Its ok if you don't like trump but if you think he is a fascist dictator then you already fell for some propaganda yourself.
Its ok if you don't like trump but if you think he is a fascist dictator then you already fell for some propaganda yourself.
Let's see. Trump is a drastically egotistical, narcissistic, outspoken, extremely nationalistic, caustic, anti-establishment individual who rails against the status quo, is a strong supporter of the police and the military (and thinks deserters should be executed)--is a war-monger while pretending not to be; pretends he only wants to "defend" the "nation" from those that threaten it--feeds off of people's anger and fear, wants to disarm enemies of the state while allowing loyal subjects to be armed, focuses on blaming a particular religious group (which he wants forcibly expelled from, and kept out of, the country), who cloaks his megalomania as patriotism, and who rails against communism while at the same time advocating many authoritarian collectivist and socialist agendas. Remind you of anyone?
By the way, "fascism" refers to a corporate/"government" merger, with strong authoritarian police and military presence. Which part of that do you not recognize in Trump's agenda?
I happily voted against the real proven experienced skilled fascist which was Hillary Clinton. I suppose you would have voted for her. Or maybe you are just too good to vote with the little people.
You need to start thinking outside of the statist box. The fact that I oppose Collectivist Authoritarian Megalomaniac #1 doesn't mean I support Collectivist Authoritarian Megalomaniac #2. And Hillary had more in common with Stalin than with Hitler. Lastly, yes, I am too good to vote, because I'm not silly enough to appoint a master over myself, and I have no right to appoint a master over anyone else.

2 party system. The illusion of choice.
Trump maybe a fascist, but he isnt a dictator. Larken is bad at receiving criticism.
Yes, just what I was thinking. This image of Trump being a Fuhrer is what the MSM has been spoonfeeding the public. Some people really don't grasp what a dictator really is. First thing a dictator would do is to censor the press. Quite the opposite is happening: I've never known of the media in a country to ever show that level of disrespect towards a president.