Nathan March Investigations - Book 2: Murder, After the Fact - episode 9

in #fiction7 years ago

episode one
episode two
episode three
episode four
episode five
episode six
episode seven
episode eight

Book Two

Murder, After The Fact

Episode Nine

“Nathan, are you awake?” asked Naomi Katz as she knocked gently on the door to his bedroom in the main house.

“I am, come on in Naomi,” said Nathan dressed in jeans with a sweater and lying on top of his bed engrossed in conversation with Mickey.

“My, my, my, you sure do look good. Tell me Nathan why is it you have never hit on me, not even once?” said Naomi giving him a hug as she did.

“Your Dad has made me aware of the consequences I’d face, if I ever make such a reckless decision,” said Nathan hugging her back.

“I was of the opinion that your taste ran more toward a certain giant of a man who likes snapping necks to release his tension,” said Mickey referring of course, to George Lopez.

“I’m leaning in that direction to offset my frustration Mickey,” said Naomi, winking at Nathan who enjoyed this precious lady as much as he did the company of her father.

“My final report on Armand Oulette includes his larcenous plans for all that stuff in the attic. Boy that guy was nothing if not rotten to the core. You know in one case he let one sister loan him all her savings and secretly gave the money to her younger sister so she could have breast and other enhancements made to her body for which she favored Armand with her company, many, many times. Silly Trudy Hobbs even that story which Armand told her himself, didn’t shake her free of him,” said Naomi.

“When we fall that hard, we don’t want to believe the truth if it tarnishes our image of the one we love,” said Nathan.

“Yeah, I hear that,” said Naomi. “Detective Ryan isn’t getting very far interviewing people who may know who was responsible for Armand’s death, I heard,” she added.

“The police found a great deal of information in the car where Armand Oulette met his death and it seems unloading all the valuables from Collette’s estate was not going to be a problem at all because a young lady, a very intelligent young lady, was helping him. A note with a phone number on letterhead from attorney Mayhill’s office led Detective Ryan to pick up a lady named Amanda Newman, first thing this morning,” said Naomi, not seeing the reaction on Mickey‘s face.

“That name sounds familiar doesn‘t it Mickey,” said Nathan not sure he shouldn‘t have waited until they were alone to call him on it.

“Well that explains why she was crawling all over me boss. She wanted to know what we knew,” said Mickey.

“I’m betting that the case wasn‘t on your mind when I saw you both on the staircase heading toward your bedroom,” said Nathan.

“Well unfortunately, she did leave a lot earlier than she planned to because she said she’d forgotten about the early work day she was facing. Guess I didn't give her all she was looking for,” said Mickey.

“Okay, so Mickey was friendly with the lady, I gather because he didn't know she was an out and out conniving opportunist,” said Naomi.

“I didn’t check any references if that’s what you mean,” said Mickey with a smirk on his face.

“Too busy checking out her assets, were you Mickey,” said Naomi.

“Enough banter, let’s recap your report on Armand. He’s a leech, he’s a thief, his help came from a smart lady working from the inside, continue please Naomi,” said Nathan.

“In her interrogation which I got to watch and which Detective Ryan conducted this morning, he learned that Ms. Amanda Newman had made contact with a fence for Armand who struck a deal for 1.3 million for everything. $100,000.00 of the money was paid when the fence examined everything and knew what a bargain he’d fallen into. The fence‘s plans guaranteed that everything would be removed under Armand’s supervision and then without any further risks Armand would be paid the second half of the money and immediately disappear while Ms. Newman got to pay off her school loans for her contribution to the theft as well.

“She told Detective Ryan it was all supposed to culminate three weeks ago, but of course Collette got murdered, there were mourners everywhere for days, you all moved onto the estate, and Armand got thrown off the estate and went into hiding. The fence obviously was forced to give Armand up to the people who’d paid the fence half in advance for goods that weren’t forthcoming,” said Naomi.

“So one to Armand’s head and one to his heart, made them all feel better,” said Mickey.

“What about the $100,000.00 Armand was given?” asked Nathan.

“Well more than likely, it’s in a bank in Brazil with his name on the account. Detective Ryan’s waiting for word on that,” Naomi responded.

