Sorry I've been such a Steemit reject lately. I've thought of many of my friends here, @thealliance, @familyprotection, and others, how I was missing their posts, and have been feeling very guilty, but I needed to take a break.
This whole situation I've been under has caused me to reject Steemit for a little while, as I was struggling. Last you knew in this post, I was expecting to sign a vountary agreement, essentially signing my rights away. I don't know what happened, but I have an idea. The social worker was supposed to come by and have us sign the voluntary papers last Friday. Um nothing. Nobody has bothered us since our meeting over a week ago...she said she was coming to have us sign the papers...she didn't come...
WE'RE FREE!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I might be jinxing us by even saying this, but did they drop the case????
You see, during the meeting they asked what support I have, and I blurted out among other people "My friends on Steemit." They both wrote it down when I said that!! The next day she didn't come. She said she was coming! I believe in my introduceyourself post I used my real name. Um, knock on wood, they investigated this and found my blog, and saw the support I have in this whole situation!!!! Hi, by the way, if you're reading this... I really think this is what happened, because why would they back off like this??? I don't understand, but it seems as though the whole thing has been put on halt!!! No knocks on my door, no UA tests, nothing. I want to thank @familyprotection, @canadian-coconut, @markwhittam, and @informationwar, as well as the myriad of people who have supported me in this trial. I am so grateful.
Sorry if I worried anyone by being inactive here, I was so distraught for a while there...
I love you all, and thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!!
I'm already feeling better with the freedom I feel. This whole investigation had me feeling paralyzed, but with them leaving us alone I am the person, the mother I need to be.
Love, snowpea ❤
Whatever the reason is, the main thing is that you feel free. These people are very good at making parents worry them selves to death, feel insecure and doubt their ability to raise their own children.
These vultures only pick on easy targets, the weak, poor and people without any support, the fact that you have support and you've been exposing their tricks to the world is something they might not have been prepared for.
Continue feeling free, this will make your family much stronger and less vulnerable to any future attacks.
That's exactly what was happening - the insecurity and doubt, and we were easy targets. I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop so to say, but I'm enjoying this for sure. Thank you so much for your support, and for the support of @familyprotection. ❤
You are in the zone, then. You have to hang on to your sense of being in control, but always prepared for another damn shoe to drop. They are fucking millipedes and have a near endless supply of shoes. That does not matter, they still want easy prey so hold on to your confidence! Study up on the laws if you have not already. They do NOT like to deal with people who understand the law. VERY happy you got your juju back!
Agreed @markwhittam
This is a great news and thank you so much for sharing it with us and glad you are doing OK after going through this hard time.
We all need a break sometimes especially during hard times, but glad to have you back and please don't ever feel guilty. We all go through that and we have to listen to our bodies and when it says take a break, then that is the best thing you can do.
Absolutely @joalvarez! It was good for me to be off Steemit for a while. Thank you for your comment! ❤
This is so great to hear! I was a bit worried when I read ur last article.. Hopefully its all in the past now and you can enjoy life again.. Thanks for sharing ur story, I am sure its not easy to talk about.. Take care.
Yes they do not like it when their actions are called into question.
It seems to me that they have a vested interest in taking possession of peoples children and their strategy is to pressure people until they give into old addictions.
Would you sign the agreement if they came back with it?
I don't know, it's been over a week, and I feel that I've gotten my bearings. I don't think so, and she never even told me what was in the agreement!
Great to see you back, stronger than ever, @snowpea. It was a simular sounding letter of agreement that CPS wanted me to sign just prior to the last day in family court when their six month shit or get off the pot restriction came into effect.
My feeling is that by signing it they would continue to try to make their self fufilling prophesy case against you and/or your husband.
Should they return please ask that you seek legal council first. ✌💛
Self-fulfilling prophesy - yes I believe that's exactly what would've happened. I really don't know where else to turn as far as legal council goes tbh. I know I've gotten a lot of great advice here, and I did try. Nothing has been done yet, no charges, no court. The 60 days is up for them to determine my children's safety and total silence on their end. I hope it's not wishful thinking to say they may be done with us... It's great to see you too, and all my other wonderful friends here! ❤
I think perhaps the mere fact that you were trying sets you apart; and if someone really did read your posts (though I just have this feeling most CPS workers are too busy to do that deep of an investigation...) they would know that you did contact HSDLA and their lawyer did tell you they would be ready to get involved if CPS really did make a move to abduct the kids.
The real problem as I see it is that lawyers aren't ready to act until there's a full-fledged problem instead of nipping it in the bud...but that could have to do with the funds to pay them. As in, you only get a lawyer interested in a budding problem if you can pay for their time whereas a full blown problem has the potential of court reimbursement in it.
I don't know...I speculate one of them read it, something stopped them in their tracks. Or, God forbid, they saw the potential of us being uncooperative with a voluntary agreement and decided to work out the details of a chips order, and just haven't crossed that bridge with us yet...
Yes, I have come across this during my search for one. Maybe you're onto something when it comes to why this is...
If they have reached their time limit then you may indeed be out of the woods. My heartfelt wish is that it may be so. ✌💛
Maybe you've made some friends you don't know about ;) Glad they are taking a serious look now at your steps forward.
hear here
Me too, thank you @enginewitty! ❤
Hi girl! Good to hear from you! The fact that you feel this freedom is good, even if you would be wrong, it will probably make you feel empowered to deal with them if they would appear one of the next days. Because with freedom comes a new way of thinking, and options .. that's how I experienced it when I got out of the situation back then.. I will keep my fingers crossed! Big hug!
Hi @anouk.nox! I'll try to adopt this way of thinking from this day forward. Still unsure on what's going on, but am staying optimistic! I can see how this can be a game changer. Hugs back!! ❤
i have been missing your posts as well. Good news...for the moment. I would encourage you not to count your chickens quite yet. But enjoy the moments of freedom you have my friend @snowpea. You are in our prayers.
Thank you @enjoywithtroy! It's tempting to count those chickens haha! I'm not that naive though, I know that this silence from them could mean something totally different...
Hey, so glad to get an update. Keeping my fingers crossed you are correct.
Yes, I'm keeping my fingers crossed too @practicalthought! It's great to hear from you!
Yeah, i thought i was missing you on my feed and wished you and your family are fine.
I am glad to hear things are going on well. I pray it stays like that. 🙏
Things are going great, as long as they are gone. Thank you for your well wishes and your prayers. ❤