Fate through the viewfinder - Arc 1 - CH 05 Undeniable Attraction

in #fanfiction7 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer: The original VF story and Characters belong to Yamane Ayano Sensei.

WARNING: This is a fanfic for the boys love manga Finder no Hyouteki (Finder Series) which includes lemon, crime, torture, and romance between men. So if its not your thing. Please don't read.

Lemon Scene in this Chapter.

Thank You and Enjoy!

Takaba was in disbelief. He was tied to a bed with Asami giving him head. The worst part, it felt really good. So good, that he was moaning the entire time, something he didn't know he could even do. Then, to make matters worse... he was now in an impossible situation.

"A...sa...mi, pl...ease. Let...me...come!" Asami looks back at his kitten, his hard shaft ready to explode under the ring he put on it to stop him from releasing.

"Beg me more, A-ki-hi-to"

"I b..eg you, it hur...ts" Takaba's eyes looked back at Asami with teary eyes, his emotions were a mess with pain and pleasure. He couldn't think of anything else other than the desire to release.

Satisfied with his tears and state of mind, Asami slowly removed the ring while brushing against him a few more times making Takaba moan again with unbearable pain and pleasure before the ring loosened and the great pleasure of his release was felt. Asami pumped his shaft, letting out every last drop of cum. As his kitten's energy drained away, he dropped into Asami's waiting arms.

"The night has just begun, little kitten"

Takaba heard the whisper in his ear as he drifted to sleep and at that moment, simply didn't care.

While Takaba took a short nap, Asami grabbed the camera to take a few more shots, smiling at each one as he viewed them on the seat opposite the bed. He found the one that was taken at the construction site and felt proud, his little kitten really knew how to take photographs. I always look good in photographs, but my wild kitten, how is it you make me look so...perfect? Fufufu. Hurry up and wake up, so we can have some more fun together.e

He continued looking through the camera's images. There were some of the sky, of plants, of people walking on the street, of two other young men he remembered seeing them in the report. So these are probably his friends. Another few pictures of all three together, someone else was taking the picture. It looked like they were in a house, gathered around the dining table, eating, drinking and laughing. His kitten looked free and happy, his eyes shined with a bright light, the light that first caught his attention.

He flickered through a few more images before stopping at one with a young girl. She looked no more than 7 years old with short black hair and deep blue eyes. She was standing outside in a park, cherry blosoms falling all around her, it was a breathtaking sight. It could'nt be his daughter... could it? He grabbed his phone and took a photo of the photo before sending it.

Asami: Kirishima, find out more about this girl. -image attached-

Kirishima: Hai, Asami-sama. I will bring you a report tomorrow evening... How is the boy?

Asami: Tasty.

Kirishima: Please forgive me, I shouldn't have asked. Enjoy your night. And Ryu, try to relieve your stress, but don't go too far.

Only at times like these would he use his nickname, when he talked not as a trusted secretary, but as an old friend who who worried and cared for another friend. He flicked through a few more images, Takaba and the girl was together in most of them, smiling, laughing while doing mundane things like cleaning and cooking. He heard his little kitten stir in his bed and knew he would wake up soon enough. He set the camera down, taking out the films from the camera and camera bag. Placing them on the bedside table, he leaned in and gave a peck to the waking up boy.

"Good Morning little kitten, ready for round two?" He asked with a smirk, he truly was enjoying this.

Akihito opened his eyes at the feeling of a peck on his cheek to a grinning Asami.

"LET ME GO ASAMI!" He tries to kick him away but being tied to the bed leaves his legs kicking air.

Asami stares at hid wild kitten, his eyes glowing brighter than ever. "Feisty little one aren't you, I just want to talk a bit" Giving him a semi-innocent look.

"If you want to talk then RELEASE ME!" The chains rattle as he tries again to free himself.

"But you are going to run away... Perhaps, if I get your word that you won't try to run?" His head tilts to the side giving a questioning look.

"I.. I won't run."

Asami continues to look at him, silent.

"I won't run." In a voice so low, he almost didn't hear, his kitten whispered "Asami, please untie me."

Satisfied, Asami moved to undo the chains with a grin. While his kitten had a regretful pouting look that he chuckled at.