“What about the fence?” Mickey asked.

“Well that’s another sad tale. The police identified the fence as a man by the name of Morty Schuman just yesterday. He and his former wife stayed in touch and when he didn’t answer any of her calls she reported him missing. The police responded by letting her take a look at the newest occupant of a refrigerated drawer at the morgue,” said Naomi.

“How’d he die,” asked Nathan.

“In turns out that three days ago he was the John Doe found in a ventilated barrel which person or persons unknown abandoned on a pier on the West side for whatever reason. The police believe the coastguard must have been a little too close by to make it safe for the hit men to load it so he took off without it,” said Naomi.

“So Schuman and Armand got paid the same day,” said Nathan.

“Yup they were served their just desserts, said Naomi.

“Looks like I can forget a late dinner with Amanda this Friday night, said Mickey.

“How about dinner with the former Mrs. Morty Schulman instead,” said Naomi.

“What?” Mickey asked.

“Well you’re such a manly man, and I just know Morty Schulman’s former wife would love to make the acquaintance of a dear friend of Morty’s who could possibly get her to open up about the person he would go to for a very large business deal like Armand offered,” said Naomi.

“I like the way she thinks, Mickey,” said Nathan.

“Forgive me if I’m not overjoyed,” said Mickey.

“I suppose I could call in one of my staff, but I really can see a woman of mature years, bearing her soul to a stud like you,” said Naomi.

“And to think I was discussing you with George just today and in such glowing terms,” said Mickey.

“You were, really Mickey?” Naomi asked sincerely.

“He’s a friend so I can’t discuss any of it with you. It’s an issue of trust. Of course if you decide to convince the former Mrs. Schulman that you and Morty were keeping company and now you need to know who it was that could have possible done your Morty so wrong, I might see my way to enlighten you about my earlier conversation with Mr. Lopez,” said Mickey.

“Oh Naomi, I like Mickey’s plan much better. It’s far more believable especially with all your experience in undercover work, and to make it official, his way is the way we‘re going,” said Nathan.

“Besides in order to tie up all the loose ends on Armand‘s death, you need to bring Armand‘s shooter who is possibly Morty‘s killer too, to justice,” said Mickey, happy that he got his way.

“The truth, would you have told me what George told you?” asked Naomi.

“I’ve never been that suicidal,” Mickey responded, as Nathan laughed out loud.

“Oh well, I‘m going to have to run along now, I have so many things to arrange. I hope you are still smiling Mr. March when you get the bill for the first class funeral my darling Morty’s going to have,” said Naomi.

“Mickey I’d be forever grateful if you would tell, John, Sam, and George, that I’ll be getting details to all four of you, regarding being pallbearers for my precious Morty,” said Naomi.

Nathan’s gut hurt but still he couldn’t stop laughing, wishing he could watch Naomi’s performance as he was sure it would be worth whatever the funeral eventually would cost him.

In the PTA’s meeting with Nathan before lunch, John Barry told Nathan that they were attempting to obtain the banking information on all six of Collette’s alleged blackmail victims. By using Collette’s bank statements retrieved by Lena, the identity of the blackmail victims would be irrefutable once they compared the withdrawals from their accounts by date and amount with those money transfers into Collette Dickenson’s account each month.

Next he said he was convinced that Attorney Douglas Mayhill died trying to protect the rest of Collette’s clients. At the reading of her will, person or persons unknown pointed Mayhill toward possible retrieval of Collette’s entire client list, the flash drives, and Lena’s Master List. A portion of that information was in that folder snatched from the attorney’s cold dead hand at the Dickenson estate,” said John.

George reiterated the fact that one very large withdrawal should show up on one of the six accounts, with the same amount credited to Collette’s account close to the time of her death. It made sense to him that after the victim made the electronic transfer of a very large amount of money to Collette’s account he or she unable to be sure that no other sums that large would be requested, planned Collette‘s murder. Why Collette would risk making such a request was still up for speculation however.

