Housemaid Of Mr.Darvid (INTRO)

in #fanfiction3 years ago

Tae Darvid as Sky


Famous singer.

28 years old.

A cold heart person.



Straight as pole (rainbow)

Don't give a shit about anyone.

Ready to fuck any female as long as she is not in his relation.

Hated by few but loved by billions.

Don't give a shit about feelings of anyone.

Lives alone in Bangkok.

Have one brother whom he loves and adores a lot.

Not in good terms with his parents due to his playboy imagine.

Best friend with Ryder.

                       Tee Jaruji as Ray


College graduate.

24 years old.

Abandoned by parents due to his sexuality when he was 16.


Loved by almost everyone who knows him.

Completed his college degree on scholarship.

Works three part time job as cashier in restaurant, as tutor and as babysitter.

Lives alone in small studio apartment.

Friends with Kevin since college.

Ex boyfriend Alex who lives abroad.

Has one huge ass secret.

                            Kimmon as Ryder


Sky's best friend.

28 years old.


Flirty nature but still a virgin.

Waiting for someone special.


Believes in love at first sight.

Can do anything for his friend Sky.

Lives alone.

                       Bas Suradet as Kevin


Ray's best friend.

20 years old.


Doing research work.

Got his college degree earlier than everyone else of his age due to high intellectual.

Don't believe in relationship and all.

Want to something for sake of humanity and nature.

Hates celebrities and their scandals.

Happy go lucky person.

Admire Ray as big brother but treat him as friend.

Only child.

Confused about his sexuality.

Live with parents.

                       Copter as Keith


Sky's half brother.

22 years old

Spoiled by parents and his brother.

Little arrogant.

Has huge crush on Ryder but scare to admit it.


Rapper and dancer.

Believe in love.

Hates clingy people.

Live with parents.

Serious about his career.


Never plays with anyone feelings.

Waiting for right one to notice him.

                               Godt as Alex


Ex boyfriend of Ray

26 years old.

Tough from outside but soft from inside.

Left Ray due to family pressure.

Kind and have loving nature.

Boys and girls drool over him.

Helps his father in business.

Loves painting and sketching.

            A/N: So guys these are details of my story and it's characters. I hope you will support this. This is a fanfiction, plot and story belongs to me only.