Wild parkour (the end)

in #fiction7 years ago


“Shock! Shock! -Anton was walking around the apartment and did not know what to do. What am I going to tell her when she knocks on the door? What are we going to talk about? Actors? She lit tell her joke? Which one? I don’t remember a thing! Anton continued to walk around hopelessly. Maybe we’re going to have sex? Anton eyes widened. Does it happen like this straight away? Anton stopped. Am I really a freak or not? He looked at the mirror door of the wardrobe. Then he looked at himself for a long time, quite critical a, as critical a as if he was facing a public speech. Seems good.
What if it is a setup? -Anton thought. She will come, look around the flat, then say – go to the shower, I will go, and she will steal something and get away. I know nothing about her… He felt really bad after the idea. Why did they invite her? Now there’s going to be trouble! Maybe I shouldn’t open the door? Or turn of my telephone? Or just call her and call it the way? She’ll think I’m stupid. Or she will think that I got afraid. No, I cannot do that. Can not! Can not! Can not! I cannot do this I cannot do that! Shiley call somebody? Anton looked at the watch. It is so late! Everybody sleeping. What a setup! Then Anton got another idea –what if after all the making out she will go to the police? What then? What shall I tell my parents?

Why the hell do I need all that? -Anton shouted, and terrified by all these thoughts, sat down.
I’d bet to look stupid to her, then set up myself and my family for some stupid fun!"

Among the crowd of the people who were going to work, Spike saw the thugs that he had met in the park the other day.
"Hello! I have finally found you! -he was happy.
Trying to stay behind not to be noticed, Spike did not let them out of sight. The thugs were discussing something, then, seeing the cop, dispersed. Spike followed them. In three blocks the thugs went into the backyard, and from the distance, Spike saw them say goodbye to each other and go to their own doorways. It is all the same! -Spike nodded his head. – Now I know where to look!
The same night Spike went to a construction site, picked up a couple of metal rods, put them into the packet. Cautiously looking around, Spike went around the yard and deftly hid the rods so that nobody could see them, but they were easy to pick up. Hiding the last rod behind the drainpipe, Spike took out his phone, looked at the watch, and left the yard.
"What a smart chav! -Meshkov whistled.
He saw Spike by accident, and decided two see what he was doing. After Spike distributed the metal rods in the yard, Meshkov knew that he was planning some attack.
No attack, Spike. I will ruin your plans. – Meshkov decided, took out the rods and threw them away.

Turning around to leave, Nikita kneeled quickly. Spike ran inside the yard and into the doorway. It has started! -Meshkov stood up, not to be seen from the yard, and came closer, hiding behind the tree.
"Hey, dork, what are you creeping therefore quit? -Meshkov heard a voice behind himself, and was dragged from behind a tree. Damn it! -Meshkov frowned, -what a stupid setup!
"Some dork is watching us here! I even forgot to zip it, just grabbed him!
It is better to walk around unzipped, than buttoned up, -Meshkov remembered his mother’s words for some reason.
"What was it you wanted, clown? -the chav came up to Meshkov with an expression of a man who was getting ready to cut another man’s head.
Meshkov didn’t have time to answer, the door opened, and Spike stepped out with a surprised expression on his face.
"OK, let the dork go and come here! -he said in an uncompromising voice.
"This is not good! -the redheaded guy smiled, to cover his misunderstanding of the situation. –why you so rough? O ever, everybody is rough before they get it in the face.
"Listen, you Fucking showoffs…
"What do you call me? - Taking off and army belts controlling it on the hand, the redhead asked. –aha, I know you, sportsman, you want to settle it with us? You want revenge?
Spike took a few steps behind, put his hand behind the drainpipe, shuffled, and changed in the face. Only then Meshkov realized, who the metal rods were for. That’s it. And made a blunder. – Meshkov was terrified, -what is going to happen to us?

