She opened her eyes and marveled at feeling no pain. "Humm, that must have been some powerful drug they gave me last night", she speculated.
Kathleen thought back on the many days and months of feeling nothing but extreme pain.
It came about slowly. Nothing noticeable at first, but as time went on, she couldn't help but think something was wrong. She felt tired all the time, could hardly move or do her daily work.
Then the pain started. First in her arms, then the shoulder with radiating pulses down her spine. "Gotta get this checked out," she thought.
Her husband, Grant, whom she loved since high school, accompanied her to the doctor. Many tests were done over a period of several days.

When the news came, he was there for her. Trying to console her, he broke down and wept himself. It was a rare disease in an advanced stage, giving her only months to live.
"They must have been wrong," she contemplated. "Today, I've never felt better".
"No pain and feeling light as a feather, as opposed to the heaviness I've dealt with for months."
"Oh well, doctors have been wrong before." "Whatever they gave me sure did work!"
Looking around to find her husband, she saw instead, a figure clothed in a white robe, standing beside the window. Man or woman, she couldn't make out which.
"Who are you?" Kathleen asked. Looking at her with steady eyes, the person said, "I'm your guide."
"Oh yeah?" "So guide me to Grant, I want to tell him how marvelous I feel!"
"I'm afraid that is not going to happen, Kathleen." "My job is to guide you into the spiritual realm."
Spiritual realm? She tried to remember what she knew about this. Not much, so she ask....."What do you mean?" "You talking about church?"
"No Kathleen, your time on earth is done, I'm here to help you transition into the next world."

"What are you talking about?" "Being dead is the only way to accomplish that."
The stranger stood and looked solemnly into her eyes.
"You're telling me I'm dead," Kathleen asked with a look of shock on her face! "You gotta be kidding!!"
"You must come with me now, Kathleen." "There is much work to do."
"No, no, no, no, not yet, I need to at least say goodby to Grant." "We had so many plans!"
"I need to tell him I don't want to go, but I must." "Please let me tell him." "I know he is so lost and alone right now without me!"
"We've been together since high school and never been separated for a long period of time!" "Please, I implore you!"
"Very well, you may go to him in a dream and explain."
Grant awakened with a start. He had been dreaming of Kathleen who had died two months ago! The dream was so vivid and realistic!

"How could she leave him?" He was angry, resentful, and hurt even though it was unreasonable. It wasn't her fault, but still, he couldn't shake those feelings!
The dream he helped alleviate that somewhat, but the promise of more to come was what he looked forward to. He knew now, he would see her later, thru the winds of time!
This may or may not be continued. Only time will tell!
Keep on the Sunnyside!
Photo. #1 Source
I love your ending...the way I could end all of mine.
Your story writing is compelling, spiritual, and something we all share, thinking of the time of death.
Kathleen is dealing with something we all deal with, leaving those we love behind. I hope you continue this story.
Thank you for reading this.....I hope I continue also, but I've never tried my hand at writing stories. I know where I want to take this story, it's just a matter of organizing my thoughts and getting it done. I'm going to try though and with comments like yours, it's very encouraging! Thanks again!
Uh huh, I know why he was mad at her. She died without divulging that spaghettii and meatball recipe!
Great post once again @sunnieside! You stepped out of your comfort zone and into the twilight zone!
Maybe you'll see later why she took the recipe with her.....lol. Into the twilight zone is right! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Looking forward to more spooky stuff!
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