Nathan March Investigations - Book 2: Murder, After the Fact - episode 14

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six
episode seven
episode eight
episode nine
episode ten
episode eleven
episode twelve
episode thirteen

Book Two

Murder, After The Fact

Episode Fourteen

Sam Weiss’ file came up quickly onto Mickey’s laptop and when he opened it, the law enforcement attendees in the Atlanta Police Department’s conference room agreed that the woman they were looking at on the large screened monitor identified as Connie Roth, was also the woman known to them as Mrs. Bessie Schulman wife of Morty Schulman. Thanks to Teague Enterprises’ security photo of Connie Roth of Macon and a DMV photo for Bessie Schulman of Atlanta, they could finally compare them.

They additionally learned that Teague Enterprises had hired Connie Roth at an outrageous salary some years earlier, because her blue-blood family line was easily established during their pre-employment check of her background. Fingerprinting was part of their security process as valuables, sometimes one-of-a-kind items, were bought and sold by their firm, and the insurance companies needed the reassurance that Teague’s personnel were not vandals or thieves, during their off hours.

There still was the job of matching Connie Roth’s prints to Bessie Schulman’s by entering Bessie’s home which was now legally the property of a large real estate firm, who paid Bessie for it by cashier’s check in response to her very reasonable price. However before the conference, a search warrant had allowed a very aggressive team to cover the entire house. Now it was hoped that a few fingerprints even after it was cleaned for sale, were still to be found.

Like sharks smelling the blood in the water, the Atlanta Police Department’s upper brass now joined the rest of those involved in this murder investigation. All the occupants of that conference room at Atlanta’s Police Station now sat transfixed as Detective Peter Ryan skillfully reviewed the great efforts by each and every person belonging to both public and private law enforcement and how together they had kept the flow of information updated.

“Often it’s the smallest detail that takes apart an otherwise perfectly executed murder,” he said.

Methodically he went on to explain how Nathan March’s curiosity about the new life partner of the wife of one of the seven murder victims, led his investigator to Inverness Canada and to the person who definitely benefited from all the sick and twisted events that had occurred.

Stopping the flow of information temporarily, the smiling young female forensic specialist entered the conference room and was given access to Detective Ryan. She spoke a few words into his ear, handed him a document and then quickly left.

Nathan March could tell by the smile starting on Peter’s face that his friend liked the news he’d just received.

“This official document states that the fingerprints removed from the former residence of a woman known to us as Bessie Schulman of Atlanta, perfectly match those of Connie Roth the live-in lover of Mrs. Brenda Mayhill.

“I would like to inform my immediate supervisor, Captain Brock, that the murder of Collette Dickenson, Douglas Mayhill, Troy Holden, Jennifer and Patricia Hart, and the murder for hire of Armand Oulette and Mortimer Schultz can all be attributed to one Constance Elizabeth Roth, currently at residence in Inverness Canada.

While the room exploded with satisfaction that this murder rampage was nearly over, Captain Brock left along with the rest of APD’s upper brass to make some important phone calls, with Detective Ryan in tow.

It was nearly a half hour later before the conference room was cleared of everyone but four law enforcement members of the team and all the members from March Investigations who were awaiting the return of Detective Ryan. When he arrived some minutes later he was accompanied by Captain Brock, and both were looking contented.

“Due to the number of victims involved in this case, the Ministry of Justice in Inverness, Canada feels it will best serve the interest of justice if they bypass getting any assurances that we will not seek the death penalty. The Canadian Mounted Police have Ms. Roth under surveillance and can take her into custody at our request,” said Detective Ryan.

Looking as if he was born with a grin on his face, Captain Ned Brock stood and congratulated Detective Ryan and everyone who he felt had done an outstanding job in closing out multiple homicides in such short order utilizing police in concert with private investigators, to solve the case.