As the chains loosened, Takaba pulled his arms away as fast as he could, jumped from the bed and tried to dash to the door. Before he got far, Asami pulled him back. Freed from the chains, he sends a kick flying towards his captor who easily avoided it. He raised his knee to give a head blow only to be stopped by a hand.

After many more unsuccessful kicks and punches and even more screams, Takaba was once again pinned to the bed with Asami on top.

"WHY ARE YOU SO STRONG, BASTARD." They were both panting hard, staring back at each other without moving.

That took Asami back, no one had ever called him bastard or other names before, not in his presence at least. Then again, no one ever fought him so strongly before either. Other bed partners would willingly go to bed with him, either from the beginning or with a little tease. He was the embodiment of power, wealth and sexy after all, something people lusted for. Other people, even powerful figures bowed and froze in his presence. Very few were able to stand as his equal or go against him. Yet, this boy in front of him stared back at him with fierce bright eyes, unwilling to back down. It was very alluring and very sexy.

Who are you, my wild kitten.

Akihito stared back at the man named Asami Ryuuichi, his energy drained from trying to fight his way out only to get pinned back on the bed. How strong is he, I can't move! I'm not weak dammit! He gave in a little and relaxed, giving his body a chance to rest. He stared back at those golden eyes, not flinching in the least. He was so close, his golden eyes were pure, bright and deep. Beautiful. He begun to notice the body that was pinning him down. The man's disheveled black hair complementing his eyes perfectly. His jaw line that was in perfect proportions, he could feel his hands, they were hot on his skin and his arms strong holding him down. Looking away from his eyes, he looked down, his body extruded sexiness. Dammit. He had an eight-pack, his abs solid with little droplets of sweat. He couldn't see anything else since a robe blocked his path. He's probably sexy and large there too. Drool started forming in his mouth, his hard-on getting harder.

Dammit, I'm not into men like him, maybe...

Asami was greatly amused, he followed the eyes of his kitten as he looked him up and down, noticed the drool forming in the corner of his mouth and his hard-on forming to match his own.

He started licking and biting every inch of the boys body, as it slowly gave way to more access for the man. They were both too far in to stop, an attraction so strong neither knew what it was. But it didn't matter. In that moment, they simply didn't want to stop.

Asami slowly started to prepare him, gently entering his rectum, first with one finger, then two, going deeper. He found the prostrate gland and begun thrusting towards it soft at first then harder and harder making his kitten moan louder.

Asami re-positioned himself, taunting first with the tip of his hard-on then pushing his entire length deep into his kitten, slamming in and out of him while licking and playing with his nipples.

Akihito first protests against the large hard-on in him, soon turned to nothing but moans while he called out Asami's name and ruffled the man's silk black hair.

Thrusting harder each time, Asami pulled him up, now straddling him, thrusting deeper as his kitten purred at the pleasure. At this moment, nothing else mattered, nothing but the pleasure they both felt, the way their bodies moved perfectly in sync and their perfect compatibility. Pleasure neither of them had ever felt was being felt by both. In that moment, Asami looked at Akihito, watching his lips open and close as he moaned, as he called out his name. The way his hair was disheveled and his eyes going in and out of focus. He was sensual in every way.

Asami leaned forward, their breaths mixing in the short distance between them. He moved forward a little bit more, each thrust bringing their lips closer, brushing against each other. The sexual tension rose as he closed the distance between them with a kiss, the kiss deepened with each stronger thrust, they were both reaching their limit. Their tongues broke free into each others mouths, exploring each inch of it. They broke the kiss for air, and devoured each other in another one, like two hungry wolves.

The kiss got deeper and the thrusts stronger. Akihito's hands were on Asami's back, digging his nails deep as he scratched him. Asami found his kitten's shaft and started rubbing the tip with one hand, then moving from the top to the bottom and back, quickening the pace to match each thrust. His other hand was on his kitten's nipples, pulling then, pinching then and rubbing them. There was no more air in their lunges, their strength was at its last stretch, one final thrust, deepest, strongest, Akihito climaxed, releasing his cum all over their stomachs. At the same time, Asami released inside of his kitten, every drop squeezed out as his kitten tightened during his own release. Their kiss broke, both panting hard, both wanting more. Akihito collapsed on Asami as Asami dropped on the bed, neither moving, enjoying the afterglow of the mind blowing sex they just had. Not thinking about anything else as they drifted to sleep in each others arms.

Chapter List:
Arc 1: