Dill: nutritional, medicinal and cultivation properties.

in #farms5 years ago

Friends know that dill is an annual, spicy, cold-resistant herbaceous plant that demands moisture and light; with a single straight and branched stem with a height of 40 to 120 cm, dark green.


Dill has been cultivated for a long time throughout North Africa and Europe; It was used by Egyptian healers 5000 years ago. The remains of dill were found in the ruins of Roman settlements in the United Kingdom. During the Middle Ages, it was even believed that this fragile plant was a powerful defender against witchcraft. The Bible says that the Pharisees paid tithing on the leaves, stems and seeds of dill. Now dill, as a cultivated plant, grows on all continents, except in Antarctica and Australia.

Useful properties


  • Dill leaves contain essential oils, pectins, flavonoids, carotene, chlorophyll, lots of vitamin C, B1, B2, B5, B9, PP, potassium salts, phosphorus, iron, chlorogenic acid.

  • Dill seeds contain essential oil, fiber, flavonoids, fatty oil, sugars, carotene, nitrogenous substances.

  • Due to the presence of magnesium and iron salts in dill in a well digestible form, hematopoiesis significantly improves.

  • The essential oil promotes better bile formation, digestive enzymes, urine and also provides disinfection to the body, especially in the genitourinary and digestive systems. In medicine, dill is used to obtain the Anetin medication, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The anenetine content in dill helps expand the vessels of the brain and heart muscles, which increases their nutrition by a hundredfold.

  • Dill should be used to improve lactation and urine production, with problems with the respiratory system, high blood pressure, to improve vision. An infusion of leaves is also used for hypertension, as an antispasmodic and diuretic and sedative.

  • Dill is an excellent analgesic for ulcers (in particular, duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer), cholecystitis and other diseases of the abdominal cavity.

  • Dill seeds are used to make tinctures that stimulate appetite and improve digestion, and contribute to the treatment of insomnia and inflammation of the kidneys. To make such an infusion, you must pour 2 teaspoons of crushed dill seeds with boiling water (2 cups) and strain after 10 minutes. Drink a glass a day.

  • In the kitchen, dill is used in the preparation of salads, added as a condiment for fish, meat, soups and sauces.

  • Dill umbrellas are used to pickle and pickle vegetables. It is also suitable for the fortification and aromatization of maya, vinegar, all kinds of cheeses, meat and bakery products.

  • Dill has a very strong flavor and aroma and, therefore, can be used separately from other spices.

  • All kinds of seed and dill extracts are used to manufacture various compositions in perfumery and cosmetology.

  • Essential oils obtained from dill seeds are used in the manufacture of creams, colonies and toothpastes. This oil is also used in the canning, food, distilleries and soaps industries.

Dangerous properties of dill.

It is not advisable to eat dill and be treated with medications that contain it, for people with low blood pressure and individual intolerance. If you use dill in excess, it can cause temporary visual impairment, dizziness, loss of strength. In addition, a large amount of dill is harmful to pregnant women.

Dill sowing and harvesting


This perennial plant does not require excessively fertile soil. It often has enough fertilizers that were made the previous year for other vegetables that were grown in this place. But to obtain a high yield, it is recommended to plant dill in moist soils. If the plant grows on dry land, the stem will form early, and this reduces the quality of dill.

Seed Preparation

For the seeds to germinate quickly, it is worth doing their preparation. For this, the planting material is soaked before planting. Some gardeners initially grow seedlings and then plant them in a permanent place. But in any case, it is initially necessary to prepare seeds. To do this, they are wrapped in a cloth that they moisten previously. You must ensure that it is always wet.

Under such conditions, the seeds should lie down for about 2 days. During this time they swell. After that, they should air dry for a third of an hour. The soil is prepared beforehand in which the seeds are planted. Outbreaks will begin to be seen after 2 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to control soil moisture.

To plant dill, you must comply with these rules:

  • Dig the earth to a depth of 20-25 cm.
  • It is necessary to make fertilizers. For this, humus and mineral dressings are used. This procedure is done in autumn.
  • In the spring the ground is leveled, furrows are made. Its depth should be about 2 cm.
  • Between each row there should be about 20 cm distance.
  • The soil is moistened. After that, you can sow seeds in it.
  • The landing at the top is covered with loose ground. But don't water the crops too much, as they can deepen.

It is forbidden to process dill with chemical products, for this reason it is worthwhile to carry out prophylaxis. To do this, eliminate weeds, infected plants, alternate planting every year with other crops. Seed disinfection is also useful. This is a simple procedure.