Nathan March informed Captain Brock that he and Mickey hoped to be allowed to accompany Detective Ryan to Canada, to take custody of Ms. Roth and bring her back to Atlanta for prosecution.

The next day, they were on an early morning flight from Atlanta to New York and during the connecting flight from New York to Canada, Nathan discussed the fact that Brenda Mayhill, as wife of one of the victims deserved special consideration, as he was certain she knew nothing of her new lover’s actions nor of her intent to revive Collette’s blackmail scheme. He felt honor-bound to make the whole matter easy on Doug Mayhill’s widow. Both Peter and Mickey agreed.

Leaks were always occurring however at this time they most definitely worked against an easy extradition of Connie Roth. The report on the U.S. nightly news channels at dinner time, while disclosing no names, did state that a break in the Collette Dickenson murder case and that of several more victims involved with it, had U.S. detectives heading to Canada to apprehend the person they alleged to be the guilty party.

Alone watching the American news broadcast, Connie Roth’s mouth went dry, her pulse began to race and her mind whirled. She was convinced that she was the one they were seeking, there was no doubt about it as far as she was concerned. She knew this time she was right.

Trying to add to the conversation at their dinner table an hour later was nearly impossible for Connie. Brenda’s warmth and her absolute innocence regarding the impending doom that would soon overwhelm them both, nearly made Connie unable to swallow any portion of the delicious meal her lover had prepared for them. Brenda protested when Connie took a large gulp of her third glass of a Chardonnay, but soon she had Brenda laughing heartily, using the wit that always enchanted Brenda and cemented her affection for Connie.

Connie alone knew that Brenda Mayhill shortly would learn that life had handed her a very bitter disappointment. It is one thing to know that the one you love is not exactly all you expected, but quite another to learn that you didn’t know the person you adored and loved that well at all.

The thought of Brenda’s reaction to the news that she had killed Doug Mayhill in order to have Brenda all to herself, became the driving force behind Connie’s rapidly-forming solution to their problem. Carrying her goblet of wine with her, Connie excused herself to change into something more comfortable, while Brenda sat enjoying the roaring fire in the fireplace.

The last vestiges of both Connie Roth and Bessie Schulman with sixty sleeping pills dissolved quickly in the large goblet of wine would soon disappear. However, unlike it was in the movies, Connie could taste them as she gulped the wine down. Only her strong gag-reflex kept her from vomiting them and the picture of Brenda learning the whole truth made her force every drop of the now deadly liquid, down her throat.

Changing into her most expensive nightgown, Connie got into the large bed she shared with Brenda and pulled the bed’s quilt up to her neck crying softly for all the memories that should have been. She chose not to write any final words, but did have all the legal documents that would release all her assets to Brenda, out in plain view for her to discover. Soon her body forgot to breathe and when it did everything went completely quiet.

Later that same evening the Canadian Mounted Police along with Peter Ryan, Nathan March and Mickey Stone entered the front door of the home Connie Roth shared with Brenda Mayhill. By the fire they found Brenda sobbing out of control. Nathan’s immediate response of taking the broken woman into his arms and telling her that it would be alright, helped Brenda return to reality long enough to point to the bedroom where they found Connie Roth’s body.

Without delay Nathan began explaining the role Connie played in Doug’s death and that information seemed to further release Brenda from her grief long enough to insist that Nathan tell her everything.

It was dawn and with Connie’s body removed and arrangements for an autopsy with a cremation to follow well in place, Peter Ryan headed to a flight home on Nathan’s insistence.

The long walk that Brenda took with Nathan at dusk, along the sparkling clear river not far from Brenda’s home, allowed Mickey to supervise the thorough cleaning of her bedroom, as soon as the last of the lab people and the police left.

“The Canadian authorities told us that even the house here in Inverness is in your name only. That means that no one need know the truth now,” said Nathan to a heartbroken Brenda Mayhill whose hand clung to his.

