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RE: What’s the truth? And how bad do you wanna know?

in #feminism7 years ago

Thank you so much for stopping by and adding this perspective. To be fair, I think I share most of it, so it’s an easy comment to interact with. ;)

I’ve never seen the harm in debate. I think honest, fair, educated debate helps us get to the bottom of a lot of issues. A one-sided view of things (even if it’s your side!) doesn’t really help you situate yourself, or the issue, in context of the entire world and intersectional politics. Knowledge is power. And hopefully power leads to change.


If you ever do a podcast or video blog or whatever, and want another perspective, I'm willing to join in. The only thing I ask is for respect and a willingness to listen, which will be given in kind.

I’m prettyyyy new to this steemit thing so video blogging and the like is out of my scope (for now!) but I’ll keep this in mind. Appreciate your comments! :)

One quick unrelated question: No relation to the actress from American Horror Story, is there?

Haha, no, but you’d be surprised how often I get that!