RE: Boy's Adventure Tale - Part 13
I'm humbled to have my work placed anywhere near Dan Dare. Fine, fine stuff that was! If there is a rule that I follow when writing my universe, it's this: no villains allowed, nor any heroes. Is Inna is a dreadful threat to all flesh, or is she a good woman doing her level best to play a bad hand? Is Oskar a plucky survivor, or is he just a foolish kid in over his head? Depending on your perspective, all are true. The tension and uncertainty make the story fun to write.
Inna's full story arc is elsewhere, in an series of unpublished novels. She's both more sympathetic and more dangerous (!) than I reveal in this story, which takes place during a "lull" in her galaxy-busting adventures. Based on the reception she's gotten here, I'd better get busy and finish editing them!