John insisted on pointing out that there appeared to be someone else to consider. Evidence of a dangerous second assailant who felt enough rage to slit Collette’s throat without one hesitation cut, all while thinking his victim was asleep. He emphasized that is was a stone cold killer’s method of murder and took nerves of steel and swift precision to accomplish, so it was difficult even for a professional like himself.

If all the suppositions turned out to be accurate, added together they’d prove that one assailant’s goal was to be rid of Collette and obtain all the documentation on Collette’s laptop as well as her client list and all the Micro SD cards needed to continue blackmailing her clients for eons.

The second assailant’s goal appeared to be retribution possibly for a betrayal or feelings of humiliation or maybe just plain jealousy.

Nathan’s team could only guess how unhappy the victims had to be when informed that monthly payments were to continue just to a different account number owned by an even more ruthless blackmailer.

According to Sam all searches reviewing the creation of new database records indicated that Atlanta PD’s TSU unit had made all the computer inquiries that a court order made possible and had the new files to prove it.

Sam Weiss assured Nathan that he need not worry about his activities as they related to getting any heavily protected information to surface. He explained that in areas where no court orders could be obtained in time to impact the case, his computer expertise and superb hacking skills would assist his goal to even up the playing field. Already he was making up for lost time by following the money.

“Sam, can you expand your search of accounts, to include a few more?” asked Nathan.

“Yes, sir and now’s the time to do it,” said Sam.

“I want a search of Lena Phelps and Martin Dickenson’s finances and include Reggie in that search as well.” said Nathan.

All three men went silent, and Nathan too felt strange about it.

“I’ll feel better when we exclude them from all suspicion,” said Nathan.

“I wanted to suggest the same thing, I didn’t know how to mention it without feeling as awkward as I do at the moment,” Sam added.

“Guilty here too because I feel Lena, Martin and Reggie had reason to want her dead,” George said. “We need to check out Emmett Doucette as well,” George continued.

“Emmett Doucette’s background was already scanned well by our lovely Naomi Katz and she has given him a very clean bill of health. Right at this moment Naomi is doing her thing , and hopefully Mrs. Schulman will find her performance so real, so grief-stricken, that she won’t feel it’s necessary to shoot her on sight,” said Nathan.

“Down boy,” said John to George who seemed very concerned.

“With that reaction Mr. Lopez, you might want to do something more permanent about that lady, when this is all over,” said Nathan with a grin.

“Right after you do something permanent about your beautiful lady, Mr. March,” said George.

“Touché Mr. Lopez,” said Nathan as the meeting adjourned.

The flight to Inverness, Canada, was thunderstorm free and the sunshine made the road trip to his final destination absolutely enjoyable. Mickey Stone’s orders were to avoid Brenda Mayhill at all cost, but to photograph whoever it was that she now cohabitated with.

The thirteen hundred square foot farmhouse on fifteen acres was a three bedroom, one bathroom home that probably slept six or less. To say it was a downgrade from the palace Brenda Mayhill left behind in Atlanta, was an understatement. Still somehow Mickey felt that her needs probably were more in line with the lovely house that gave her and her companion, a sense of comfort and privacy as they each started over.

Unfortunately while he’d seen Brenda Mayhill tending her flower garden, there was no sign of anyone else on the property except for several gentlemen who came back and forth to the house as he watched. One was driving a truck and the other a riding mower. Mickey assumed they were the reason for the landscape looking absolutely pristine.

After nearly twenty-four hours of parking some distance away and observing through binoculars, when he saw Brenda heading away from the property in a navy blue Bentley, he approached the house knocking on the door and when no one answered he was totally discouraged.

Suddenly a lady walked up the winding path carrying a hot apple pie. “Oh, I was hoping I hadn’t missed her,” said the lady to Mickey.

“I’m sure she’ll see the pie on her window ledge,” Mickey added.

“Excellent idea, it’s very hot and quite heavy. I’m Nan Bates, I live behind those evergreens a quarter mile away,” she said as she found the perfect spot on the ledge for her pie.

“I’m Edward Perkins, and a friend of one of the owners of the house,” said Mickey.

“You either mean Brenda Mayhill or Connie Roth,” said Nan Bates.

