United States Family Courts and Witch Hunts, What's the Difference? Not much.

in #familyprotection6 years ago

What if you were being sued for everything
you hold dear to you but justice could cost you
everything you hold dear to you?

It’s kinda like those witch trials back in the old days.
If you float, you’re a witch and if you sink,
you drown but “Hooray!”, you’re not a witch.

Either way, you’re screwed.

There is a holocaust going on right now in the United States of
destroying broken, vulnerable and unsuspecting families.

Today the American family blindly utilizes the Family Courts...

...seeking a resolution to their disputes.
However, that is very different from
what they actually receive.
They naively walk into a burning hell and
literally lose everything they value.

American Family Courts are torturing
family members comparatively to a witch burning.

or unsuspecting Jewish people to a concentration camp

The meaning of holocaust is to offer a
burnt sacrifice
to God.
The Jewish people used this word because of the burning of the bodies.

In the United States today there are devestated parents
committing suicide and/or experiencing a walking death,

consumed with the fires of a living hell...enduring only because
of the possibility of reuniting with their cherished children.
In her 2013 book, The Dark Side of Christianity,
Helen Ellerbe, a researcher, writer and public speaker on topics
concerning families accused of witchcraft and their subsequent treatment tells us,
"The horror of the witch hunts knew no bounds. The Church had never treated the children of persecuted parents with compassion, but its treatment of witches' children was particularly brutal. Children were liable to be prosecuted and tortured for witchcraft: girls, once they were nine and a half, and boys, once they were ten and a half. Younger children were tortured in order to elicit testimony that could be used against their parents. Even the testimony of two-year-old children was considered valid in cases of witchcraft though such testimony was never admissible in other types of trials. A famous French magistrate was known to have regretted his leniency when, instead of having young children accused of witchcraft burned, he had only sentenced them to be flogged while they watched their parents burn."

Children today in the Family Court system are treated in basically the same manner,
pitted against family, tortured through familial separation,
manipulation by the adults around them,
and forced to watch as their family falls apart.

But, then again, the entire family suffers during the Family Court process.
According to Sian Balmer, Mandy Matthewson, Janet Haines in their Scholarly piece,
Parental Alienation: Targeted Parent Perspective
we know that the courts’ resulting decisions creates
"…high levels of depression and anxiety…" for the parents.

In addition, “the targeted parent's feelings of
uncontrollability and psychological maladjustment”
is experienced as a zombie-like, walking death.

Normally “targeted parents feel their wellbeing is significantly threatened
by their exposure to the parental alienation tactics.”
This can be compared to the trauma of being stalked while having no protection.

A parent “experience(s) psychological distress as a result of being alienated from their children.” Parents report feeling suicidal and caught in a state of limbo, unable to move forward or grieve, a living hell. Finally, the targeted parent reports “feeling despair, frustration, and isolation” as concluded by Say-lyn Lee Maturana, Mandy Matthewson, Corinna Dwan, Kimberley Norms in Characteristics and experiences of Targeted Parents of Parental Alienation from their own perspective: A systematic literature review.

Children caught up in their parent’s conflict report, “a history of domestic violence or child abuse“ and intensive “psychological maltreatment.” As stated in Amy J L Baker Ph D.. Mariann Asayan B. A., Alianna La Cheen-Baker L. P. N.’s Best Interest of the Child and Parental Alienation: A Survey of Statues.

Shown in a study conducted in August 2017 “Results showed that severely alienated children engaged in a high level of splitting”(An Objective Measure of Splitting in Parental Alienation: The Parental Acceptance_Rejection Questionnaire, William Bernet M.D., Nilgun Gregory Ph. D. Kathleen M. Reay Ph. D., Ronald P. Rohner Ph. D.) The defense mechanism “splitting” is a characteristic of Borderline Personality Disorder. A world of color no longer exists for these victims. Only black and white is seen through their windows, only seeing themselves in good or bad terms and everything is right or wrong.

(Splitting and Borderline Personality Disorder: A defense mechanism where everything is right or wrong, Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault,P, Spet. 21, 2018)

For these children, splitting is what we see in those who are stormy, impulsive and intense in their relationships. These kids have anger issues, violent outbursts and extreme attempts to avoid abandonment. In addition they might engage in self-harming behaviors, substance abuse, or impulsive behaviors, extreme depression and irritability. Dissociation, suicidal thoughts, and amnesia are not uncommon.

The rulings and orchestrations of the Family Court Judges
are consciously and intentionally perpetuating the
burning, torture and destruction of the American family.
What a great opportunity for the mental health system!

