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RE: Feminism Sunday: Male Feminist Predators

in #feminism7 years ago

Excellent Post, I am going thru your links that were on the latest.
I find myself in a similar position to yours in Team Girl Powa, I am somewhat of a mercenary for #teamgood and I am totally honored by that pedestal they have placed me upon. As a general rule, I support PEOPLE, and have found many friends amongst associated groups of #teamgood. These include people who are in feminist, LGBT and others who, if I might be allowed to paint with a broader brush for a moment, are typically thought to be "on the left". As a Libertarian Leaning individual, I seek Liberty and Justice for ALL.

Hope you do not mind if I follow the path you have blazed as a man allied with women in their societal struggles...


Supporting people means being a feminist, to my mind, so welcome aboard!

Thank You!
Follow for you, and I wish we could re-steem older articles.
Maybe I will write a follow-up from my own perspective.