They put Meshkov in the corner, not expecting any resistance from him. Nikita looked around and to the objects around him, and made a decision –he’s not going to run away without Spike, which left them only the balcony auction. Grabbing the hand of the guy who was holding him by the collar, he pushed him forward. Caught in an element of surprise, the guy fell face down. Meshkov ran to Spike.
"Follow me! -he said quickly, and pushing away from the wall, grabbed the balcony, and started climbing up quickly. He heard such a noise of swearing, paying, and broken glass, that while he was going higher and higher, he was afraid to even presume what could have happened. When he got up on the fifth floor balcony, Meshkov looked down and smiled –Spike was climbing up fast, and down below the furious thugs what trying to help each other up to the second floor balcony.
Somewhere the police siren wailed, and the thugs disappeared, saying that they would meet again. Nikita grabbed the edge of the roof and got up on it. Spike had the delay on the fifth floor –lacking the agility to do it as easily as Meshkov, he couldn’t decide what to do. But he could not stay on the fifth floor balcony for longtime.
"I got you! - Meshkov held out his hand, but it was not necessary.
Spike, semiconscious, not realizing, and not thinking about what’s going on, got up on the roof and lay down, breathing heavily.
"I think we got away, Meshkov said quietly. –and the cops were not coming here. The chavs left.
"Those were thugs, I am the chav.
"Is there any difference? -Meshkov couldn’t hold the laugh. For him both the thugs and chavs were an equal evil.
"Of course, is different. The thugs are totally cold-blooded, and the chavs use physical strength only in the extreme cases. The thug would smash on the head from behind, and while your unconscious, he would take everything from you. You give everything to the chavs yourself, and then you say thank you, understood?
"Understand, but this still don’t see that a lot of difference, considering the air of our acquaintance.
"Considering the air of our acquaintance! - Spike mocked him. – I see you like abusing the facts for your own good. Weren’t you the one to come see us on purpose, to run away? To practice your tricks? -Meshkov covered the smile.
"I told my friends that you were not stupid at once. How do you know everything?
"You, dork! -Spike laughed. –chavs a really good guys, they can work their way out of any situation, any conflict. They can work out any trap, any setup, think of a solution, and have a nice conversation…
"Are you proud with that?
"Not anymore. I have understood that then going stupid and weak. And I really have had enough of this. It’s very useful experience, good school, but I don’t want to spend my whole life in that school.
"School, my ass! -Meshkov thought. –Spike, is anything holding you back?
"It is complicated. You will not understand. I’m the authority. I have a reputation…
"Reputation? -Meshkov smiled. –would like a simple reputation test? I took it myself, and I realized that all my expectations turned out to be wrong.
"What kind of a test? - Spike turned his head to Meshkov, his attitude saying –surprise me!

"You call your relatives, friends, close people, asking for some money to borrow. Ask them to give you as much as they can, without giving them any reason. Then you count. First – how much you have received. Second –you think of how much the person gave to you, compared to his income. The higher the ratio is, the higher your status is.
"Nobody will give me anything, -said Spike after a short silence.
"You see…
"Is it the only way to check it?
"The most frequent one.
"I realize myself by my experience -you turn away from the road, life starts getting back to you. – after that Nikita told Spike about his recent events.
"This scam with a camera, -Spike snickered, -I have known that door since my childhood, we used to scam the taxi drivers like that. Very soon all the drivers knew about that, so we switched to other things. Now there is a new generation, and everything came back. Huh! And think about it! -Spiked pointed at him – nobody knocks that door down, nobody breaks it, nobody boards it up. Not even those who had been scammed! Picture that! -Spike looked into Meshkov’s eyes.
"If you’re talking about me, it saved my life that day!
"You see! That’s why that door is going to stand there for another couple of generations. OK, enough talk about world and social realities. By the way, what are you doing here?
Meshkov never wanted Spike to ask that question!
"You’re gonna kill me!
"What for?
Meshkov looked directly into Spike eyes.
"I took the rod from behind the drainpipe.
"You? -Spike was greatly surprised. – Why?
"I thought you were preparing an attack…
"I was.
"I did not know it was an attack on those freaks!
"I had been looking for them for quite awhile. Thank you, thank you so much! -Spike spat. –okay, Forget it, let’s get down.
Meshkov and Spike went around the roof. There was no ladder.
"I will not risk the balcony is, -Spike said, touching his heart with the left hand.
"Let’s check the attic doors – maybe we can find an open one, - Meshkov suggested.
The first door was open. There was not a single light in the building.
"How do these people live? -Meshkov asked, when he missed the step for the second time. It is so difficult to screw a bulb in?
"I think they are tired of doing that. Today they put in a bulb tomorrow it is gone.
"They’d smash it?
"They’d take it.
Cautiously they looked out of the doorway. Nobody. They went out, turned round the corner, and had a head in with one of the thugs coming back into the yard.
"Oy! Watch out! -Spike pressed the thug against the wall and took off the player. Then Spike took a breath, and punched the wind out of the thug. The thug started falling down against a wall.
"Have I hurt you? -Spike asked him, when he said down. – eat a chocolate, and you will be up in no time.
"Leave, -Spike commanded and Meshkov, followed him, looking back from time to time.
"Why was he trembling when you took a player from him? He’s a thug! -Nikita interested after a 5 minute walk in silence.
"Do you think that underneath every jumpsuit there is a superman? If he is nothing subconsciously, he’s nothing. Didn’t you notice? He’s a dork.
"No, I didn’t notice.
"What’s, do you think, has the power? The attributes –attacks, slang –this is just a cover. If you do good – you are in. If you don’t –gradually become the thug. Or you become it at once.
"What good have you done? If you look at it, you took a good player from a guy, let him be a thug.
"If you look at it, I took my player back. They took it away at the park, where I was working out. Got it? -Spike said angrily.
"That’s why you’re here!
"By the way Spike! What is your name? Spike this and Spike that!
"Cyril, -Spiked blinked. –I don’t remember the last time people called me that.

