They're Back: The New Eugenicists

in #familyprotection6 years ago

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Beginning in the late 1920's Eugenicists in the United States set out to accomplish two goals- to rid the country of the "mentally unfit" and people of color (the subject of tomorrow's post). In the eyes of these socially and intellectually superior individuals they were often the same... the belief among the eugenics elites were that negroes (their term) were mentally incapable of anything other than remedial tasks. During the 1930's and continuing until well after WWII (1975) the practice of involuntary sterilization was forced on people considered less than average in intelligence. This is a timeline of eugenics in America:

 1883 Sir Francis Galton coins the word eugenics, meaning "well born"1907 Indiana passes first eugenics law in U.S.

1909 California passes a eugenics law1912 First International Congress of Eugenics1927 U.S. Supreme Court upholds involuntary sterilization in Buck v. Bell

1929 Human Betterment Foundation established in Pasadena, Calif.

1937 Georgia is the 32nd and last state to pass a eugenics law

1937 Sterilization League of New Jersey founded

1943 Sterilization League changes name to Birthright and becomes a national organization; Cecil Gamble makes first major donation 

 1943 Human Betterment Foundation ceases operation in California, but several of its leaders join Birthright, bringing along their contacts and mailing lists

1947–51 Clarence Gamble funds and launches state Human Betterment League chapters in North Carolina, Iowa, Georgia, Arkansas, Texas and Nebraska

1950 Birthright changes name to Human Betterment Association of America

1962 Human Betterment Association renounces involuntary sterilization1964 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee issues "Genocide in Mississippi" to protest involuntary sterilizations in that state

1972 Nixon aides suppress release of new federal guidelines to prevent sterilization abuse1972–75 Protests over sterilization of Native American women at Indian Health Service hospitals

1973–74 U.S. Senate hearings over use of federal funds to sterilize minors; multiple lawsuits filed by victims

1973 Committee to End Sterilization Abuse founded in NYC, focus on Latina women 

 1974 Weather Underground bombs San Francisco office of U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, in part to protest sterilization of two Alabama girls, age 12 and 14

1975 Women in California file involuntary-sterilization suit against Los Angeles County Hospital

1975 New York City reforms medical guidelines to guard against involuntary sterilization 

Well, the more things change the more they stay the same. To say that the eugenicists are back may be a mischaracterization- the truth of the matter is that they never left, only shifted their tactics a bit in order to distance themselves from Hitler's ambitious T-4 program just prior to WWII. "  “It is better for the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind.”  Sounds like Adolph Hitler or one of his henchmen doesn't it. This was written by Oliver Wendell Holmes in the majority decision in Buck v. Bell  a Supreme Court case of a girl (Carrie Buck) who had been sent to the  Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded. (See Link) Without going into too much detail, eugenics was the pop psychology of the elites from the time of it's inception by Francis Galton (Darwin's cousin) until the present...

 Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded.When Carrie was sent to the Virginia Colony, in 1924, the forward thinkers of America were preoccupied by the imagined genetic threat of feeblemindedness, a capaciously defined condition that was diagnosed using often flawed intelligence tests and by identifying symptoms such as moral degeneracy, an overactive sex drive, and other traits liberally ascribed to poor people (especially poor women) who were seen as having stepped out of line. (Just a few years before Carrie was committed to the Virginia Colony, Emma was also sent there. It seems that she had turned to drug use and prostitution—although it’s hard to say, since many female vagrants were labelled prostitutes.) A sloppy reading of Gregor Mendel’s pea pods and Charles Darwin’s theories gave a scientific veneer to the conclusion that many social ills were caused by the proliferation of the wrong sort of people and that they could be neatly nipped in the bud with the intervention of eugenics—a term coined, in 1883, by Darwin’s half-cousin Francis Galton, who declared it “a virile creed, full of hopefulness.” Soon, the United States, along with Germany, was  at the forefront of the movement to improve the human species through breeding. 

Now the attack on "the feeble-minded" has come full circle and predictably the victims are once again black. The covert racism of the eugenics crowd is being implemented by CPS and the family court stating that some people (in this case black) just aren't "smart enough" to have children. Apparently, according to South Carolina law, you have to pass an IQ test to breed. Forgive me if I don't see much difference between this and the old Jim Crow Laws.

 Child Protective Services doesn’t believe that Kaya Jackson is smart enough to take care of her youngest child Egypt. Though a judge ruled months ago that Kaya didn’t need to have a neuropsychological evaluation, another judge since then approved the South Carolina Department of Social Services (DSS) request for the test.

Now a doctor says that her IQ is too low to care for a special needs child, even though she has taken many classes and learned what she needs to know to care for her daughter.

All this comes at a time when it looked like their family’s nightmare was finally coming to an end and they would be reunited. Unsupervised visits had begun in October, and Egypt was supposed to be returned home by February at the latest. 

 This new development unravels the progress that has happened over the last 4 years as Kaya has fought to bring her family back together again. She has jumped through every hoop that DSS has placed before her. Every time that she meets another demand, social workers have managed to get a judge to approve yet another demand. 

