Surviving Foster Care.

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


I have decided to start sharing in more detail
my experiences of growing up in the
foster care system

I believe these accounts and others like them to be of huge importance if we are ever going to convince the masses that THIS SYSTEM DOESN'T Work and it MUST be replaced.

What is foster care?

I'm sure that in the beginning, the intention was to help children who were being abused or neglected by their parents, a place where they felt safe, wanted and cared for.

Whatever happened along the way this is not how foster care is today or at least not from what I and everyone I've ever met who's been in FC have experienced.


In this article, I will be explaining how as a child I dealt with and survived being in the home of strangers who get paid for caring.

Day 1, That day I will never forget but is hard to remember.

I remember the day when they came to take me away, I walked into the living room to see my Mum and two official-looking strangers all sitting there with serious faces. I knew something was up but I thought it was related to me being naughty at school or something.

I can't remember the exact words that were used or who said them but what I do remember is that my Mum wouldn't look me in the eye's and the words, your Mum needs a break, we are taking you away.

Sitting in the back of the social workers car on my way to the first of my many many foster placements, I remember all I kept thinking was that somehow this was all just a big mistake and that soon they would turn around and reunite me with my brothers.

When the social workers left me at this dirty house with loads of dogs running around I realised this was the real deal and a sudden feeling of abandonment and loneliness hit me like a train, they showed me to my room and I sat there for hours looking out the window waiting for my Mum and brothers to come and pick me up.

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Day 2, The wall was built

The first thing you need to be able to survive being in care is a wall. I'm not talking about any wall, this wall has to be inpenetrable from all angles with multi-layers of defence on both side, yes, that right, both sides, this wall was so fucking huge that not even I could bring it down once it was built.


Once the wall was built I decided to never trust or listen to another adult throughout the rest of my childhood and long into my adult life.

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Day 3, Being my own boss!

I then went onto controlling my environment, and this I did with conviction, I wouldn't say this was intentional, I think it was more instinct than anything else but whatever the reason it just felt good to take charge.


Of all the traits I picked up whilst in care, being in control was my favourite because it gave me a false sense of worth and authority. I also believe this trait saved my ass, as I am still convinced to this day that if I had not been so good at controlling then I would have no doubt fallen victim to the many pedophiles who swim these waters.

Another trick I had learnt was that if I hurt myself and brought enough chaos into my life on a daily basis then no one else would have the chance to, like a kind of physical form of reverse phycology, if that makes any sense.

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Being wanted by the Un-wanted.

When you grow up in care you shut everybody out, everybody except kids who are in the same boat as you, this obviously adds to the problem but at the time you have no other choice.

These are the people who you can be yourself with, the people you can tell the truth to and not expect to be judged, it's not perfect but it feels good to have a family again.

If you are a social worker who is wondering why you can never really get through to a foster kid no matter how hard you try then don't take it personally but you got no chance and never will.

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Thank you for taking the time to read this article and next time I will be writing about how being in care effects your ability to form lasting relationships.

The point of this series is not to shock, blame or shame, it's to open peoples eye's up to what really happens to children who get lost in the system, It seems so easy for people nowadays to ring the cps, even on family members in the belief that cps will solve the problem and the child will be in safe hands.

With @familyprotection, I, and many other people are coming forward to share their experiences so that the world can start to see what devastation can be caused by removing a child from the care of its parents, please continue to support these stories as I believe we can really make a difference and hopefully start to change peoples trusts and belief in a caring CPS.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @markwhittam for supporting @familyprotection.

Ya..the nerve of them to play God and rip apart families. What gives them the right to do such a thing? I can understand it in some extreme cases but its happening too casually and in situations where it actually does more harm to the families than good. I agree families do need protecting.

Had no idea you went through this. Thanks for sharing. This is eye-opening stuff, and I’m looking forward to learning more.

