This makes me cry, I am so, so sorry about what is happening to you. I am under investigation myself and have 5 kids. They haven't been taken...yet. Your daughter's picture reminds me of my daughter...
I can't believe that judge doesn't stand on integrity and acknowledge - not just acknowledge, but make a ruling - that you have every right to be a family again.
As if you didn't have the right to be a family you were in a bad relationship and you smoked pot? Really?? My mom's boyfriend beat my brother black and blue all over his body when he was 5 years old because he left his backpack at school, and no authorities came around. That man continued on to be my stepdad, and we were subjected to his abuse with no intervention whatsoever. This is so screwed up...
I feel for you. Hang in there and don't lose hope. Much love @mayaabb. ❤
thank you, I appreciate the comments