in #fiction7 years ago (edited)


community violence from

In a community where parents lost their parental responsibilities and care for their children. It invariably exposed them to all vices such as stealing, fighting, raping, pickpocketing to mention but few. In a very harsh weather, as hot as iron that launders used in pressing their rough clothes. pure waters hawkers used this opportunity to sell their goods. Everyone walking from one place to another. sweating like Christmas Goat. Most of these people looked quite frustrated due to one challenge to another. It was really a bad weather indeed but the people are used to this kind of weather so they play along.

Jamiu who came from a polygamous home removed his clothes and was drinking a sachet of pure water to cool himself from the hot weather and was singing the popular song: 'Science Students'. His father was married to fifteen wives and the least wife had seven children. His mother was the fifth wife and they were twelve from his mother's side: eight girls and four boys. Jamiu's elder sister were all single mothers. Kafaya, the elders among them was impregnated by a tout who refused to accept the responsibilities when she was at the age of fourteen. Everyone thought she won't survive the pregnancy but as God may have it; she delivered her baby boy safely.

This is the story of Julie Weil facing a serial rapist 14 years ago, in a church parking lot near Miami, USA. on

It was as if she paved way for her younger sisters and other girls in their community. They all gave birth between the age of thirteen to eighteen without concluding their education. Most of these girls lacked home training and they possessed a very bad character such as stealing, flirting and very disrespectful. they could abuse anybody without considering the person's age or status.

This was the kind of environment that Jamiu and the people that surrounded him found themselves. His father who had so many wives and children can't take care of his responsibilities because they were so enormous so he left each wife to take care of her children. He never invested any business for them. Though Pa Alao alsoused to be a very rich man but was duped by his last wife. She promised to take their investment to the United State of America so that they could make good money. Unknown to him that she was planning to part with all her husband's money. Pa Alao had interest in a foreign country so he never gave it a second thought despite he was advised by friends and family members not to indulge in such risky business. He sold all his property apart from one of his houses where he lived. After two years of waiting for his wife, she eventually called her husband and told him that he shouldn't expect her again because she has married and lived happily with her family.

Pa Alao, having heard this from his most loved and trustworthy wife almost ran mad but was calmed by family and neighbours. Since then, he never trusted anybody and he stopped his responsibilities as a father. His remaining wives accepted his new behaviour as their fate and hoped he will change.

Jamiu found himself in the street hustling to survive for the day. He had five good friends: Kasali, Uche, Fejiro, Musa and Daniel. They were his best of friends from childhood. they attended the same Primary school: Rondus Primary School and Ojo Secondary School. They also came from bad family background. Kasali's mother was Fourteen years old when his mother gave birth to him. His mother was raped by armed robbers who came to their house to steal but could not get what they wanted so they all took their turns on the poor girl. they were about five of them and it resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. The pregnancy resulted in the birth of Kasali. His mother never loved him and never showed him care. She saw him as one of those men that raped her and regretted not to have aborted him. Kasali showed no remorse to her mother's bad attitude towards him instead he became a very wicked and brutal boy.

Philip Vaughan/Ace Pictures/Zuma: photo on

Uche on the other hand, had a different story but very pathetic. His mother was legally married to Mr Festus who claimed to be a businessman. They had an elaborate nuptial ceremony. In fact, most unmarried men and women prayed for such kind of marriage. He showed his wife lots of love and care. He bought her everything she needed and he was always at home when he does not go to work. It was really a peaceful and happy family. When Uche was born; the joy of the family continues. His christening was very wonderful. Almost all their church members and family attended. His father was such a good and responsible father.

The peaceful family had their second child when Uche was three and they named her Chinyere. Their father and mother still showed their children great love and disciplined them in the way of the Lord. They attended church services without missing Sunday School Services. His father was a very caring man and a disciplinarian. He didn't allow his children to play outside or mingle with other children in the neighbourhood. He didn't take his wife for granted and he was always there for her needs. For this, he didn't allow his wife to do any job only to take care of his home and lovely children.

He travelled for his usual business trip one morning to be back in a week but surprisingly he never returned. Uche's mother waited for him and when he didn't call nor send anyone to her; she went to one of her husband family members Mr Ikechukwu. He was surprised to see her and when she explained her purpose of visit; he was amazed. Didn't he tell you anything before you married? She became confused and replied: No, he didn't tell me anything. When he discovered that she was so curious; he let the cat out of the bag. Our great family has a custom and tradition. she replied: yes! Every family has though. He continued that they are only permitted to live with a woman whom they are married to legally for only six years and after then leave the woman with the children and the property they left behind. He told her that she will never set her eyes on her lovely husband again. He advised her never to bother herself to look for him because she will never see him. He opted he is gone forever and gone for good.

The man told her confidently that he was in his seventh marriage and will be planning to quit when the time comes. It is our custom and tradition and must be respected all the time. He warned her not to tell anyone otherwise; she will lose her life instantly. She left him angrily in pain and sorrow. Thinking how she will continue to care for her children. She knew it won't be easy because she was a full time housewife and had no knowledge of business or any career other than the upkeep of the house and family.

In no time, things change completely for her and her children. Feeding became a very big problem and she had no choice to be involved in dirty things like having man friend to take care of her and her children. She could not continue with the level of discipline her husband laid down because she couldn't take care of her children's needs. She most time spent weekend with her man friend in the hotel while the poor children will sleep alone or at times in their friend's house.

This story still continues in the next chapters. Hope you will find it interesting. Expect each chapter every week.


Nice write up. You can do a re-read to correct some minnor errors. You can also download the gramarly app. It's help you write with fewer gramatical errors.

Thanks for your observation. I promise to make correction.

Great writing