“Connie Roth, we’ve been friends for a while and Connie’s kept me up to date on relocating here and having Brenda so close by means the world to her,” said Mickey.

“Connie left for several weeks on business, she’s quite successful but of course you’d know that wouldn’t you. Brenda should be back soon, she generally sticks very close to home,” said Ms. Bates

“Well this is a wonderful piece of property for the two of them to retire on,” said Mickey.

“Yes, things are different these days and we have to adjust to change like it or not. They are both lovely woman and I’m so looking forward to another trip to the art museum with them,” said Nan Bates.

“Well Connie did ask me to stop by whenever I was in the area, so I’ll just have to email her when I get back,” said Mickey, as Mrs. Bates made her way among the evergreens on route back to her home.

Although he hadn’t obtained a photo of her, Connie Roth’s identity as Brenda’s life partner was verified by Mrs. Bates, her neighbor, so Mickey felt certain that with her statement his task was completed. He hoped that when he did get back to Atlanta and ran her name by Sam Weiss, Sam would unlock so much of her background that he’d be able to describe even her birth mark.

“Sweetheart I don’t know what to tell you, my Morty would be so proud of the arrangements you made for his final resting place. He always said he wanted to be beside his mother Ida, and I've been so hysterical since I identified his body, that my nerves wouldn’t allow me to have done justice to him at the most important time of his life. I’ve always been high strung, that’s why I wear this wig of mine, my own hair’s so thin there’s not enough left to comb,” said Bessie Schulman.

The women wearing a blonde wig had rather striking dark brown eyes, perfect white teeth and lips that had received enough collagen shots to make her drown-proof. She had on a leopard caftan to the floor and black slippers wearing enough gold jewelry to add several pounds to her weight.

However her eleven-room home was done in white and gold with tasteful artwork and a pair of unique antique lamps that were stunning. Naomi currently calling herself Mitzi Hall was surprised at the excellent judgment Bessie showed in the decorating done in each room, as she was given the grand tour of the home Bessie and Morty Schulman shared for years.

“Bessie, you know you have my condolences he often said that you and he were kindred souls and it was his fault for losing you. I can tell you that I would never have stood a chance if he’d had to make a choice.

“I thank God he and I did meet because he was the best. You know what energy that man had, I could barely get a good night’s sleep when he had the time to spend with me. So what gives anyone the right to harm him in any way, you know what I mean?” said Naomi as Mitzi.

“Ah Mitzi, I told him, more than once I said Morty, don’t get in bed with the mob, not for any reason. But did he listen, no he didn’t and it cost him plenty,” said Bessie Schulman.

“The mob, are you serious?” said Naomi.

“What I know for sure is he had to have gone to the same despicable characters for money that I disapproved of while we were married. There’s no other source he could find to finance such a deal. I’m still fuming a little because he never told me about this deal that would have made us both a fortune. Maybe it’s because I did clean him out once, but he had to understand that finding him doing to another woman what he never did for me had to cost him. For sure he’d be alive today if he trusted his Bessie with his latest plans, like the friend I always felt we were to each other.

“I’d have given him anything even the equity on this house, of course that meant I would have had to be his legal partner, but he didn‘t ask me, and now he‘s dead, shot full of holes like a deer in hunting season,” said Bessie.

“He never talked business with me. I was to be the mother of his children and he’d take care of the rest he said. What a brutal ending. Bessie I can’t let the scum who did this to Morty walk away free as the wind. That’s just not right. We both owe him that much, don’t we?” said Naomi as Mitzi.

“I know you’re right, sweetie. No wonder our Morty loved you so, I can’t believe that we’ve just met and I feel I can tell you anything, unlike the cops who only want to make Morty come away looking like a common thief, ” said Bessie.

“Tell me about it. They must have found my name and address at Morty‘s place and when they talked to me I felt like a piece of garbage they could care less about. Well I’ll find out who did this and punish them for making our Morty suffer so. And if the mob decides either of us talked to the cops we’ll both go down fighting,” said Naomi.

“Anyone who knows Bessie Schulman knows the cops are lower than roaches in my opinion, so they get nothing from me,” said Bessie.

“Me neither,” said Naomi.

