Raspos and the evil gnomes - Part 2 - Fiction

in #fiction6 years ago

Raspos and the evil gnomes

When they finally woke up, Raspos felt a massive bump on his head.  He could only hear voices all around him but did not see anybody around him, as it was too dark.  

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“We caught one fairy and one gnome.” he heard someone say.  “Yes, because it was this gnome that helped one of the fairies of Mars.  Lets take him to the King. Leave the fairy here.”

Raspos feels how two evil gnomes pick him up and carry him to another, bigger room, leaving Alice all alone in the dark. The room is fairly lit with two candles, one on each side of the massive room.  In the light Raspos can see the evil king and his heart start pounding faster.  What are they going to do with him? He closes his eyes quickly, so that they think he is still unconscious.

“What did you bring me?” the king asks.“This is the gnome the helped the fairies of Mars”“What is wrong with him?”“He bumped his head when he fell off the ladder.”“Don’t worry, give him time to wake up.” said the king as he hit Raspos on the bump on his head.

“OOOUUUCCCCHHHH” cries Raspos.“I knew you were pretending” said the king.  “What is your name?”

“My name is Raspos, a garden gnome” said Raspos trying to get up.

“You can help us a lot, garden gnome.  We cannot look for food ourselves.  The only food we can get and that we are able to eat comes from Mars.  We cannot get to Mars, as we are afraid of the fairies and their fairy dust.  As soon as we try to get to the top of the ladder, they sprinkle my men with fairy dust and refuse to let them go after they are captured.  They have to work as slaves to keep Mars clean and they are never allowed to leave again, unless they can escape.  You can go out and get us some food from Mars.”

“What makes you think that I’ll help you?” asked Raspos.“We brought a fairy too, she is still unconscious in the other room, your Majesty.” one of the evil gnomes shouted.

“Good” said the king. “We can keep her here, while you go back to Mars in search for some food.  This way, we know that you have to come back.”

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They took Raspos and threw him back in the dark room with Alice, who finally woke up.

“What is going on, Raspos” demanded Alice.“I have to go out tomorrow to look for food, but you don’t have to be afraid, I will make a plan to get you out of here Alice.” said Raspos.

The next morning the king sent his evil gnomes to fetch Raspos.  “You have to go and search for food, we are hungry and it is your fault that we couldn’t get any food on Mars.  I give you time until sunset to be back with something to eat.”

Quickly Raspos ran back to his house, where Melba sat and waited for him. “Wow” said Melba, “It looks like you enjoyed yourself so much last night that you didn’t even came back.”

Raspos explained to him that the king had captured him and Alice and that he had to look for food. Melba suggested that Raspos must go and see the wisest animal in Garden valley. Both of them knew straight away that Knowie Know it All, the wise old owl would be able to help them.

Raspos ran to Knowie and begged for his help.  Knowie was a grumpy old owl, but when Raspos mentioned Alice’s name, he quickly agreed to help.  “Of course I will help Alice, she is the sweetest fairy and never has a mean word to say about anyone. She also brings me the nicest gifts from Mars.” said Knowie 

Raspos waiting in anticipation tries to hurry Knowie, but everyone who knows Knowie, knows that he does not let anyone hurry him up.  Thinking, and thinking, he suddenly suggest that Raspos must take some of his sleeping powder.  “Throw a little bit over the food of which the king and his evil gnomes are going to eat.  Not too much, otherwise they will never wake up again. Just give them enough, wait until they sleep, so that you can rescue Alice and the two of you can escape. They will not try to capture you again.”

“Thank you Knowie, you are the wisest animal in Garden valley” said Raspos

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Raspos took the sleeping powder and ran to the golden ladder that leads to Mars.  There he looked for the Queen of Mars and explained the whole sad story to her too.  He asked her if all the fairies could help him to gather food for the king and his evil gnomes.  

As Alice is one of her best fairies, she quickly agreed and called all the fairies to help Raspos to gather some food.  

Quickly all the fairies brought the food they have gathered.  

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“Fairies” said the Queen; I want you to help Raspos carry all the food to the cave of the king.  He wont be able to carry all this food by himself.”

“Thank you very much your Majesty, thank you fairies.  I appreciate your help a lot.” Raspos shouted as he ran down the golden ladder.

As the sun was starting to set, Raspos threw a little bit of sleeping powder over the food and entered the cave where the evil gnomes were waiting for him.  

Grabbing the food out of Raspos’ hands, they quickly went to give some to their king and came back to feed the rest of their evil army.  

Not paying any attention to Raspos as he stood and watched them eat, they quickly fell tired, yawning and went straight to bed.  

When Raspos heard only snoring in the cave, he went to the room where they kept Alice.  In front of the door the two guards were fast asleep. Raspos took the key, opened the door and freed Alice immediately.  

“I am so glad to see you Raspos!” shouted Alice.

“Lets get out of here before these evil gnomes wake up”

“How did you manage to rescue me?” asked Alice.

“Oh” said Raspos, “Knowie know it All gave me some sleeping powder to throw over their food”

Alice laughs, even though Knowie was a grumpy old owl, he is always willing to help.  

“Tomorrow, I will take him something nice gifts from Mars.”

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The two of them went back to Garden valley and the evil gnomes and their king were never to be seen again.

                                                                                            ~The end~

Raspos and the evil gnomes - Part 1


A very cute story! :)

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