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RE: With Great Responsibility Once Came Great Privilege

in #feminism7 years ago

I think that the radicalization of the genres, whatever the side, is wrong! In large part of what you speak you are right, because as a man I was taught as a child to "take care of the house", to work for the family and to "be someone" to be able to maintain a good home some day.

I feel it is not wrong for women to deserve some privileges for the simple fact of being the fundamental pillars of parenting and family education, but at the same time it does not seem fair that they feel they "deserve" to be rewarded for things they do not do nor do they know, like the hard work you mentioned earlier.

Of course, as in all our existence, there are exceptions to the rule in which, there are men in the house while the woman works or women doing heavy work (I mention this because I have seen them). However, I totally agree that respect should prevail and that everyone should be treated according to their merits, always maintaining a minimum of respect.

Also, my friend, these groups that you mention if you watch carefully, you realize that they are minorities that claim to be "oppressed" because at some point in their lives they experienced existential traumas and probably do not have a very stable mental health. So, we share opinions and I hope to continue debating in these cases, excellent work!