He smiled sourly, raising hand, turned his back and started walking away.
"Cyril! -Meshkov said.
"What is it?
"We’re practicing tomorrow at eight at the stony tents, come, we’ll be glad to see you!
OK, I’ll think about it!

Spike was walking down the street. He met a boy.
"Man, do you have a smoke?
"Smoking, at this stage?
"No, -the boys hesitated, - I.. Just.. Wanted to ask some money.
“Shoot, a little chav.”
"OK, let’s sit down. –Spike let the boy to the nearest bench. – Now speak. –Spike said, when the boy sat down on the bench and started dangling his legs.
"About what?
"About everything.
"I’m bad at mathematics. The headmaster shouted me. Pulls my ears off.
"Pulls your ears off? What year are you in? Hold it, what kind of a head master? What about parents?
"My Mom died long ago, and I have not seen my Dad for awhile…, -the boy said sadly.
"Are you from the orphanage? You ran away?
"I did, -the boy sighed.
"Long ago?
"Just now.
Spike started thinking. Right in front of him, there was the boy, whose fate was about to be decided. I need to do something! -the question was pumping in his head, and then there was a lightning of an answer. Spike realized what he had to do.
"What’s your name?
"Last name.
"Where is your orphanage?
"Titov street.
Spike looked at the boy and tried to guess his grade.
"You’re in the third grade aren’t you?
"Yeah, -the boy sniffed.
"It all comes together! You’re the one I need!
"What comes together? -Andrei surprised.
"I have been looking for you for a long time, my friend! Imagine that, when I served in the army, intelligence, I served with your father! O, what a great man he is!
"Intelligence? My father is a spy? -the boy’s eyes lit up brightly.
"You understand, Andrei, -Spike whispered, -it is a military secret! Nobody must know that you father works for intelligence! Otherwise the operation will suffer a failure. But your father told me – you can trust my son, he’s not a gossip!