“She did all those horrible things and yet I never knew she was capable of that kind of cruelty. I know I won’t cry for her anymore knowing that my children’s father would still be alive had she not murdered him,” said Brenda.

“She changed the course of your life Brenda, and I think you are probably the only person she really ever learned to love,” said Nathan.

“I do love my home here, it’s the most beautiful spot in the world to me and it’s where I’ve been the happiest I’ve ever been,” said Brenda.

“Then stay and make Inverness your real home, said Nathan.

“Do you think the media here will let it all die quietly?” asked Brenda.

“Peter explained the details and circumstances of this whole matter to them, and with two families needing privacy to heal, believe me the Canadian Police will keep a tight lid on things.

“My son and daughter won’t ever speak to me again,” said Brenda.

“Give them time, I believe they will come to love you more, as you let them into your new life,” said Nathan.

“I think of Doug all the time,” said Brenda.

“Now there’s somebody to remember,” said Nathan.

“Will you stay in touch Nathan?” said Brenda.

“Absolutely and you do the same,” said Nathan.

“Think she’ll be alright boss?” asked Mickey as they drove the distance from the airport back to the manor house at Guilford.

“Oh I’m certain of it. I’m also certain that those Connie and Collette blackmailed, will finally have their lives back and no others will be financially or emotionally robbed or otherwise put in harm’s way.

“It’s amazing boss, but Madhav Swaartha was right when he said we’d be finished with the case in seven weeks and five days,” said Mickey.

“Yes, and I hope to hear from that very good man, that all goes well for him,” said Nathan.

The following weekend, Nathan wasn’t surprised to see Reggie dancing with David Crowley aboard Nathan’s yacht at the wedding of Naomi Katz to George Lopez. The bride with flowers woven into her hair wore a plain white satin gown topped by a white organza Swiss-dotted overlay that made her appear to be an angel. The diamond earrings and the dainty diamond drop at her throat were her wedding gift from her husband.

Nathan as best man, helped George repeat the vows as his huge friend kept drawing a blank because of a case of wedding jitters that had him shaking like a leaf. Dressed all in white himself, George began to relax when he was told to kiss the bride, it was then his nerves gave way to tears. As he danced with his new wife for the first time, he realized that now he could plan his life around this wonderful woman who gave him such a sense of family. No one had a dry eye as the two announced their love and thanked God for the chance to be together permanently.

There was a heaviness surrounding John Barry and Nathan knew that seeing George and Naomi together made John worry for his friend in a new way. As a group of single men, it was easy to take risks and travel without giving notice to anyone, but now that would all change. George would want to spend most of his free time with Naomi and even though that was normal, it wasn’t so easy for John to digest.

“I’m glad I talked the two of them into flying Naomi’s father in for the wedding,” said Nathan to John.

“His great attitude and warmth made the wedding all the better I think,” said John with a smile.

“It requires some getting used to though doesn’t it. I mean George married to Naomi,” said Nathan.

“Yeah, can’t say I’ve been dealing with it too well,” said John.

“No man does. Not when everything’s finally going the way you want and then suddenly things change,” said Nathan.

“What bothers me most is well I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I think I’m jealous. My lady Mai Ling is the best thing that’s ever happen to me, but told me there’s no chance she’d ever consider marriage or a child, hell I can’t even get her to move in with me,” said John.

“Maybe she knows something you don’t John,” said Nathan.

“Believe me I’ve meditated on it all for hours and I get nothing,” said John.

“We seldom do, when it comes to ourselves. I just have a feeling that there’s someone you are bypassing,” said Nathan looking directly into John’s eyes.

Suddenly, a memory of George’s birthday from months earlier, formed in John’s head, as the whole event was celebrated like it was New Year’s Eve. The food was fantastic and each time John finished a plate, another appeared delivered by the most beautiful young woman John had ever seen in his life.

Miranda Lopez was George’s cousin, and at twenty years old she was twelve years younger than John, so he dismissed her immediately. Even when she insisted he dance with her, John kept her at a safe distance sensing a very dangerous attraction.

