Fast Cash Mobile Squeeze Pages review
Fast Cash Mobile Squeeze Pages review
Lucas Adamski just released a brand-new
graphic PLR product that is absoutely,
positively JAW-DROPPING:
If you're looking for a unique, not-rehashed
and top quality PLR, look no futher.
Easy Mobile Squeeze Pages is a collection of 50
brand-new, mobile squeeze pages.
For a special time you'll be able to grab full
PLR rights to this pack and resell for 100% profit!
You don't want to miss because price increases
every couple of sales:
In order to create a responsive design (that means it will work on tablets, mobile devices and desktop computers flawlessly), first your page needs to be coded in HTML5/CSS newest standards. Additionally you'd have to create a separate CSS style sheet for mobile devices and set there different font sizes, margins, and different widths & heights of various CSS elements. You may also need to change the image sizes to fit the mobile devices. It may take 20, 30 or even 50 different tests to come up with a perfectly looking squeeze page on your mobile device. If you didn't understand what I just said, that's fine. You could always hire some web designer to help you out for $50-$100 per page.
low quality copy/paste spam
!cheetah ban
Okay, I have banned @lahbil.