"No – no! I won’t tell anybody! I swear!
"Also you father said and if his son wants to become an intelligence officer, he needs deep knowledge. And you also said –Andrei should have problems with mathematics, I had them too. He said – tell my son the educational pattern, used by the spies all over the world.
Spike started whispering again –
"Listen to me very carefully.
Andrei drew closer and opened his mouth.
"If you just study –you will not learn anything. Right?
The boy nodded in agreement.
"It is easier to play then to study. Right?
The boy nodded twice. You bet!
"That’s why you must see every difficulty, study or not, as a game –
"You have dealt with a mathematical problem -it means you gain a level, made one extra push up –another level, and so on… And the most important thing – is to do everything with a smile.
"Because the most important thing for a spy –however difficult it is, however painful it is – he will never show it. Is it clear?
"Clear, -said Andrei firmly and smiled.
"Good boy! And one more thing. The spy knows everything in advance.
"How is that?
Spike smiled – he expected this question.
"Your goal, as a future spy – to predict. Somebody’s thinking of something, and you already know about it, not because you have been told, but because you see through everybody and everything.
The boy’s eyes rounded.
"Let me give you an example. – Spike gave the boy and minutes to concentrate. –
"Andrei, guess a number from 1 to 10.
"I have.
"Add the same number to it.
"I have.
"Multiply it by three. Can you do that?
"I have! -Andrei tried his best, not to lose his face.
"Now divide what you have by the number you had guessed.
"I have!
"It is six.
The boy jumped. – How did you know?
"Surprised? It is really easy -you multiply the number by two – that is going to be the result.
Spike went over the mathematical trick once again.
"You got it? You understood it?
"Yes. I will ask my friends.
"Just don’t tell them the solution. Yeah, I almost forgot! You father sends you a gift – this player. Take it!
"For me? A player? -the boy could not believe his happiness –it was like a fairy tale all along, and now the present from his father!
Spike took off his player, and showed the boy the controls.
"tomorrow I will bring you the charger, and help you sort out the music, so you can upload it.
"And I will also talk to the headmaster! Pulling the boys ears! - Spike was angry.
"That’s it, Andrei, for today! Run back –I’ll see you tomorrow in the evening! Just don’t look back!
Thank you! -the happy boy exclaimed and ran back home.
Spike looked at the boy. His eyes were wet. Then he looked up in the sky and smiled happily.

"Are you at home?
"I’ll drop by!
"C'mon. –Meshkov put down the receiver, and there came the doorbell. Sviridov was at the door, excited.
"What’s up? What happened?
"Something happened, -pushing Meshkov aside, Sviridov went into the kitchen and turned on the kettle himself. –I just watched the clip in the Internet starring you.
"Really? -Meshkov was happy. –Anton uploaded it. You like that?
"You bet! -Sviridov mumbled.
"What’s wrong? -Meshkov asked, trying to understand why his friend was not happy.
"Why did you not insist, that I should start training with you? Are you my friend or what? Who told you about parkour in the first place? -Sviridov bombarded him with questions.
"You can join us tomorrow!
"Really? -Sviridov looked happy and then dull again. –I cannot do tomorrow.
"Well, then don’t come to me when in one year you watch a nice movie starring me.
"Sviridov moved his eyebrows, decided finally, and asked – When and where?

Spike entered a 24/7 Internet café.
"You open?
"What I do for you?
"You have to pay in advance.
"I need to look for some information, how much should I pay?
"Leave one hundred. Then you can pay extra.

Spike said down on the chair and googled traceur.
O my god! -he only said, when he saw the number of results with a word traceur. – I’ll spend all night here.
Spike looked through a couple of information sites about parkour, and started studying the first forum, thinking quite reasonably, that at the forum he will find exactly what he would need at tomorrow’s training with Nikita and his team.

"Warm up before every training! Do not leave home without a warmup! -well it’s clear! - Spike agreed and stopped commenting, afraid to miss something. People in the forum were writing a lot and often in a not very correct way.

Wazzup, welcome to the world of parkour ...

The muscal that I would say would impact how easy you find parkour the most would probally be your triceps, the muscal on the back of the upper part of your arm.

This is the key muscal used in climbs ups. And easy climb ups are a huge part of parkour.

Two good exercises are lying tricep extentions and one armed triceps curl.

The lying tricep extension begins with lying on a bench with each hand using an overhand grip to hold the dumbbells. Fully extend your arms over your head. Bend your elbows to lower both dumbbells until they are next to the side of your head, coming close to touching your forehead. Use your tricep muscles to lift the dumbbells back to the beginning position. Repeat the movements until you complete your set. Also, make sure your elbows stay in as you go through the exercise.

This one armed tricep curl exercise also utilizezzz the additional benefits of a dumbbell. Begin standing with your legs slightly bent and about as wide as your hips. Raise the arm holding the dumbbell straight up, keeping your arm close to your ear. Bend your elbow and lower the weight behind you. Bring your arm back to where it started. To restrict arm movement and provide greater concentration to the tricep, use your free hand to steady your other arm.