He remembered that just as the three men headed back to their apartments, young Miranda raced to him and without a second’s notice she kissed him saying “I am going to tell my Grandmother that I have met the father of my children and when she hears it, she will pray and you will be mine,” said Miranda Lopez. George teased him for days about it.

As the memory dissipated, John was again looking into Nathan’s stare.

“Anything come through to you John?” asked Nathan.

“Yeah, I remembered meeting George’s cousin, a beautiful young lady, but she’s just a kid Nathan,” said John.

“Well kids grow up John, they get a teaching degree and then before you know it, they’re wearing a wedding ring that matches your own, and warming the other side of your bed,” said Nathan, smiling broadly as he sauntered away.

In a quiet corner of the yacht, another conversation was becoming heated.

“Sam Weiss you promised me you’d make my parent’s anniversary party next week, you promised,” said Rebecca Miller, a talented graphic designer and Sam’s girlfriend for five years now.

“Becky I’ve got a weeks’ worth of work until I’m through here and besides your father hates me,” said Sam.

“He doesn’t hate you he just doesn’t understand why you go away for months at a time, sometimes leaving in the middle of the night. He finds me weeping and like all fathers he hates to see me cry,” said Rebecca as she planted a warm kiss on Sam’s mouth.

“So if you were to tell him I was going to marry you, he’d be okay with that,” said Sam.

“Of course he would, that’s different,” said Rebecca.

“How’s that different,” said Sam.

“Well he knows eventually we’d have kids to keep me busy, right. You do want kids don’t yeah baby,” asked Rebecca.

“Yeah all boys and no girls,” said Sam smiling at the thought of a family of his own.

“That’s a deal,” said Rebecca.

“I love yeah honey,” said Sam.

“I love you back,” said Rebecca as Sam and she kissed passionately with Mickey watching them very closely.

“What’s this wedding doing to everybody? I fell like everyone’s been sprinkled with love dust,” said Mickey.

“Mickey, one day when your life is all settled and comfortable and you can’t think of a thing you’d change about it, along will come some very foxy lady, with a smile that makes you smile and a heart of gold, and then my friend you will break all land speed records in getting married to her,” said Nathan.

“Don’t bet your first million on that boss,” said Mickey as he spotted a dance partner with curves and a sparkle in her eyes, who happened to be Naomi’s office manager.

Judge Katz’s conversation with Nathan started with a thank you for the quick flight that had him present for his daughter’s elopement. Nathan teased him unceasingly about becoming a grandfather in short order, a fact that had Judge Katz totally over the moon. Arrangements for the Judge’s visit to Nathan’s home were made before they parted from each other.

The following month, Mickey and Nathan were back in Atlanta happily accepting a commendation for March Investigations presented by Captain Brock, for the work done on the Dickenson case. Later that same day, accompanied by Peter Ryan, the men leaned into the glass encasing the hospital’s nursery to see Peter’s new son, named Nathan Michael Ryan.

“Hey guys, will you look at that moose,” said Peter beaming at the little life that he and his Mary had made together.

“Damn we do make beautiful kids,” said Peter.

“How’s Mary doing?” asked Nathan.

“She says she weighs five pounds less than she weighed before she got pregnant, so she‘s in hog heaven,” said Peter.

“Four kids, to put through college,” said Mickey.

“That’s why she keeps writing those books of hers,” said Peter.

“How’s the brass treating you now that things have finally cooled down?” asked Nathan.

“Excellent I’m Mr. Perfect in their view.

”I haven’t had a chance to discuss it with Mary but, I’m thinking of making a change. The police academy is looking for an assistant director and I think I‘d even get a chance to teach a class or two. Besides the pay’s good and the hours are great for a man with a growing family. What do you think Nathan?” asked Peter.

“I think that the police academy will jump at the chance to have you on board,” said Nathan.

