CPS Tries to Kidnap Toddler After Mom Stopped Her Seizures with CBD Oil, Instead of Drugs

By Jack Burns

 When a mother tried cannabidiol as a treatment for her young  daughter, who was having nearly 40 seizures per day, she was amazed by  the effects and thought she had finally found a solution after  pharmaceutical drugs failed to work. 

However, after her prayers were  answered, the state stepped in and threatened to take her daughter away. Lelah Jerger’s daughter, Jaelah, began having spasms when she was  only 6 months old. Quickly, those spasms turned into seizures and Jaelah  was given antiepileptics, pharmaceutical medications designed to  control seizures. Not only was the medication not effective, but Jerger  said it produced harmful side effects that created even more problems. 

After finding CBD oil (cannabidiol, derived from hemp), the concerned  mother was amazed by how effective it was at controlling Jaelah’s  seizures. Unfortunately for the Jerger family, Child Protective Services  (CPS) got involved and threatened to take Jaelah away from the family,  all because Lelah chose to treat her daughter’s condition with CBD  instead of pills. 

n an interview  with People magazine, Jerger explained her daughter’s diagnosis, how  CPS got involved, and how scary the situation was at the thought of  losing her children. She said Jaelah’s epileptic condition was very rare  but she was relieved to finally have an answer as to why her daughter  was having spasms. 

“She has a rare type of epilepsy called benign myoclonic  epilepsy in infancy … Finally we knew what we were dealing with, but we  were scared because we didn’t know anything about epilepsy at all.”

Doctors, who are only trained in most cases to diagnose and prescribe  pharmaceuticals for illnesses, ordered Keppra—the brand name for  Levetiracetam. But doing her due diligence and reading the harmful side  effects of the drug, Jerger said she became worried when she learned  Keppra, like antidepressants, can cause people to become suicidal. Worse  still, the pharmaceuticals were not working. 

Jaelah was still having 40  seizures daily. Jerger said she began to look for a safer, natural alternative to  drugs. She found cannabidiol, purchased it online from a Colorado  retailer, and began to give Jaelah CBD drops, twice per day. She said  the results were amazing. 

“We saw immediate results. We had a 95 percent reduction  in seizures right of the bat. We didn’t have any negative side effects.  She was a normal 2-year-old! … We’ve had absolutely no difference in  Jaelah besides a reduction in seizures. We’re very grateful that we came  across it (CBD).”

In March, Indiana legalized CBD for use in the state for certain illnesses, but Jaelah’s condition wasn’t one of the “qualifying conditions”  listed. As a result of the legislation, the Jerger family believed  giving Jaelah CBD would also be legally permitted. 

They were wrong. As The Free Thought Project has reported on numerous occasions, when physicians discover patients have gone “off the reservation”  so to speak, and have started rejecting their pharmaceutical options to  begin treating illnesses with natural medicine, the authorities are  often called. 

Jerger made a grave mistake when she told the doctors she found CBD  and it was working better than their pills. Even though one doctor  initially told her, “If it’s working, use it!” eventually CPS  was notified by the doctors and told that the mother wasn’t following  standard protocols in giving her child only FDA-approved medicines. CPS came the very next day. 

That is when Jerger said her nightmare with the system began. Not only did “Child Protective Services”  promise to take Jaelah away, it threatened to take ALL of Jerger’s  children away from their loving mother. All of it was done because she  chose a safer, natural alternative to prescription pills that were  working exponentially better by all accounts. 

“[CPS said] … they would take her. We were scared to  death that they were not only going to take Jaelah but take our other  kids too.”

CPS officials allegedly did not prohibit them from using the oil, but  ordered the parents to give the little girl Keppra as well. They also  forced the family to submit to weekly drug tests to prove they were, in  fact, giving the child Keppra. So without any legal recourse, the  parents complied. 

About five days after the CPS visit, and after forcing  the mother to give her the dangerous pharmaceuticals, Jaelah began  suffering serious side effects from the drug. Complications arose,  almost immediately, forcing them back into the hospital—and costing the  family thousands of dollars. The concerned and now worried mother  described those fearful and painful days: 

“We had to admit Jaelah into the hospital to have her  taken off the medication because she was throwing up, she wasn’t eating,  she wasn’t acting like her normal self … She would walk around the  house crying for no reason. That wasn’t what we were used to seeing out  of Jaelah.”

Bravely, and without any regard to the potential legal ramifications,  Jerger did precisely what CPS didn’t want her to do—yet what any  courageous and loving mother would do. She took her child off of Keppra  and then filed a lawsuit against CPS. Now she said she lives in fear: 

“It’s a natural fear now. I still have nightmares about  [the CPS visit]. I have anxiety about it and I keep my doors locked. The  aftermath of dealing with CPS is real, but we’re trying to live as  normal as possible…Jaelah isn’t getting high off the product and that’s  what makes it legal in our state. Unless you’re walking in our footsteps  or have lived the life we live, I don’t think anyone has the right to  judge. This is not marijuana.”