Hope this helps, in addition to this you will build muscal in the right places just by going over the moves you find hard over and over again. The musccel will develop were it is needed

There are much less predefined moves in parkour than sports such as gymnastics, because of the original idea that the moves are just bi-products of the way of thinking. However there are still some movements considered to be most basic and that most traceurs practise and start with.
I would say the most important move to learn first woul dbe the roll. It is so important because it prevents damage to your knees, ankles and back.

After perfecting the roll vaults would be he next basic movement to try. Vaults are used to clear or overcome most obstacles and there are many types. There are several vaults that are completely efficient and there are others which are used sometimes only to add fun to the vault, or make it look more impressive. These vaults sacrifice their efficiency and tend to be used less by experienced traceurs and more by freerunners. Most vaults are specifically designed to be used on specific obstacles. But learning specific vaults is not as recommended as learning to think on the spot and adapt easily. The basic vaults are Classic, Speed, Hand, 360, Reverse and Lazy.
Then, while you train that stuff you may start working on advanced vaults – like Dash, Kash, Kong and so on.
Cat leap looks easy but it quite difficult to master. Basically you climb walls. – First o all, it is instinctive and it can save your sorry ass once in a while. Well FYI if you haven’t reached the balcony with your legs and theres like, a 70m chasm under. You fall or you catch with your upper apparatus i.e. hands. 

Try finding a dense area and keep trying to get through as quick as you can, that is a good way to start training.

I need advice how to do dash.Im scared to dont hurth I disagree...and i need help how to roll...

i can do a roll but i cant seem to go straight. any ideas on how to fix this??

In order to go straight you need to make the diagonal line that you roll over on your back face the way you want to go.

Or if you are turning whilst doing the roll you need to concentrate on going across to your opposite hip.

nikola wrote:
I need advice how to do dash.Im scared to dont hurth I disagree...and i need help how to roll...

To work up to a dash I usually teach people to come from a lazy vault.

  1. Do a lazy vault
  2. Slowly straighten the legs up etc. so you come to the wall straighter and straighter
  3. Until you are eventually jumping over the wall and dashing.

,Hope this helps

Being in shape does help parkour a lot, as it will allow you to run longer and train longer without getting too tired. The thing about parkour is, though, that the more you do it, the more fit you will get, so dont worry about this aspect much. the proper shape of body will come to you the more you train.

Tips: practice daily. Every time you have spare time, do some parkour practice. the more practice you do, the better you will get.

My GF is nagging me I had a row about PK. I wonder whether she would’ve noticed me if I practiced say knitting or sh$t like that?

Just train a lot and don’t show off, use all the time.

Here is how I learned a backflip, and I used this method to teach my friend to do backflips too.

1: crouch down with your feet about as far apart as your shoulders.

2: put your hand(right or left. whichever is more comfortable for you.) about 2 inches behind your butt with your palm flat on the ground and your fingers pointing away from your feet. if you are doing this right your arm should be almost straight, and most of your arm should be touching your back

3: walk around your hand(it will be obvious which direction to turn when you try it) using big steps until you are facing back to the way you started, and your hand should now be in front of you. as you walk, you should move your hand around too so that you dont twist up your arm. when you finish the rotation, your fingers should once again be pointing away from your feet

4: once you get this down(shouldent be too hard), start hopping around your arm. to do this you put both feet together, and keep them together like they are glued there. then you lean back a bit and put weight onto your arm. then you jump backwards, and use your arm to twist your body around itself.once again make sure you rotate your hand in place so you dont overyly twist it. It should get twisted a bit, but not too much that it would hurt.

5: now that you have the basic movement over going around your arm down, start jumping higher and higher. Eventually, your feet will be going directly over your head, and it will feel a lot like you are doing a backflip.

6: by now, you shouldent have to think about this step, but once you get it down so that your feet are going directly over your head, start doing the mini-backflip with both hands at the same time. This will help you to straiten out your backflip.

7: once you are comfortable doing the miniflip using both hands you can start making it bigger, until you are doing a real back hand spring. By now it should be really easy to do this, as the force of your spin makes you want to stick out your feet.

