A surprise birthday for Raspos - Fiction

in #fiction6 years ago

A surprise birthday party for Raspos

Melba, the rat and Raspos’ best friend was sitting under a tree, sleeping.  Raspos was high up in a tree, busy painting the leaves green as the season was changing to spring.  

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“Melba, Melba” whispered Alice softly.

Melba got such a fright that he jumped up, ready to attack.  He saw Alice, the fairy standing in front of him.  

“Come with me.” Alice whispered to Melba and he followed her into the garden.

“Ok, this is far enough I think.” said Alice.  “Now Raspos won’t be able to hear us.”

“Do you know what day it is tomorrow?” Alice asked Melba.

 “Yes, of course” said Melba. “Tomorrow is Tuesday.”“What silly question is that?”

“Duh, I know tomorrow is Tuesday Melba, but tomorrow is also Raspos’ birthday.”

“Oh, you mean that day Alice? Yes, I would never forget my best friends birthday” Melba said in an angry voice“ I even made him a gift, the best gift anyone could ask for”

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“What did you make him, wait… let me guess.” Alice said excitedly “Did you make him a new hat? No, no… a new pair of shoes or wait… new clothes?

Melba answered “NO” to all Alice’ guesses.

Alice agreed that that is indeed a very nice idea for a birthday present.  Because Raspos works so hard, he needs all the rest he can get.

“Melba” said Alice, “all the gnomes in Garden valley agreed to a surprise birthday party for Raspos. He is not allowed to know about it.”

“Isn’t that the whole idea of a surprise Alice?” Melba asks while laughing.

“Oh, yes, of course Melba, I am so excited that it came out totally wrong.  I just meant that we are keeping it a secret from Raspos.  You must not even wish him a happy birthday tomorrow, he must think that we all have forgotten about his birthday. Tomorrow evening, at exactly 6 o’clock all the gnomes of Garden valley and the fairies of Mars will meet at Knowie know it All’s tree in the middle of the garden.  The fairies will provide all the food and snacks, and a few garden gnomes will go and fetch Raspos at his house.  They are going to tell him that there is a big problem with Knowie. Ooooohhhh, this is so exciting I can’t wait.” said Alice.

“I have to go now, I still have to go and gather some flowers for the table arrangements”

As Alice was flying away, she shouted to remind Melba to not say a word to Raspos.Melba went back to where he was sleeping.  Luckily, Raspos were still high up in the tree, busy painting the leaves, so busy painting that he didn’t even notice Melba and Alice slipped off. 

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The next morning Raspos woke up with a song in his heart, as he is another year older.  Today is his birthday, today he will get lots of presents and everyone will wish him a happy birthday. 

When Raspos went out of the house, Melba was already waiting for him.

“Morning Melba” Raspos said, waiting for Melba to wish him a happy birthday.“Morning” said Melba

Melba knew in his heart how heartbroken it must be for his best friend to think that he forgot his birthday.  But he kept his promise to Alice by not saying a word to Raspos about his birthday, or the surprise party. 

As the day went on Raspos could not understand why nobody, not even his best friend nor Alice, wished him a happy birthday.  “Maybe he got the date wrong.” he thought to himself. “Maybe my birthday is only tomorrow”

Later that day when Raspos got home, sad and confused, he went to the calendar and saw that the date was indeed correct. Today was his birthday. 

Sadly, he went to bed, not eating, not brushing his teeth, nothing.  He was too sad about the day, the day that everybody forgot his birthday. Raspos climbed into bed, thought about the terrible day he had one more time and fell asleep.  

After a while, Raspos woke up to someone banging on the front door. “Raspos! Raspos!!” someone shouted from behind the door.  “Come quick!!! There is a fire in the garden!! Knowie is stuck in his house and cannot get out!! Come! HELP!!!!!” they shouted.

Raspos got up, got dressed and ran outside. He saw a few garden gnomes, waiting for him to come and help.  Together they ran to the middle of the garden, there where Knowie was supposedly in trouble.  

When they got to the middle of the garden, there was no fire at all.  Angrily Raspos turned to the gnomes who came to wake him up after the terrible day he had had.  

“Why d….” Raspos started.

“SURPRISE” everyone shouted. “Happy birthday to you …” they started singing.

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Raspos stood in awe of what just happened quickly realized what is happening.  He realized why they haven’t wished him happy birthday during the day.  He now knows that they were keeping this, a secret.

He looked at all the gnomes and fairies’, first crying, then bursts out laughing.

“I thought that you forgot my birthday” laugh-cried Raspos.

“Thank you for making this the best birthday ever.” he said.

He looked around and saw all the trouble Alice and the rest of the fairies had put into his surprise party. There were food on each table, each table beautifully decorated with flowers that grew in Garden valley.

Raspos thanked each of them who helped to make this his best birthday ever. They gave him his presents, and of course he was so excited to sleep in the bed that Melba gave him, that he excused himself after a while and went straight to bed. 

He closed his eyes and in his mind he went through everything that happened on his birthday. He realized that he has friends that care about him and which he cares about.  

Raspos was happy…

After a while, he dozed off. Sleeping comfortably on his new bed and soft pillow…

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                                                                                            ~ The end~

Raspos and the evil gnomes - Part 1

Raspos and the evil gnomes - Part 2


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