The Alfie Evans Story Gets Even More Tragic

in #familyprotection6 years ago


I'm writing in response to @freeman123's excellent post about the ramifications of the death of little Alfie Evans. He wrote about how bravely Alfie's parents fought to save their baby boy and how he wishes that those responsible for his death will somehow be brought to justice... unfortunately, it's an entire culture that is responsible- a culture of abortion and death- a culture where human life has no value- a culture that believes that we are no different than animals, just meat sacks to be pushed to and fro, controlled by a government that can kill at a whim... as it did little Alfie.

He cited the UN's Convention of the Rights of the Child- one of my favorite targets. The UN is one among many groups whose purpose is to gain power by destroying families. This is why CPS can wantonly, and without remorse, demolish loving families by taking their most precious assets- their children. This is what happened to little Alfie Evans. I hate to say it but there was no way, even if he had lived, his parents would have had him to hold close and care for- so they killed him like they did little Charlie Gard and others before him. And there will be more, because families, especially close-knit loving families are a threat. I'm working on another post- that will shock many... it lists institutions, movements and groups that have destroying families as a plank in their platform- but that isn't why I'm writing today.

Today, I'm writing about another sad and disturbing chapter in little Alfie Evan's tragic and unnecessary demise... something that will cause even more pain and despair for his family and all of the other people who grew to care about him during his courageous battle for life. The picture above is of his memorial that people made outside Alder Hey Children's Hospital... or should I say was.

Alfie's memorial was destroyed, by vandals if you believe the British press. "In the hours after his death, members of Alfie’s Army began leaving teddy bears, balloons, flowers, cards and candles at a tree in Springfield Park.

The tree’s lower trunk was eventually surrounded by tributes, with many the colour purple and the blue of Everton Football Club. The supporter said on Thursday: ‘It would be lovely if army members could still please take their gifts to Alfie’s tree and if possible make sure our beautiful Alfie’s tree remains the lovely memorial it originally was’"

Who would do such a despicable thing? It's difficult to believe that vandals would destroy something like that- what would be the motive? I can't think of a single one. People can be cruel, there's no arguing that, but it seems likely that whoever did this had a motive. Qui Prodest- Who would benefit? Alder Hey, the people that killed little Alfie have to see the memorial every day when they go to and from work- a constant reminder of the atrocity they were involved in. Just a guess, but if I had to bet, my money would be on them... and here's some more bad news: There will be no investigation or autopsy to determine just how Alfie died.



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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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You may be onto something my friend.if they vandalized it they would not have to face the guilt on a daily basis. They could erase the memory just like the poor child was erased. But in all reality nothing is erased. They will have to give an account for their actions thanks @richq11

It's the only explanation that makes sense to me... who else would do such a thing???

This is disturbing and brings out all the negative emotions. It seems the bad side is winning. However, I still hope for the best.

I'm afraid it won't come out of the UK- they're (the power structure) completely controlled by the dark side!

If you don't like socialised healthcare you can always leave if we let you.

Workes out for Alfie and his folks! Great pic... I got a few of those hexes!

How sweet are they? I'd like to grab more, but postage from the US to Aus is a killer.

@richg11, you weren't kidding. Man that's awful. Call me an optimist but I do believe people are inherently good. Maybe I just want to believe it but I do believe people are born good and then are taught to be bad by our sociopathic and psychopathic leaders and the culture built around them. It leads to so many sad byproducts, this being one. Thanks for posting good sir

I hope you feel the same way when you're my age! Read Machiavelli, he had an incredible understanding of human nature!

I've heard a lot about him through the podcasters I listen too but have not looked into him deeply. What book would you suggest? And I have a feeling I will almost definitely feel the same way. I wrote an article on Sanger and planned parenthood and so on which I see you are privy too. Thought I'd mention that, but oh yea I'll feel the same way just more reinforced wth more knowledge gained through the years. I have made my journey over the last ten years from an anarcho communist (though I now know those two words are antonyms) to an anarcho capitalist. Funny the ideas you can have when you're ignorant to life versus what you have when you start finding truth

The Prince is his best work. Sanger and her ilk were eugenicists- which is still going strong with PP as well as transhumanism. Anarcho communism is anarcho syndicalism the anarchism of Emma Goldman If you want to expand your base of knowledge on economics read F.A. Hayek... the Road to Serfdom, or, the Fatal Conceit.

This new anarcho-capitalism, as well intentioned as it is, is just more pie in the skt utopianism... it just doesn't work, the world has become too complex for simplistic solutions. I'm 72 and have been studying humanity for a very long time. This is one element of my observations

Some stats for your question @freeman123

1% of the general population are psychopaths
Dr. Robert Hare, Criminal psychology researcher, Creator of the PCL-R

4% of Americans are sociopaths
Dr. Martha Stout, Harvard University psychologist
In the 2005 book, "The Sociopath Next Door" Harvard University psychologist Martha Stout claims one out of every 25 people in America is a sociopath. She defines sociopath as a person with no conscience.

5-15% of Americans are Almost psychopaths
Dr. Ronald Schouten, Associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School
Ronald Schouten refers to the "almost psychopaths" in his book "Almost a Psychopath"

I actually read the book The Sociopath Next Door. It was a while back but good info. Thanks for shairing!

its very good writing about familyprotection.....everybody should maintain it....have a nice day of luck

I agree with you that things surrounding this whole case are "fishy". Is it just me, or has the worth of a human being gone down considerably since Darwin has published "On the Origin of Species"?

Eugenics my friend. The Galton Instituteis riddled with Darwinist eugenicists and same as the American Eugenics Society which now flies its flag under many different names since Hitler's reign of eugenicist terror. They say it's just selective breeding and so on, but the ultimate idea is the weed out so called "bad blood" to create a sort of master race. Sounds kinda familiar huh? But yes these people are elitists and deeply imbedded in our society and the influences of society and have cheapened life to set the stage for a depopulation agenda based on eugenics. Something they will brainwash us into consenting to without force. Or at least that's the idea. We'll see, people are waking up.

wow that's good news man!!

This story is so tragic, and I am glad that it has gotten publicity to make people aware of this reality. I am aware that anytime the state gets control, the parent loses. This was so with my beloved and beautiful daughter who happened to have cerebral palsy. I took care of her until she was 25, at which time I was so burned out, I had to place her in an apartment living situation with medicaid caretakers managed by UCP. I continued to participate in her life, including conferences, etc. She became quite ill after about 10 years, and was in and out of the hospital, and forced to go temporarily into nursing homes. Although I was involved, I found myself unable to make final decisions about her life due to state care.

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