“Tomorrow, after the funeral for Morty, we should talk about taking care of whoever put him in that barrel,” said Bessie.

“We can find them, Bessie, I know we can,” said Naomi.

“You’re right Mitzi we can,” said Bessie.

“Do you feel safe enough here alone,” said Naomi.

“I always travel with my .22 caliber, just in case, so don’t you worry about Bessie,” she answered.

“Okay then I’ll be in the limo that will pick you up tomorrow at 8:00AM, so you try to get some rest, and call me at this number if you need me,” said Naomi handing her a paper napkin with her phone number written on it.

“I want to tell you Mitzi that if he had married you we would have gotten along perfectly, God‘s honest truth,” said Bessie acting as if she truly meant it.

Naomi got the weirdest feeling when she hugged Bessie Schulman. Maybe she shouldn’t leave her alone. “You’re sure you’ll be okay Bessie, I really am worried about you,” said Naomi.

“You get home and stay safe and don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, I promise. See you in the morning,” said Bessie.

“Nathan, I felt like such a phony receiving such praise from the brass when it’s your people uncovering important details in the case. You know of course that my bosses are going to use it all to further their own ambitions I’m sure,” said Peter as he downed another bite of the pastrami sandwich and eye-balled the one he ordered for Nathan.

“I’ll give you a half, that’s it,” said Nathan as he handed it over and feasted on the sweet potato fries and cucumber salad instead.

“When his cell phone rang, Peter reached for it before he thought and answered saying, “Detective Peter Ryan.”

The news being delivered over the next short while as Nathan ate his lunch was urgent but it was vital to answering one lingering question. Paul Ryan shut off his cell, and wiping his mouth he threw down his napkin.

“That was Dr. Epps with some more forensic information on Collette. He said it took a while to get the biopsies examined because she was already deceased, so the lab didn’t put a rush on it. It seems she did have breast cancer and although it was hardly in the early stages, she still had a chance with radiation and chemotherapy, but Dr. Epps feels she’d already waited too long,” said Peter.

“Reggie questioned whether her mother had breast cancer as Reggie feared it greatly because both her grandmother and two great aunts died from it years ago,” said Nathan, who realized that they had found the reason for the overdose of Seconal, Collette had purposely taken.

“As psychic and healer, she would never take treatments for a disease she publicly stated was the result of negativity setting our bodies against us. Remember there were other well-known psychics and even well-regarded religious healers, who lost their following when word spread of their undergoing a medical crisis, which according to their followers they should have been able to circumvent. Collette would never allow herself to suffer such humiliation especially as she faced turning fifty years of age,” said Peter.

Nathan knew at least this part of the case was resolved. There were no lingering doubts. The facts led to the final conclusion that had her assailants waited a day, Collette would have been dead by her own hand, and her murder unnecessary.

Naomi and George took another long walk on the estate when she returned from Bessie Schulman’s home. The afternoon sun was warm and they had found a spot where no one could observe them. It was a wonderful turn of events as Naomi and George Lopez now spent as much time with each other as possible. Absolutely alone and secluded, his huge hands fumbled with her tank top. Naomi resisted remembering Nathan’s words to her about being sure that what she felt was real and not a physical reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex. Her rejection as she sat upright dampened the moment completely.

It’s was hard for George to wipe the look of disappointment off his face, so when the two returned to the main house, and were greeted by a very knowing Nathan, Naomi looked directly into his eyes, while Sam looked downcast, daring him to say one word.

“Naomi, I got your message, good job with Mrs. Schulman, but please don’t underestimate the lady because she didn’t survive her husband’s shady dealings because she was innocent,” said Nathan.

“I know you’re right that’s why George and the boys will be there tomorrow to play bodyguards in case some of Morty’s seedier friends decide they want to get to know me better,” said Naomi.

“Detective Ryan looks like he’s in a hurry to get back,” said George to Nathan, having seen him drive off the Estate.

“I think it’s all good with him, although he just got a call when I stepped out of the car, so I’m not sure,” said Nathan.

“Well we know why Morty and Armand met one of the mob’s enforcement officers, and any chance of him coming forward is expecting a bit too much I’m afraid,” said Naomi.