The lawsuit alleges that CPS used its bully platform to violate  Jaelah’s and the family’s constitutional Fourth Amendment rights against  unreasonable search and seizure when it demanded Jaelah’s blood be  drawn. According to the IndyStar

“the parents claim that the blood draw of their child  represents ‘a non-consensual search and seizure without a warrant’ and  violates the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, according to the  11-page complaint filed Monday.”

The mother, who was only trying to find the BEST medicine for her ailing child is now on the warpath. She said in an interview: 

“This is about them understanding that we as citizens  have rights too … They have a job to protect kids … but we believe in  our case it was a jump-the-gun situation… It seemed like they were vampires waiting for my daughter’s blood  sample … They came down with this hammer. It was relentless right off  the bat…That’s our daughter. We weren’t doing something to harm her. We  were doing something to help her.”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is representing Jerger in  her lawsuit against CPS. According to court documents obtained by the  IndyStar, they allege: 

“[The] requirement that J.J. (Jaelah) take Keppra  represents an infringement into the Jergers’ fundamental familial  relationship and, as such, violated the Due Process Clause of the  Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.”

We interviewed one mother whose 19-year-old daughter is currently  taking a prescription for seizures. She does not wish to be identified  but relayed to TFTP the following anecdote. She said she had been  reading about the benefits of CBD and asked her daughter’s neurologist  about the oil. 

She said the doctor told her there were absolutely no  scientific studies published about the efficacy of CBD. We wanted to test that seemingly false statement so we searched the  National Institute of Health’s website. Not surprisingly, in the search results was a study involving seizure patients with intractable seizures. Published in 2018, the study concluded that using a CBD product with a ratio of CBD/THC of 20:1: 

“Our results suggest that adding CBD-enriched cannabis  extract to the treatment regimen of patients with refractory epilepsy  may result in a significant reduction in seizure frequency.”

Seizures were reduced by about half in the 26 patients who were  already taking seizure medicines. Who knows how low the seizure rates  would have dropped had the study not concluded at the end of 3 months.  Not only has CBD been demonstrated to function as a stand-alone  antiepileptic, but when used in conjunction with existing seizure  medicines there is an improvement in frequency of seizures across a wide  range of ages. 

It is high time for Americans to be able to approach their physicians  without fear that they will rat them out to a bunch of goons who only  seem to know how to split up families using the full weight of the  government. Both cannabis and cannabidiol need to be reclassified by the  DEA as non-scheduled substances and the federal government must  decriminalize the possession of the two naturally-occurring plants: Hemp  and Marijuana. No other parent should have to go through the torture of watching a  government agency suck blood from their kids’ veins, and threaten to  take their children away. 

Many believe, as critics contend, that the  FDA, the DEA, and CPS exist solely to protect pharmaceutical profits. It  is not about effective medicine. It is about keeping people addicted  and dependent on the pill factories and their white-coated pill pushers.  If CPS really cared about the child, in this case, they would not have  attempted to force her parents to make her take the medications that  harmed her in the first place. 

 We are the Free Thought Project — a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability. All of our content was created by our team of artists and writers. Learn more about us on our website thefreethoughtproject.com.

"Jerger made a grave mistake when she told the doctors she found CBD and it was working better than their pills."

Big mistake, indeed. Most doctors these days are just pill salesmen for the pharma industry!

Thank-you @tftproject for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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There are a lot of alternative treatments to seizures, cancer, alzheimer's, brain tumors...etc. There's just no money in curing people. If people knew Vitamin C was a cure-all and that eating junk food is bad (wait, they do know that), these huge companies ranging from Rx companies, Monsanto, hospitals, Kraft, Tyson...etc would all be losing money and going bankrupt. Basically, whatever the government says, do the opposite. Prayers to this little girl and her family.

I like your comment about how corrupt the government and medical system is. Like you said, if people knew Vitamin C was a cure-all... We wouldn't be spraying our lawns for weeds. Instead, we'd be making dandelion flower salads. And it's that very reason- corruption- that I can't stand most media outlets. If we do care about our health... how are we to know what's good or bad.

We have been lied to so much, we don't even know what to eat. Crazy!

I feel bad for kids being treated by CBD as there are no protections from them being taken by CPS.

This is ridiculous. It just shows that the deep state and our so called law enforcement work hand in hand to control us. They want us buying their drugs and doing as they see fit.

Slowly but surely we'll break the wheel of these freedom hating, child molesting monsters

I am so sorry this family and vulnerable child has had to endure this trauma and is left to shake in the wake of it all. Just makes no sense. I wish them love & peace as they continue their journey.

Enough is enough! I totally agree, the cannabis plant needs to be freed from the grips of law and DECRIMINALIZED. Once & for all 🌹💛🌹

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This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

This is another great example of why cbd oil needs to be de-criminalized everywhere and de-stigmatized so that parents are not labelled "child-abusers" for wanting their child healthy.

There are many medications for irritative foci called anticonvulsants that generate the multiplication of these crises. The nervous system must adapt to them and at times they are not correct or the doses are very high, this must be treated urgently, which generates neuronal death. The mother has the right to decide what is best for her daughter while stopping her ailments