"Healing has not simply been forgotten but intentionally exorcized." Big pharma-driven profit care....

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

The wisdom of 6000 years of human history has been intentionally cast aside in Western medicine since the snake oil salesman and his progeny took over. For those of you not familiar with William Rockefeller, the original snake oil salesman, you need to read "Rockefeller Internationalist: The Man Who misrules the World" by Dr. Emanuel M. Josephson.

On page 16 of the 1952 Chedney Press Edition we read:

"John D. Rockefeller was the son of "Doc" William Avery Rockefeller. "Doc" was a cunning, crafty, unscrupulous, ruthless and irresponsible vendor of patent medicines and a quack physician. He advertised himself as "The Celebrated Cancer Specialist--All cases cured unless too far gone."...It is reported that his cancer remedy was crude petroleum oil, sold at twenty-five dollars a pint, when the traffic would bear it. Nevins also reports cases of horse thievery, bigamy and an indictment for rape. As a consequence the Rockefellers were forced to migrate, an incident that has been repeated in the family history; and they hit upon hard times. John D.'s early life was one of insecurity and spells of poverty."

(William Avert Rockefeller. Image courtesy of erenow.com)

William Rockefeller was also quoted by Uncle Joe Webster:

"'I cheat my boys every time I get a chance,' the 'doctor' said. 'I want to make 'em sharp, I trade with the boys and skin 'em, and I just beat 'em every time I can. I want to make 'em sharp.'"

Later, when son, John D. Rockefeller, made his enormous wealth by bribing, threatening, stealing and arsoning his way to total control of the U.S. oil industry, he hired a Baptist minister as the world's first "publicity" and "public relations" man to whitewash his image, while he set up "trusts" to hide his wealth and to allow him to use it for nefarious purposes, tax free. The most important of these new enterprises was "pharmaceuticals" (which were, of course, petroleum based) and with which he bribed medical schools (such as they were, starting with Johns Hopkins) to adopt a pharma-based healthcare approach, shunning the standard, centuries-old holistic methodologies.

(John Davidson Rockefeller. Image courtesy of thoughtco.com)

Fortunately, there was always some resistance to this style of "medicine" going back to colonial times. In an excellent and portentous quote by one of our founders (given in a link I shall soon provide) we read:

"Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic."

~ Attributed to Dr. Benjamin Rush,
Signer of the Declaration of Independence"

Here is that link:


The rest of this article is an absolute wake-up call for every American. The right to take care of one's own health is quickly being lost forever. The vaccination trade and lobby is becoming so powerful that a day may soon arrive where no one is allowed to even live in the United States at all unless they have had their government-approved dosages of mercury and other dangerous adjuvants.

Here is another excerpt from the above link which clearly describes the problem with the Rockefeller-induced "profit-center" medicine practiced in most of the Western world:

"Many modern diseases are, in fact, created by fiat (not unlike modern currencies): age-old symptoms of nutritional deficiency or chemical poisoning are repackaged and renamed in Latin and Greek as would-be monolithic disease entities, and subsequently rolled out to the consumer as new markets; each disease representing a veritable gold mine of "treatable" symptoms; each symptom providing justification for the prescription of a new set of patented, toxic drug-commodities.

The "medicines" themselves are often devoid of intrinsic value, being nothing more than rebranded and re-purposed chemicals, intended (though all too often failing) to be administered in sub-lethal concentrations. Indeed, many of these chemicals are too toxic to be legally released into the environment, and should never be administered intentionally to a human who is already sick. You need look no farther than a typical drug package insert to find proof that the side effects of most drugs far outnumber their purported beneficial effects."

We need to stand together for each other's health, as it is patently obvious that "our" elected representatives will never do it, as they have all been bought and paid for by the oil-"medicine"-military-industrial complex, which gives not two bits for the American peoples' needs or best interests.

"Pharmageddon" is absolutely just around the corner!

(Here is a brief bio of the author of the linked article. I suggest we all follow this guy's advice as often as possible!: Sayer Ji is founder of Greenmedinfo.com, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.)


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Yep, they poison our food and water supplies so they can create meds that "make us well." And then they can treat you for diabetes, heart problems, autism, deformations, cancer and the list goes on and on.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by #thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Absolutely right. These big pharma industries manipulates modern medicine business. Now it's time to go back to mother nature. Everyone should know the importance of herbal medicine and their use in daily basis.

Thanks for your comments!

howdy @mepatriot! wow this is some scary stuff but so important to know. great job on such a detailed article man!

Thanks, brother.

I think that the only intention of the pharmaceutical industries to manipulate medicine is to benefit themselves. Thanks for posting it friend, this topic should go viral

Thanks. I couldn't agree more. Thanks for stopping by!