“I sure hope you’re right,” said Peter.

“Let me assure you nine times out of ten, he is,” said Mickey.

“Dinner for the Dad is on me Peter,” said Nathan.

“Dinner for the Godfather is on me,” said Peter.

The food and the relaxed state of mind all three men were in made the next two hours fly by, until a phone call from Peter’s sister ordered him home.

“Mickey I thank you for your fine work on this case, and I mean it. Had you given up and come back early from Canada, we might never have put this case to rest. Thanks.” said Peter giving Mickey a hug.

“Glad to be of service,” said Mickey feeling great about the outcome of one heck of a case.

“Nathan, what can I say, going out of active police investigations with this big a case solved successfully, is going to make it so much easier to say goodbye to my years in Homicide. I owe you everything man, and I won’t ever forget it,” said Peter full of honest emotion.

“My friend be happy and make that beautiful lady you married happy too. If you do that we‘re even,” said Nathan.

The Rolls had three additional fill ups before it pulled into the driveway of Nathan’s manor house in Guilford, Vermont twenty-one hours later. The thought of their comfortable beds had each man smiling and even Nathan’s cell phone going off, didn’t delay his getting some sleep.

Nathan could hear the smile on his Leslie’s face as he quickly returned her call the next day to let her know she’d be seeing him in another twenty-four hours, and he’d be staying the entire weekend.

John Barry’s call came in just before Nathan took a seat on his flight to Boston. “Nathan did you know that Miranda Lopez just changed her major to Education?” asked John.

“Good then she’s on track, that makes me happy,” said Nathan.

“When I got back, Mai told me she’s been seeing someone else but wants us to remain friends,” said John.

“Funny but you don’t sound brokenhearted,” said Nathan.

“Well Miranda’s turning twenty-one next week and she invited me to the family party,” said John.

“Now that’s a party you will enjoy my friend,” said Nathan.

“Just wanted to say you’re the best Nathan, so whenever you need me and the boys, we’ll be there for you,” said John.

“Well you may have to check in with your better half’s first, but I know that our years together aren’t over for a while yet,” said Nathan.

“Yeah all three of us said we need to stick together a while longer,” said John, who seemed genuinely happy with the way his life was progressing.

Nathan could only smile as the plane reached cruising altitude. All his thoughts were on all the twists and turns that all of the lives of those involved in solving the Collette Dickenson case had experienced. For Collette’s clients the whole world looked a lot brighter, because Brenda Mayhill had located Connie’s safety deposit box and destroyed everything in it, in order to complete what her husband had wanted, which was to set a host of wounded people free.

After feeling Leslie’s arms around him so much of the night, as they talked and laughed and loved the night away, she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep with her head on his chest as he stroked her face while listening to her gentle breathing.

Laying there he could just imagine all the fun and joy that Lena and Martin Dickenson were having on their year-long cruise, after the two had spent so many years looking for the love they now enjoyed together. If nothing else the two of them getting together would have been enough for him to celebrate all by itself.

As the case was concluding, Nathan could feel the winds of change heading for each and every one with whom he’d spent the last seven weeks and five days. He was sure that if he meditated deeply enough, he would probably identify some of it, however because sleeping beside him was the source of most of his contentment, he simply rolled over knowing whatever was to be, he would always feel the way he felt tonight, that he was indeed a very fortunate man.

For months after its conclusion, the Dickenson case had stayed on Nathan’s mind probably because it could all have been so easily avoided. If Collette Dickenson had really been the trustworthy spiritual adviser she purported to be, the victims of her blackmail would have had no reason to live their lives in desperation and shame, and more than likely she would have had the clarity to realize that she would only enjoy what she had earned honestly.

Without shaking down her clients for huge amounts of money, there would have been fewer valuables to be worth stealing from her, and for what she did possess, she would have been grateful. While Armand would never have come into her life without her vast fortune, she might have drawn someone who treasured her instead.