The system's motive is a popular one.


Dr. Drew Talks Divorce Industry Problems

There is much money to be gained in the fear and devastation while the fires rage on.

In addition, the children are being used as
pawns by the courts to extract more and
more money from the families.

The burnings of “witches” and destruction of the Jewish people was purely motivated by financial gain, not unlike today’s Family Courts.

With that in mind let’s look at the writing, Piecing Together Perspectives on Witch Hunting: A Review of Literature” by the Partners for Law in Development which tells us that in the history of witch hunting “…the witch hunts were related to changes in women’s land rights, and greater authority and ownership being given to women…”

The danger for women is further perpetuated when “dependence on agriculture, especially for survival, so lands become something that is contested over – more so when it is a woman who exercises traditional rights on family land to survive and thus incurs the wrath of her in laws or brothers”.

In addition, “the right of a widow to husband’s property is null in tribal law if husband’s family can prove that she is a witch.” The text continues to explain that money was gained through selling of dismembered body parts of the surviving children. The point of all this is that there was much financial gain in pretending that a person is a witch. It is important to mention here that, although in lesser numbers, this phenomena also affected men therefore they were not immune.

Similar to the financial gain from witch hunting we see in the United States Family Courts.

Timothy M. Houchin, MD, John Ranseen, PhD, Phillip A. K. Hash, DO, PhD, and Daniel J. Bartnicki, JD tells us in The Parental Alienation Debate Belongs in the Courtroom, Not in DSM-5 2013 “One has to wonder if some of the interest on the part of mental health practitioners supporting the inclusion of PAS or PAD in DSM-5 has more to do with economic self-interest than with any belief that it would lead to improved clinical practice.”

“At its worst, it lines the pockets of both attorneys and expert witnesses by increasing the number of billable hours in a given case.”

At the NAPA Family Court website (www.napafamilycourt.com) they report,
“Family court uses children as leverage for profit and how the system has become a $50 billion-a-year industry."

One of the many issues they are addressing is
“Courts overbooking court rooms and allowing lawyers to charge clients while they wait for hours, often to be rescheduled by the court.“

In the following video whistleblower, Carol Rhodes, former FOC enforcement officer and author of FOC Enemy of the Family gives numerous testimonies, not limited to, that “…family courts are cloaked in secrecy: they are held without jury trials, little is recorded of the proceedings, and many issue orders against discussing the terms of the case in public…” then continues with “The result is the corruption of the judiciary.”

If you were being sued for everything
you hold dear to you but justice could cost you
everything you hold dear you would feel like
you are the victim of a witch hunt or
an unsuspecting WWII Nazi victim going off to camp.

We know today that most of the accused witches were
just families, men, women, children
who might bring profit to those who want what they have.

Don’t go to Family Court and give them your money.
Regardless of what the judge rules, you’re screwed.

The holocaust,
now continuing in the United States of America is
burning alive broken, vulnerable and
unsuspecting families.

This needs to stop!

There are many alternative options for mediation in existence.

Demand real justice!

Boycott the Family Courts and
insist on an honorable option!

Only Family Court wins at Family Court.

Wake up, Americans!

Open your eyes and see that the Family Court is a
department store of managing family disputes.

It is, plain and clear, only interested in
taking everything you hold dear and value.


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I have been in court plenty, but never (thank god) the family courts. I have witnessed and experienced the way they manipulate things to serve their own purposes, and anyone who tries to challenge it is shut down immediately with no recourse.

At least the things I was there for were passing things. Super frustrating dealing with a dishonorable system where there are no solutions with integrity. I can't even imagine being at their beck and call when it comes to my children. Unfathomable, really. There are other answers, I hope people wake up and stop relying on a broken, deviate system to make things right.

Thanks for the post. Keep sharing the awareness @loveon.

Congratulations for making it through my blog. I've been hearing is difficult to read because the content is so unpleasant.

For sure, a judge that doesn't really know you, in a grossly unbalanced and unfair trial telling you that they know what's best...is complete misuse of power and a total failure of the system.

As you know I did not feel compelled to give power over my daughter to the courts and...I guess they showed me who's boss. I'm still calling my bail bond office regularly. But, that's another blog.

Blessings, sister.
Keep on steeming.

I can imagine the topics you often speak about are hard for many to swallow--sadly for many from personal experience.

Oh so many ways to better situations without getting involved with the system that really does not have anyone's best interests in mind. How sick we've become. No time like the present to create a better world!

Blessings to you @loveone.
Perhaps we'll be seeing you soon.....ish!

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