Justin Time (Chapter 35) An Original Science Fiction Novel

in #fiction8 years ago



We are getting towards the end of Justin Time. Only two chapters left after this one. I hope you find these final Chapters exciting!

Link to beginning of story:


Link to Chapter 34: Cameras Rolling


Chapter 34 Review:

Justin and Blair were dazzled by Kirstin playing Desdemona in her Othello theatrical debut.  Dr. Filbrick has the media recording him as he tries his first attempt in time travel. Being in a hurry and wanting to take credit for Justin's discovery he, travels back. Wanting to arrive at the Ojay Simpson trial, he misses his mark by four years and actually shows up at the Katherine Time trial instead. In a total frenzy he decides to try it again and finds himself going to Justin's book signing event while having a nervous breakdown.

Chapter 35: The Pool Party

Justin woke up on Saturday morning to a phone call. He looked down at his cell and noticed it was Kirstin.

"Hi honey. How did you sleep?", asked Justin.

"I slept decently considering how hyped up I was after the play. Our play had a small write up in the theatrical section of our local newspaper."

"Oh really? What did it say?"

"You will have to pick up a paper and see for yourself.",she said teasingly.

"The reason for my call,", she continued, "was to ask you when should Connie and I arrive at your parent's pool party?"

"I think they said around 11:00 am.", he answered.

"By the way, I am going to be a little late."


"My most recent set of instructions to myself was for me to open my safe at exactly 1:00 pm. on Saturday. No later and no earlier."

"That is certainly interesting."

"Please let my parents know that something unplanned came up and I should be there shortly after."

"Okay honey. I love you."

"I love you too.", Justin said softly as he hung up.


"Good morning hun. Let's go downstairs and have some breakfast."

Larry Van Morrison reached under his bed and grabbed his wife's urn. He carried her down stairs and placed her on a chair at the breakfast table. He took out a bowl and poured himself some cereal.

"I think we should visit the Times around noon. Of course you can come with me. I wouldn't want you to miss such an important event. I will be wearing my backpack and I will also be carrying a large sack full of goodies. It will be like Christmas."

Larry took a big spoonful of cereal. "I have everything planned. You will have front row seats.", he laughed.

After Justin took a shower and got dressed. He decided to go to the market to buy the local paper. While he was there, he bought a few extra necessities. On his drive home he was wondering what his dad was going to cook. He was guessing probably some kind of out door barbecue.

Once he arrived back home, he grabbed a glass of orange juice and sat down at the kitchen table. Opening the paper he just bought, he saw a nice size article on Othello. The article mentioned that 'Desdemona was played by Kirstin Reynolds who is a vivacious and promising young actress.' They were certain we would see more of her. He put the paper back down on the table asked Katie if she wanted to go for a short stroll. Katie readily agreed.

It was 10:00 am. and William was checking on his baby back ribs. He had put them in his smoker yesterday afternoon and they have been slow cooking since then. When he opened the smoker, the rib smell was amazing. He could see that the ribs had started separating from the bone.

"Perfect!", he said.

This was his assurance that the ribs would be tender and 'falling off the bone'.  He walked into the kitchen and checked on his barbecued baked beans, corn on the cob and a lite vinaigrette pasta salad.

Katherine was putting her final touches on the decor. She had purchased a few fresh flower centerpieces. She walked out to the back where their brand new pool was beautifully designed and landscaped. There was a section towards the back and above the pool where the spa sat four feet above. The large eight person spa boasted a water fixture that cascaded like a fall over beautifully placed boulders and into the pool. Around the pool there were several new lounge chairs with small tables for drinks. In a shaded area in the corner there was a covered outside dining set that could seat up to 12 people. Finally, in the other corner was a small shower where people could wash off. Katherine set six nearby huge bath towels for today's occasion.

It was 11:00 am. and Justin and Katie just returned home. Justin was getting anxious in anticipation. As he walked in the kitchen to get a glass of water, he glanced back down at the paper he had just bought. He noticed an interesting caption on the back page.

It read:

'CEO of Geno Chronology Inc. Dies in Coma.  Justin picked up the paper and read: Dr. Filbrick who is the CEO of Geno Chronology Inc. was pronounced dead this morning around 4:00 am. by inducing himself into a coma. Geno Chronology Inc. claimed that they had discovered time traveling and contacted the media to be witnesses. "We are not sure what went wrong.", commented head scientist Eugene Guinnes. "We will miss him dearly."

"We will have more information for our readers as we learn more details.”, continued the artical.

"Wow!", said Justin out loud. 'I need to keep up on this story.', he thought.

'He induced himself? I wonder if these were the people spying on me. I need to tell Blair.' 

Justin picked up his cell phone and called Blair. After a few rings, Blair's voice mail picked up. 

Katherine heard a ring at the door bell.

Opening the door, Katherine yelled ,"Connie!", and immediately gave her a big embrace.

Then she looked over to Kirstin. "My, are you gorgeous."

"Thanks.", said Kirstin. "What a beautiful house."

"Hello", said William wiping off his wet hands. "Connie Latresky! It is wonderful to see you again!"

William ran over and gave her a big squeeze. Then he looked at Kirstin. "You must be Kirstin? Justin has been so busy at work, I thought he would never find someone. Nice to meet you.”

"Calm down dear." winked Katherine.

"Kirstin smiled and blushed.

"Where is Justin and Blair?", asked William.

"Justin said something came up and he would be showing up a little later. I don't know where Blair is.", answered Kirstin.

"Something always comes up with Justin.", responded Katherine. That's okay. Let me show you around."

Shortly after Katherine gave Kirstin the house tour, Blair arrived letting himself in.

"Hi everyone."  Blair walked straight towards the back yard. "Boy that smells good."

"Oh hi dear.", said Katherine. "We are all relaxing here. Why are you all dressed up?"

"I had some things I had to take care of at work. Hi William, that sure smells good. What are you cooking for us today?"

"I thought we would have some baby backs.", said William.

"Umm...I love your baby backs. Hi Kirstin and you must be Connie. I remember you."

"Blair. Did you bring swimwear?", asked Katherine.

"Hi Blair. The last time I saw you was about 19 years ago I think.", said Connie.

"It's been a long time for sure. I didn't have time to get my swimsuit, but I will grab something in Justin's old room. I am sure I can find something."

"Do you still have to carry that gun during work honey?", asked Katherine.

"You know they make me nervous."

"Sorry, but I have to. It's part of the job. I don't need to wear it now though. I will put it somewhere safe when I find something to wear.

"Okay dear. We are here. Now I am going to have to put you in my backpack for a short while. I promised you that you will love your front row seat. Now I have to be very quiet. Good ole' reliable Hannity here will keep us safe.", whispered Van Morrison.