“Naomi and I were talking Nathan and we are both worried about Bessie. She’s a good candidate for a barrel of her own, if the mob gets worried about her,” said George.

“Tomorrow they might issue a warning, so we will all stay very alert,” said Nathan as he led Naomi and George to the picnic table and sat down.

“Anything more on the Hart sisters?” asked Nathan.

“You and Mickey are going to think I’m nuts but Vincent Bertrillo was only interested in getting Collette’s blackmail information from the Hart sisters. On retrieving it he set them up to get caught passing funny money, knowing they wouldn’t tell anyone about how they really got it.

“That fact puts Bertrillo out of the running for any involvement with the girls getting fatally sunburnt, because with very little trouble, the man got what he wanted. Most likely he deposited that SD Card into the ocean. And I bet he did so on the way home, the very day you saw them all in the restaurant together,” said George.

“Oh I agree totally. If he was going to kill them he wouldn’t buy them a very public lunch beforehand. I’m sure right now he’s also wondering who in hell killed them both and why?” said Nathan.

“That means when Mickey gets back after Morty’s burial tomorrow, we need to have a lengthy conversation with Mr. Bertrillo,” said George.

“How’d Mickey make out in Canada?” asked Naomi.

“We’ve got a name on Brenda Mayhill’s lover and Sam’s already working on it, nothing more just yet,” said Nathan.

“Oh sure,” you three relax while I figure out who, what, where and how. I want a raise boss,” said Sam Weiss as he took a seat at the picnic table opposite Nathan holding some documents in his hand.

“Okay out with it, what did you find out now?” asked Nathan.

“Well despite being greatly distracted by Reggie’s loud verbal discussion with the contractor over a difference in what’s possible and what’s not with a place this old, I did manage to get you some conclusive evidence,” said Sam handing Nathan sheets of paper.

“As you can see each of the six were in fact being blackmailed by our dear departed Collette Dickenson. I’d have been happy merely with the interest off those payments believe me.

“The fact is that whereas I could trace deposits to Collette’s bank account for the identical amounts transferred and I did go back for years, this last month’s transfers made after Collette’s death were electronically addressed to a different account in the Netherlands, with no way of tracing the real owner of the account. Unfortunately it won’t be long before the new blackmailer adds others to be blackmailed,” said Sam.

“There are six dead in this scheme with two killed possibly by the mob. Peter and I discussed that offering the blackmail victims we do know immunity against any prosecution for any crimes mentioned on the drives, will give them the incentive to come forward with the secrets they have paid to keep hidden,” said Nathan.

His cell phone rang and when Nathan saw the number he answered swiftly.

“How’d it go, did the DA go for it?” asked Nathan.

“I wasn’t calling about that Nathan,” said Peter. “It’s Mrs. Schulman,” said Peter.

Nathan excused himself and stepped out of hearing range as he listened to the news that totally confounded him. It never failed that every time he went against his intuition he paid for it in spades and now was no exception. He should have had his people on her, instead of the Atlanta police off-duty officers earning overtime for protecting her.

“Thanks I’ll be in touch,” said Nathan disconnecting the call and rejoining George and Naomi.

“The news is not what you’ll want to hear, it appears Mrs. Schulman gave Atlanta’s finest the slip, and is now officially in the wind,” said Nathan.

“How?” asked George.

“Why would she do that before Morty’s services, it doesn’t make sense?” said Naomi.

“I’ll answer how first. It seems she requested a visit to the mortician’s and when she got there she paid the funeral and compilation in full, and asked for a minute alone with Morty before she left to return home. They stepped out and when they returned, she was gone and Morty was wearing her wedding band on his pinky finger. No one saw her leave and the pinky ring was free on any prints or DNA evidence.

“As to the why she disappeared, I think she wants us to believe she is in fear of her life, however I’m certain the real answer if far more complicated and it will emerge with time,” said Nathan.”

“What about the funeral tomorrow, how do we handle it?” asked George.

“I’ve got an idea I believe will work with our people running interference,” said Naomi.

“Care to share?” said George, and Naomi did just that, to the total approval of both George and Nathan.