Red Pill Black: Candace Owens: Nobody Likes Feminism: that's what happened, Hillary.

in #feminism7 years ago (edited)

Man she is really good and a breath of fresh air. I don't usually share just simple posts of videos by someone else. This is just too good, and needs to be shared. Until she joins steemit/busy/dtube herself people like me often likely will share her videos as she is pretty amazing. (Yes, I am a fan)

Nobody Likes Feminism: that's what happened, Hillary.


What Youtube and Facebook REALLY think of Black people


Ah, that wage gap gets me every time. Even when you point out the facts rather clearly, feminists go bonkers.

This graphic is particuarly "triggering" for them:

Men Work and Majors.png

Then again, I guess I can understand the logic, if not the ethics, of their attempt to protect their many privileges:

  1. Can't be drafted.
  2. Far lighter sentences for the same crime.
  3. Title IX / AA / "Sexual Harassment" / Diversity. Harder to fire, can sue you.
  4. Alimony.
  5. Child Support.
  6. Presumption of custody in family court.
  7. Presumption of innocence / belief in rape / domestic cases
  8. Greater proportion of tax and entitlement benefits despite fewer taxes paid
  9. Can get enormous amount of free stuff/career advancement from even being remotely attractive, if they so choose.

I had to comment again to say this lady is the bomb.

And probably up next for YouTube's time-out, video de-monetization time-out.

She's already been targeted for that some. Her Patreon is giving her $2000+/month at the moment and I suspect that will only increase. She'll survive, and I suspect will thrive. I see her as someone we'll all become very used to hearing about.

Wow, that's a very respectable sum to pull from Patreon. That's getting up there into "can afford to live in the USA without another job" territory.

I'm sure we can all identify with how tough it is to be a self-made content producer now, especially in the age of censorship. I think that's what they'll call this later.

The Age of Sail had a much better ring to it.

I believe she was just on the news? Listening to her is like walking through a vibrant healthy garden! Lol

Perhaps she was on news. She has been getting interviewed by a growing number of people for weeks now.

Isn't Hillary the most oppressed person in America since Jesus?

So oppressed she can commit just about any crime and they still won't let her into prison.

Yup I am also a fan! She is a breath of fresh air and flat refuses to be hoodwinked! Sharing for others to get it!

I commented on the first video recommending she come to DTUBE and STEEMIT. Whether she'll listen or not, who can say. Whether youtube will censor my comment so she can't see it, who can say.

Hmmm maybe I need to do that as well...

Yup I invited her to

she is one of many;

the left has successfully Otherized political opposition for so long b/c people don't like politics and don't want to be bothered with it. people that opposed the democong/globalist agenda were portrayed as too crazy and politcially untrustworthy

...but now, with the Left mostly in control, they have dropped the mask of who they are, and started messing with every one's lives

the normal person, who does not want to be bothered with politics, is seeing the effects of those politics and is finally fighting back

Damn she's fine.

Yes, intelligence is sexy.

haha dodgin a bullet there

So good to hear a honest clear voice instead of factless media opinion

Super Woman! Perfect words used, she could be big(ger) when she will use dtube and steem!

She is great. Glad to see her videos. I'm wondering if her channel has been demonetized for not following the corrupt establishment script. So many good voices are being penalized and censored now by Google/ You Tube which is, factually, a government affiliated (colluding) organization. Not sure if you've watched Sane Progressive @dwinblood. Debbie is also great and it would be good to have her here on DTube. I've been trying to message her to get her to come over. She has a great new video on Morgan Freeman, Rob Reiner and the Hollywood elite now openly colluding with David Frum and the Neocons. Link here:

Can you give a clue what this is going to be about. I will watch it but it may take me a bit to get 44 minutes free... likely not until tonight.

Seems for some reason the comment I left with it disappeared. I may have accidentally wiped out my own comment when posting the vid. That is Debbie from the Sane Progressive channel. She is also a great voice representing women and the truth about the wars. In my now gone comment I was pointing out that Red Pill Black is great and she and Debbie would be great voices to get on DTube and Steemit also (like the comment above). Debbie's current video is about the collusion between Hollywood elitists Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman with David Frum and the Neocons. Freeman has put out a surreal video that pushes the new McCarthyism to new levels. I have more on it at the bottom of this post if you check out their recent Tweets. Morgan Freemans video is one of the top trending subjects on Twitter right now as he pushes the anti-Russia agenda in collaboration with the Deep State.