in #fiction7 years ago

Once upon a time, there was a famine, all animals were emaciated, there rib cage, the bone of their loin were showing, the famine was so intense that animals were dying one after the other.
But with all these hazardous conditions, dog and his family were stunning, healthy and enjoying, while all other animals were suffering and wondering on the secret behind dog fortune, until tortoise (the cunning among all animal) consult dog and he plead with him, explaining his condition and dog felt sorry for tortoise not knowing that tortoise is a greedy, cunning and ungrateful being.
Dog told tortoise the secret behind his prosperity, the secret is that dog usually steals from farms in the community and he only picks foods which will sustain him and his family for a day, so dog promised to take tortoise to the farm he steals from by Sunday because farmer usually take a break on Sunday.
On Sunday, they set out very early in the morning, on getting to the farm they first of all eat and rest because it is a long journey, after that dog took little foods for him and his family but instead of tortoise to do the same thing, he took more than enough for himself and his family knowing that he is very a very slow animal unlike dog that is very fast and smart, dog advised him to drop little out of the food stuff, but he refused because of his greediness, so dog decided to move very fast so that it won’t got implicated along with the slow and greedy tortoise,
When tortoise realize this, he decided to threaten the dog by his sweet melodies poem
Oh dog help me with my luggage
If you refuse
I shall inform the farmer
If the farmer comes
We will come to your house
And arrest warrant
You shall received!!!
But dog refused to listen to him, he quickly run to his family and inform them about the plot of tortoise to implicate him, so dog told his family that if anybody ask for him, they should lie to them that he his sick since yesterday.
As the adage goes “everyday is for the thief and the day the thief is caught is for the owner”, the owner of the farm forgot important material to the farm; he decided to go back to farm on that Sunday to pick the material, on his way to his farm he caught tortoise with products of his farm, he challenge him and tortoise confessed and said that dog is the one that brought him to the farm, and he has left for his house due to his fastness, the farmer decided to visit dog house on getting there, he met the family of the dog outside depressed, he then ask for dog, they side , he is sick since yesterday, the farmer insist to have dialogue with dog, they call dog out, his coat looked rough like dog with parasitic disease as he tries to speak he cough and vomit, when the farmer saw all these symptoms, he thought that the family of dog the tortoise alone for stealing, whenever he tries to beat him he hide in his shell, so the farmer could not punish him, until one animal advice the farmer to throw him on the rock or mountain for several times, the farmer adhere to this advice and the shell of the tortoise remain cracked since then!!!