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RE: (WIP) The Aethya's End - Forgotten Prophecy - Chapter One.

in #fiction5 years ago

Good for you!! It's been an active work-in-progress for over a decade and has been in mind, constantly evolving and changing shape, for double that. I've been talking to authors who have dumped their novels written in their 20s or 30s and are starting over from scratch (and I'm advised to do so too). Hang in there!!! I love your wit and imagination and your ambition - you *will get this novel out!


I've been talking to authors who have dumped their novels written in their 20s or 30s and are starting over from scratch

I can see why... I started writing this when I was in my early 20's and if I had published it then it would've been one of the worst books ever. "Mary-Sue" main characters. No drama. No plot twists. Nothing interesting.

Over the decade it has evolved a lot. I half wrote this and Book Two, and Book Three came out of no-where thanks to here on Steem. And thanks to working on the three of them I gained a better scope of everything. It's now 12 years later and I feel it's in a place worthy of being brought into the world. Even though I would have loooooved to have brought it out into the world years ago. 😂 It just wasn't ready.

Hang in there!!!

Thank yoouuuu! I will. And this will be done.❤️

.❤️ Out of "nowhere" came Book 3 "thanks to Steem" - love it!
We'll be here to make sure you torture your flawed protagonists (bye bye Mary Sue) and (I hope) give them happy endings or satisfying resolutions of conflict.

Happy endings? 😈 Never!

Book Two is practically finished except for some character development padding and the very sad end that breaks my own heart just to think about.

Book One isn't quite like that... but I like to think that the "real" protagonist in this entire series will be a pleasant surprise. My people, both good and evil, are all over the place! I'm hoping it to be one of those series that you raise an eyebrow at when finished, then read it alllllll over again from Book One, and that's when you realise all the hidden details. 😁

Book Three came about because of Steem!! I just started writing some random stuff and next thing I know I had 26 chapters and direction for the other books. Love Steeeeeem!