If this is allowed it opens the door for a dangerous new precedent and even more power for the already powerful and corrupt CPS. The purpose of CPS and the attendant apparatus (family court, etc) is to shield children from neglect and abuse. However, even DSS admits that Kayla Jackson is guilty of neither. In their view she just isn't smart enough to care for one of her children... and like most of the other victims of CPS abuse, she's poor, so the child, Egypt, was put in foster care where she was sexually abused. Because of her needs while in foster care she was provided with a home healthcare nurse who sexually abused her. This begs the question- why couldn't her natural mother (who would have been there to oversee) have been provided with a nurse? The nurse, by the way, was given a 6 year suspended sentence and 30 months of probation... for sexually assaulting a disabled child!

This is what the mother has gone through to satisfy DSS...

 At the time when Egypt was first medically kidnapped in 2015, Greenville Memorial Hospital Child Abuse Pediatrician Dr. Nancy Henderson told DSS that Kaya was incapable [too stupid] of caring for her child.

In the time since then, Kaya Jackson has attended many doctors appointment and has worked hard to learn how to care for Egypt’s medical needs and to meet every new requirement placed on her by DSS.

When they said that her home was too small, they moved into a 4-bedroom home. When they said that she could not rely on public transportation but needed a driver’s license, she got it. Then she needed a car. It wasn’t big enough for DSS, so they got a van. 

But DSS has fought her all the way even going so far as to tell her that she needs to get a non-existent "child seat certification."

 Kaya took every class that DSS requested and then some, including classes on CPR, first aid, seizures and epilepsy, G-tubes, special needs children, and medications. She passed every class.

DSS reportedly never worked with her to get the classes, but she found ways to learn what she needed to without their help.

Her social worker told her that she had to get certified in car seats. She sought classes and watched YouTube videos, only to find out that there is no certification for parents in car seats. Certification is for EMTs and other specialists who work with parents.

She now knows more about car seat safety than many social workers who snatch children only to place them in the wrong car seat for the child’s size. (Many parents report their children being taken by social workers or transported by foster parents using incorrect car seats. Some have reported that their children are not properly buckled, or even placed into car seats that are not even buckled into the vehicle at all!)

For more than 2 years they told her that she needed training in how to care for Egypt, but they refused to give her the referrals that she needed to get the training

Kaya's only "crimes" are being black and what is considered by elitists to be lower than average in intelligence. Given the state of American education, I would say that anyone under 50 is in danger of losing their children.

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Is South Dakota we have several cases now and as far back as the 1800s of Native American children just being taken with no explanation. Many have disappeared in the system with no explanation.

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I remember something about that. Kids taken to a "boarding school" and then never heard from again. Yeah, there's family members out there still asking questions.

And in Canada!

Yes there is a home in Canada that they have recently uncovered 100s of infant bodies, very sad. In South Dakota I highly suspect lots of children have been trafficked.

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That's part of the genocide... it's really racially based. To the elites anyone not white is considered inferior.

In New York City more black babies are aborted than born alive. Indeed racist eugenicists haven't gone anywhere, they have just shifted tactics.

You must read LifeNews... I have an article for tomorrow's post that says the exact same thing!

Nope, I came across that statistic on Wikipedia one day and I concluded that legalized abortion is a black genocide. Just based on that statistic and the definition of genocide.

I found an article that says the exact same thing.

I look forward to it!

Eugenics must always be seen in conjunction with Transhumanism - it is essentially the same crowd.

The tragedies of the theory, and it is just that, a theory, of evolution has led to the deathbed-birth of Eugenics.

Arguably, the majority of children attending public school in the US and other western countries, aided by fluorided water and autism-inducing vaccinations, are dumbed down into the lower grades of measurable IQ. Deliberately.

CPS and their minions, including judges, clerks and law enforcement officers, will be held responsible.

Heil CPS!

I would argue that it doesn't even meet the standard for a theory... a hypothesis perhaps. The Transhumanists are really the new eugenicists- this is just the same old lot as Galton, Sanger, using a slightly different approach.

Indeed, an unprovable hypothesis - which is sadly taught in public schools - a prime example of the mental illness that the world has accepted as normal. If there were generations looking back at this age, they could only shake their heads in disbelief about the utter stupidity and laziness of today's people.

Even to the untrained eye it isn't consistent... you're right about the utter stupidity- that's why I said that nobody under 50 has children that are safe.

It has always been about population control. Eliminate those who the powers that be deem unfit. Often freedom has only been an illusion to pacify the masses. I understand the powers that be want to eliminate 90% of the current population. That is their master plan. It is too the inverse should take place. Evil must be destroyed to protect freedom. Thanks @richq11

The best way to end slavery is just to tell people they're not slaves anymore- nothing has to change, only the rhetoric. We're all slaves!

Eugenicists omg, they are a dangerous breed, making way for people who want to commit actual genocide of "unwanted" groups of people, it's the same doctrine, just the "light version"... Very very sad that these things ever happened...


Unless stopped it will continue to get worse!

Resteeming. Excellent post.

I'm working on another about eugenics and racial genocide in the US! Thank you my dear!!!

I feel that the huge push for more and more vaccines goes along with this agenda. They did it to women in Africa, I would be remiss to think they wouldn’t do that crap in western countries.

Africa, India and the Philippines to name a few. The Gates and Clinton Foundations are behind a lot of it... I've written several articles about it!