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RE: A Recipe For Courage

in #fear5 years ago

Okay, it won't be a minute, because the bittrex account I collected all those pennies into has been disabled. I do not know if this is because you have over reacted and accused my account of theft. I really fucking hope not because that would be silly. Maybe it is just bittrex being a dick in general. Either way, it is only 5 STEEM. I will get it to you shortly enough that I imagine it won't impact your life too negatively.


When taking it you knew it wasn't yours otherwise u wouldn't have left the smug message! The amount doesn't change the principal also conveniently for you it was just before the hardfork. What a coincidence! How would u feel about somebody emptying your bank account because u haven't used it for a while? So don't fucking try giving me shit about being rude to you considering the circumstances!

Actually, no. I did not. I let you use eddard years ago, and had forgotten. I went through my flash drive with info on accounts and passwords that I had started and abandoned, in order to collect up all the small amounts on them. I did not remember until after I had withdrawn the funds from eddard, and tried to sign into another account only to find I couldn't because the password had been changed, that I had allowed others to use some of my accounts. If it had been a significant amount I would have sent the STEEM back straight away, but because it was less than a dollar, and because I was feeling lazy, and because you hadn't been online in ages and appeared to have abandoned the account, I decided just to send a quick message instead telling you to reach out if you returned.

Now, your attitude is disgraceful. You're having a tantrum over a dollar that I could have already returned if you did not accuse me of being a thief, which I am not, to bittrex. Because of your vaginal bullshit, not only can I not access my funds to send you back the less than a dollar you're bitching about, but I cannot even access my other funds, which I am in need of. I have been back and forth with bittrex support for ages on this silliness, and it is annoying.

Also, I did not know a hardfork was approaching, nor do I understand why that would make a difference.

You'd do well to alter your attitude before messaging me again. I did not have to let you use any account. If I wanted to be a thief, I could have just withdrawn funds from eddard to a random exchange and you'd never have known where it went. And if I was going to to do that, would I do it with a fucking dollar? Lol. Grow the fuck up and stop bitching about inconsequential shit. There is actual problems in the world that are more deserving of this pissiness.

On a final note, you will get the funds back not before my account is unfrozen, and if it is not, then you will not get them back, because your bullshit would have cost me far more than the 4.753 STEEM you are in bereavement over.

Typical self absolution from a thief caught red handed

You didn't "let me use the account" you gave it for which I repaid you in magnitude a long time ago!

You can lie to yourself as much as you want doesn't change the fact that you stole funds from my account and I hope you never get back your funds from bittrex as you shouldn't because your a fucking thief and nothing more you had more than enough time to rectify your mistake and return the funds you choose to keep them which proves my point and now you have the audacity to try dismiss what you did because you only managed to steal a small amount.

Fuck you cunt
I hope you fucking die of covid 19 one cunt less in this world

I am no thief, and have explained the situation to a sufficient degree. But answer me this; supposing I truly did steal $0.60 from you intentionally, do you think that your words or actions make you more honourable than a thief? I'd rather be a thief than a bitter and hateful ingrate who wishes death upon cunts I barely know.

A petty thief will always come up with justification for his actions and ur not very good at counting either

And if it's such a negligible amount how come 2 months have gone by and u never returned the steem and hive u stole ?so fuck you and ur petty excuses !

Returned ages ago. Delay was your fault, for lying to bittrex. But I sent it as soon as they reenabled my account.