. @eco-alex

Thank u, i appreciate your support!

Really nice post that's for explaining things in such an ingaging way! I'd like to invite you to a political party im forming I was wondering if you would like to take part and express your views:

The excellent advice given in this article could really be extended to all sorts of Government institutions. The best bet is to avoid having anything to do with it, or any central authority.

"The plot has been lost", and any sort of faith in ANY government institution is likely misplaced. We are in many of the predicaments we are in because "trust the Government." The time for that is long past. Their healthcare destroys health, their education destroys learning, their taxation is unfair, and their policing plays favourites in all sorts of way.

Be self sufficient, take care of yourself and yours, and never, ever willingly involve the Government in anything.

Very nicely said! YES!

Well said. Unfortunately, the people keep allowing the government institutions reach into their personal lives to grow tighter, later wondering why they are struggling for breath.

Very well said @eco-alex, not enough can be said about this, it is so important to get this message out there. I love this call to action xx

We must claim our rights, with all our might,
We must support each other and stand up, rise up,
We must not be scared to say NO,
We must not be intimidated,
We must be fearless and calm,
We must be strong to know that together we can prevent,
The greatest injustice a parent can endure.
Please never call CPS!

thank u ! happy to have your support.. and yes what a call to (not) action huh!.

yes indeed a call for empowerment for us and disempowerment for CPS x

Thank-you for sharing this @eco-alex and for resteeming it @familyprotection 💛🌹💛

The more times we see these steps and harness our authority the safer our children will be. It is my worst nightmare to think cps could ever be involved with me and my family. The only time they were ever called was when my kids were babies and we were integrating a step-family my step-daughter was 14 and in very troubling times. I was at my witts end, very young and totally naive. I sought help through my step-daughters school. Our whole family went into a councellors office. We all wanted a better situation. The councellor heard our story. Threw her arms up! Told us she could not help us. That she'd have to report us to cps. It was on that drive home after 'councelling' I made a shift in my thinking. No one could help. I had to do it alone. It was gripping reality. So sad and isolating. Thank-heavens cps did not visit our home. Without the resources i have now i would have played hook, line and sinker into their games. Who knows the disaster that could have ensued. Gladly, but with plenty of struggle and uncertainty along the way, my step-daughter is well on her way in a good life. My kids (now 13 & 15) are almost there. Being on social assistance, newly separated and a home school mom I pray every day that they stay away. I have educated my son what to not do if they were to ever show up when I am not home. Peace & Gratitude for the good work of @familyprotection 💛🌹💛

Wow this is very helpful post for us..
I always appreciate your all Post..
Please carry on your providing kind information..
Thank you very much...

Thank you for sharing, it’s disgraceful how the CPN think they have the right to come to people homes and take their children. If this was any other person doing this they would be sent to jail!

quite true! my wife was in disbelief today when i explained how often children are removed without a warrant.. She was like.. THAT IS KIDNAPPING!!! i said.. exactly!!!

The only thing i could think of is to shoot them and prevent children form getting hurt form these psychopaths !!!