Her cancer didn’t have to kill her, there were options for treatment. Many of her clients would have understood her medical situation and not mocked her, and those that did, she didn’t need in her life anyway. Oddly enough by being blackmailed, her surviving victims changed their attitude toward life and what is really important within it.

Vincent Bertrillo, a hardened and inflexible mob boss, began to understand the depth of his love for his son. Until threatened with losing his family to violence, he hadn’t come to grips with all he’d done in the past. Nathan knew that he was not the same man, now that he and his family were no longer in peril and after numerous phone conversations, Nathan wasn’t ashamed to call the man his friend.

Colin Darcy told John in emails that arrived well after the case was resolved, that he was a free man and obsessed with doing a masterful job of putting together a celebration of the life of the man he destroyed to gain his own recognition. Owning up to his narcissism, he now charmed his two children with his humor and self-effacement, and although their visits weren’t often, they weren’t forced to visit any longer, instead they freely chose to see him and emails were frequent between them.

Estelle Pitts wrote Nathan that she knew that once she was free of the guilt inspired by Collette’s constant threats to wrongly accuse her of her husband’s death, she would never return to the lifestyle and attitude of one of the privileged. With all the wounded veterans, she would contribute her time and her money to caring for them and their families, and she happily began to do just that, with remarkable changes in her spirit.

Madhav Swaartha found the courage to marry his lovely lady hours before becoming a father by her, a second time. He told Nathan of the lifestyle he now enjoyed as a husband and father, the second time around.

The victims weren’t the only ones who benefited from all the good extricated from such a bad experience. Since her father and his new wife were travelling the world, Reggie emailed Nathan regularly with news about her and David Crowley’s blossoming relationship, seeking his advice. Nathan constantly advised her to be the beautiful soul she was as he knew that for David, he and she were already a done deal.

As for Martin and Lena Dickenson, their world cruise inspired them both to write down the details of Collette’s life careful not to expose anything confidential about her clients. It was to be a cautionary tale they entitled “The Tarnished Medium”. Nathan happily approved.

John, George and Sam were busy being the best personal bodyguards in the U.S. and it seems that even the marriage of one of the crew only cemented their relationship to each other, even more. With fatherhood now pending for George, each knew their relationship was bound to change, but as John said more than once, “Who says change is a bad thing?”

The phone and Internet brought new clients to Nathan March Investigations, and kept Mickey Stone close at Nathan’s heels with his suggestions of what cases were most urgent and those that would be short in duration with more personnel brought in to assist. A tight schedule kept Mickey home most weekends, and kept Nathan’s manor house hopping.

Nathan’s greatest sense of accomplishment came after reading a letter from Brenda Mayhill just months after the case was finished. In her letter, Brenda stated that Canada’s media no longer pressed for a story, as Connie’s life of crime and her death, was now old news.

Connie’s brothers however, kept in touch after receiving a heart wrenching letter from Brenda expressing her sorrow for the loss of their sister, who was her partner. They both replied that they would have accepted Connie’s lifestyle had she only shared her choice with them. Brenda began healing after they thanked her for her letter, and the honesty it contained.

She wrote further that these days no one stared at her at the market and she found herself able to eat alone at her favorite restaurant, never feeling out of place or under a microscope. She informed Nathan that the small little church down the road from her home had become a place of comfort. Its members made her aware that with enough time, the worst experiences lose their hold over us. With the thanks she expressed, she made Nathan’s day.

Nathan operated March Investigations based on his favorite quote by Francis Bacon. “If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties.”

Sometimes the results didn’t give Nathan the satisfaction he always sought from his work. This time however the case’s final outcome, left him not only satisfied but wisely shelving all he’d learned from it, for possible us on the next.


It is any day better to stand erect with a broken and bandaged head then to crawl on one's belly, in order to be able to save one's head.

- Mahatma Gandhi