8: now just start doing the back handspring without your hands, and there you go, you are doing a backflip!

Watup guyz can nay of u do bckflips off stuff thts lik 1 and a half metres hi loli can and i 12 pretty sick

Wazzup ive been free running for about like a month in California and its pretty kool just running around using everything to vault and trick and stuff and im 13 years old and it is pretty fun i would say im pretty average anyone got tips for kongs and other style vaults like barrel vaults pls reply

When i try to do a monkey vault my legs always swing to the side.

how can i fix that?

… just practise it and gradually work in ur legs so they are central and not swinging out to the side.

Maybe practising on a wall with grass both sides, or say a foam block in a gym or somthing.
Trust me once u get it, you'l have it forever, its just getting over the initial fear of your legs coming through the middle

Spike thanked everybody who tried to help him sort out parkour basics, printed out things that he found useful, paid for the Internet, and went out.
"I need to at least learn the names of the tricks – bckflips, jumps, vaults, not to look like a noob in front of them, -Spike was thinking on his way home, -I also need…

"His thoughts were interrupted by a rough question –
"Homey, spare some change?
"You can’t buy me love –Spike laughed, recognizing Yogurt.
" Fuck, Spike! We didn’t recognize you without the cap! -Yogurt was happy to see him. – is he taller or something? -Yogurt asked Nelubin. Nelubin just shrugged his shoulders.
"What are those papers?
"I’m trying to learn something new, -Spike said.
"I see you are a totally developed person!
It’s in your eyes. OK fellows, I was happy to see a, but I gotta go! -Spike disappeared in the darkness, and the chavs were left with their sunflower seeds looking for another victim.

A low, warm August wind was playing Olya’s hair delicately. Somewhere beyond the city was living its life –the hum of the voices, the roar of the cars, the hustle of the leaves… Suddenly she heard a noise, and Nikita Meshkov got up the roof of Uralsvyazinform building. Letting him kiss her on the cheek, Olya gesticulated him not to say a word and just sit down. Nikita sat down on the roof, and looked at the evening city, just like Olya did.
"I have been lately classifying people into those, who live on the upper floors, and those who live on the lower floors. It’s whether you see the roofs, the treetops, the sunsets and sun rises, or just some bushes and some dull faces. –Olya said thoughtfully, -that’s why people probably have different outlooks.
They were sitting silently.
"Any news Nicky? -said the girl when she was tired of silence.
"Here! -said Meshkov triumphantly, taking a box out of his backpack.
"What is it? What’s? -Olya asked, looking behind his shoulder.
"The camera! -Nikita passed the box to the girl. He was even happier than she was. – Even better than the previous one! I bought it for money, fair and square, that I had made at Forex.
"You’re so funny! I’d ask whether you had something new, not I! - Olya laughed. –thank you for the camera! I never dreamed about it! -the girl help the box against her chest.
"Aren’t you going to open it? - Nikita asked.
"Of course not! What if something falls down again! I cannot allow that! -the girl neatly packed the box into her bag. Meshkov followed the box with his eyes and sighed –in the box, apart from the camera, there also was a wonderful ring, that he had been selecting much longer than the camera…
"How are those new additions to a team? Cyril, Sviridov…
"Spike, I mean Cyril, has been training with us for a month, and I don’t know whether he taught us more or we did. And Sviridov, well he’s trying… I would not have been here if it were not for him.
"Something happens to you all the time, -Olya interrupted his story.
"You wouldn’t believe it! Nothing ever happened to me before parkour!
"Really? Well, that’s clear then.
"What is?
"Had you practiced chess, different things would have been happening to you. We practice what we preach.
"Ha-ha-ha!!! - Nikita laughed, - Igor said the same thing once! O! -Nikita said. – I’m even happier with my hobby!
"Why’s that?
"Because through it –I finally met you!
Olya looked at Nikita –
"I see that having started parkour, you got rid of your fears.
"I rather got my freedom, -Nikita corrected Olya and kissed her on the neck.

Somewhere beyond, the city was living its life. And everything they had was a warm roof, beautiful sunset, and their own bright love, open only to the sky.
Olya looked at Nikita in a different way and her lips said –
"I want more!