Lithuanian Family Protection: a horrendous international case - please sign this petition

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Lithuanian (former) MP and judge Neringa Venckienė


In 2012, the case of a Lithuanian girl who had been abused from four years old by her mother (not the woman pictured above, who is the girl's protective aunt) and a group of high-level Lithuanians in politics and the judiciary hit the headlines. The girl's evidence was upheld but to the horror of her family and the general public she was forced back to live with her abusers.

Persecution of the branch of the family who was campaigning for her safety grew so serious that some fled to safety in the US. And the case has now hit the international headlines.

Two days ago, Karolis, the son of Lithuanian judge Narinka Venckienė, posted on Youtube an appeal for the world to help his family. Warning: this video contains disturbing scenes of a child disclosing abuse, a murder victim, and of 240 special forces officers descending on a peaceful community to tear a little girl away from her protectors.

Please sign Karolis' petition to Donald Trump: his mother is being hunted down by the Lithuanian government for protecting her niece against high-level paedophile rings.

Karolis and his mum Neringa have been seeking asylum in the US since 2013. They were waiting in Chicago for their case to be heard. But the Lithuanian government, apparently run by these criminals, is hunting them down. And his mum has been incarcerated in Chicago's Federal Prison on cooked-up extradition charges.

In 2008, Neringa's niece Diamante, disclosed to her father, Neringa's brother, that when she visited her mother, she and another girl were being pimped out to pedophiles in the Lithuanian government and judicidary. This was investigated and found to be true.

After Diamante's father was killed, Neringa managed to get custody of Diamante and has done her best to protect the little girl. But the Lithuanian government sent 240 police officers into their village to abduct her and take back to her mother, her abuser.

Neringa has been speaking out loudly about corruption and the infiltration of the Lithuanian government and judiciary. The Lithuanian people have rallied behind her. Her popularity has grown so she and her family have been constantly and cruelly targeted.

10 murders surround this case already.

This supporters' blog, in English, was started in 2012 to detail the case. From 2012 it reads:

Vilnius is known as the "paedophiles' capital", and Lithuania as the "paedophile paradise"...."They" murdered a lot of witnesses and people fighting for justice. We will never give up! We know the following:

Lithuania is in a deep social, political and moral crisis;

An English-language summary of the case can be found here

The justice system is used to destroy anyone, who tries to fight back, not to punish the criminals; both government and the Security Service (and down on the pyramid of power) people are actively or passively involved in the abuse of children and/or the cover up.

Pedophiles have one obsession: power. This is why they are often found in powerful positions, from where they can get access to vulnerable children (typically from single-parent families, orphanages etc. where children are exposed and unprotected) again to feel powerful.

Drasius Kedys, Deimante Kedyte and Neringa Venckiene are telling the truth - Drasius Kedys was murdered.

The only way forward is a complete change of government and the people in the administration.

Please, everybody @familyprotection, do what you can and share this video for the sake of our collective future. Thank you.

50% of all earnings from this post to go to @familyprotection.


There is a lot of information that we do not know, there are thousands of cases plagued by irregularities and above all thanks for placing the petition

There's so much, isn't there? It can get overwhelming sometimes but exposing it does help. Thanks for your comment :)