My friend here in Japan and his brother were also victims of the foster care system, and the stories he tells about the foster parents are unbelievable. He eventually had to run away to survive.

Your story and his are heartbreaking. The beautiful thing is now you have both come out survivors and strong, and are here to tell about it, helping others overcome. Preventing this kind of damage from happening at all, by raising awareness and telling your stories.

Thank you.

We take so many things in our life as granted, as a whole family or at least growing up with one close family member that it is really shocking when we find experiences like this.

Thank you for your thoughtful comment @kafkanarchy84.

Yes, you are right about the strength, in fact I am thankful for the life I had, it made me who I am, but I figure I'm only saying that because I somehow made it out the other side.

Thanks for the support Buddy.

Thanks for sharing these life lessons with us. We need more of these posts on Steemit.

It would seem that everything the government touches eventually turns to shit. In my own experience I have found that there are no exception to this rule!

I imagine it must be very hard to think and write about this part of your life, but every testimony is very valuable if this project is to open people's eyes about this evil system.
How old were you when this all started? I'm asking as the image you project is of a child very mature in his thinking or maybe those terrible events forced the child to grow-up pretty fast?

Hi @ladyrebecca,

Times and dates are a mess, and Everytime someone asks me I say a different answer, but I think I was about 8 years old.

As you can imagine it's not the sort of thing we talk about at Xmas dinner but I will ask my Mother next time we talk.

I was very very mature for my age, I even looked a lot older which only got me into more trouble.

Thanks for reading my post and thanks for all the support.


Thank you for sharing @markwhittam. I know how hard this must have been for you revisiting those days you thought you had moved past..and maybe you have, either way, just having to experience those feelings of total abandonment are more than enough. The digger you dig, the harder it get's but afterwards, you will fill so much lighter for it!!

That is a good remark.
Maybe it will help to forgive if not forget.
@markwhittam is doing a great job.
Everything he writes passes through his heart, it feels like it.

As it should be "through the heart."

Thank you @thethreehugs

Yes, I would say that I have moved on, though I am aware that deep down there may be some stuff that was buried to deep to reach.

Thanks for the support

Well, writing about it is the best way to get it out, then move past it.

The more we investigate and connect the dots, the easier it is to see that the CPS under the protection and cover of the family court system are nothing more than another "rat line" for human trafficking. The sooner people realize this the sooner we can stop this inhumane treatment of innocent children. They sold the idea of CPS on a platform that was easily promoted to and accepted by the general public. But, as with any of these government sponsored agencies the vile corruption eventually rears its ugly head.

Again I say, the timing for the creation of @familyprotection was impeccable!

Thank you @vickiebarker

Yes, the time is now, the system is crumbling and will be replaced in the near future, we will see the end of cps and the beginning of true family protection.


Thanks Mark, for finding the courage to tell your story. I know it will be painful at times, but in the end you will have helped to reach out and help and support others x

Just Wow. Thanks for sharing . The toughest battles are given to the strongest soldiers. Bless

Your story would be a catalyst to the battle, I am happy you came out of the System standing tall despite all the ill that might have happened through your journey in there. The attribute of "control" is still very visible in your life right now, if there is one thing I am sure of, it is the fact being able to be in control of one's life and outcome no matter how "pseudo-real" it might be is a great survival instinct. Abundant blessing to you Mark!.

Thank you @kryptocoin,

Although the negatives far out weighs the positives, that fact is, it made me who I am.

I am convinced if you make it out alive you will go on to do great things with great determination, unfortunately there are many souls that didn't make it through.

Bless their souls.

I am so very sorry for what you went through, it must have been horrible.
You are so very brave to share this, I imagine it is very difficult. And while I know this helps others, opens eyes and spreads awareness, I hope you also can find some form of relief in talking about it.
Thank you.

Oh yes I do, in fact I say that I'm doing this to raise awareness, but I suspect it might be my way of venting, whatever the reason it feels good to do so.... After writing of course.