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RE: Fbi anon returns to 4chan

in #fbianon8 years ago (edited)

Today, February 17, 2017, an article about the H7N9 form of influenza killing 87 people between January 1 and February 12, 2017 came out.

Not saying it's related but I wonder if this form of bird flu shall make the news in the following days, weeks or months and how much do the CFR stir the MSM trends. Thing is, I don't follow what they put out much even if I've subscribed to their YouTube channels.


Thanks Heroic,

Well, the CFR is said to control not only the State Department but also the CIA (DynCorp) so this is a good find. More specifically, in relation to the Virus/Vaccine industry that is becoming more exposed by the day.

So, I guess this video excerpt is no news to you:

Of course... like Obama thanked Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR) as being his greatest mentor. The CFR is always involved behind the scenes. Even after Trump was elected as an "outsider" he met with Henry Kissenger to discuss foreign relations. There is decades long continuity at play.

...and Angelina Jolie is CFR & has an adoption habit going on herself. (half-joking+full-real here; there is ''fake news'', so let this be ''joking for real'')