Fasting Journal : 032419 EIF Week 01 Sunday Meals

in #fasting6 years ago

My OMAD turned into 2MAD today. I thought I would start at noon so I would be more than 12 hours fasted by 6:AM Monday morning (for the tests). But I just couldn't eat the full meal I had planned. So I waited a while and had the second part at about 4:PM

Not a big deal, I really think I might do better on two meals instead of OMAD, simply because I am really not able to eat 2000 calories at one sitting. At least not comfortably. Did not document, but it was simple, my regular bone broth, and a rib eye. Second meal, one of those pork steaks and four fried eggs. And a piece of cheese. Done.

Carnivore, at least without recipes, is boringly simple. I feel satisfied, but not really interested in the preparation. I guess part of why I liked the salads was the enjoyment of making them.

So another meal day tomorrow, then the Tuesday fast.


I've recently been working on doing OMDAD (one drinking session per day, giving time to absorb, then eating). Can't say I've gone past 18 hours yet but going dry is super powerful. Changes everything. You may have some good success in shrinking your tumor by shaking it up with dry fasting.

Make sure you alkalize first (lots of baking soda, possibly humic acid?) before you start, along with high doses of electrolytes (potassium, salt, maybe snake juice) and test your urine pH as you go for safety. Just like extended fasting, learning to drink only once per day seems to be great preparation for multiple days of going dry.

That is really about all you need to know. Doing super low intensity steady state cardio in a dry fasted state will melt away fat because your body will consume the fat cells to access water instead of nutrition. Re-hydrating is probably best with coconut water, cucumber, and/or watermelon.

I don't mention it, but I always do a 14-15 hour dry fast every day. From about 9:PM till 10:AM most days. I haven't gone any further. But Siim Land just put up a video on dry fasting. Maybe I will try a 24 or 48 hour dry fast sometime soon.

Yeah I just saw that too. Interesting point about not having problems with detox when you fast dry. I'm past 24 hours right now, trying to lose my last 12 lbs. Hoping I can finish it off in less than 3 days but I need to up my steady state cardio.

2MAD sounds more manageable than omad, I have often wondered how people manage to cram all that food 😆 so everything still going well?

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Yes, thanks. More good news from the Dr. today, so things are looking up.