Keltorins Flora and Fauna of Note 🌿 Belim Root/Bulb 🌿 Valcannes Guide to Keltorin

in #fiction8 years ago (edited)

Flora and Fauna

The following contains information pertaining to the different Flora and Fauna found on Keltorin, this is not a complete guide it only contains records on species of note for abilities or harm they may cause.

Belim Root/Bulb:


The Belim Tree is a small plant with thin brown bare branches, you can identify the Belim Tree by the distinct dark purple fruit that graces the ends of its branches.

The dark purple fruit has a soft pulp but when opened inside it contains bright yellow seeds, this fruit is highly poisonous and should not be consumed under any circumstances.

Once the tree is identified you need to locate the root or bulb of the Belim Tree, digging into the ground surrounding the tree to about 20 cms in depth - there you should start to find the root system of the Belim Tree.

The roots of the Belim Tree are identifiable by their long runners along which you will find bright purple bulbs growing, this is the section of the plant containing the medicinal properties required.


The Belim Root/Bulb is imperative for fighting infections it can be used as a poultice for external open wounds at risk of infections.

Belim Root/Bulb can also be made into a tea to fight internal infections of the chest, throat and even the infections in the bladder - though it is incredibly foul of taste and odor.


The most significant danger with this plant is the consumption of the dark purple fruit it bears, this fruit is highly poisonous if ingested the person will begin uncontrollable vomiting, then their body will begin to shut down and they will dehydrate.

This is when hallucinations will being, followed by full body cramping the person will remain awake and alert through all of the stages until their last breaths.

Finally the cramping will get so intense that the bones will start to break under the pressure exerted by the muscles, eventually one of the broken bones will penetrate an organ and internal bleeding will eventually end the persons agony.



The Belims Root/Bulb is mostly used as a poultice on open wounds to stem infections from beginning or spreading.

Once you have located the roots and have collected at least 40 bulbs for a small wound, 70 bulbs for a moderate sized wound and 100 for larger and more serious wounds.

Once collected the bulbs will need to soak in cool running water for at least 40 minutes to soften the tough exterior of the bulbs and to clean away any dirt or impurities.

The Belims Root/Bulb is often used in conjunction with Tellams Leaf the following is the preparation method for the Tellams leaf poultice:

When using Tellams Leaf in a poultice you can use either fresh or dried leaves, collect 30 for a small wound, 50 for a moderate sized wound and 80 or more for a large serious wound.

Fresh leaves will need to be rinsed first to ensure nothing is contaminating the surface of the leaves, dried leaves should have had this done to them when they were prepared for drying.

Next tear the leaves into small pieces and gather in a mortar and pestle or if in desperate measures a large curved rock for the mortar and a smaller rock as the pestle, then grind the leaves down to make a paste.

Once your leaves are prepared and the bulbs have been soaking for the minimum of 40 minutes, you can then add the bulbs to the mix and continue to grind the mixture into a thick paste.

You then need to apply the paste directly to the freshly cleaned wound and then cover the entire area with a large clean leaf secured in place by either cloth tie or if necessary by vine.

Belims Root/Bulb Tea:

Belims Root/Bulb can be made into a tea for internal infections, gather 30 bulbs and allow them to soak in cool running water for at least 40 minutes to soften the tough exterior of the bulbs and to clean away any dirt or impurities.

When the exterior of the bulbs has softened use a sharp blade gently peel of the outer husk of the bulbs, once all have been peeled they are ready to be added to the the Tellams Leaf tea once that has been prepared separately - you must never add the bulbs before the Tellams leaf has been boiled for at least 30 minutes continuously.

The Belims Root/Bulb is often used in conjunction with Tellams Leaf the following is the preparation method for the Tellams leaf tea:

Collect 20 fresh leaves (dried leaves will need to be boiled for an additional 2 hours to remove toxins) leave them whole and intact.

Get four bowls of water boiling over a fire in a pot and add all 20 leaves, watch the water carefully if heat is lost and the water loses it's rolling boil - wait for the boil to restart and then brew the leaves for at least 30 minutes continually.

This should boil away the toxins and infuse the remaining liquid, with the required properties to relieve a fever.

Remove and discard the leaves once the boiling time is completed, once the Tellams tea is ready you can then add the Belim bulbs to the boiling liquid allow the bulbs to infuse for a further 30 minutes - then again discard the bulbs like the leaves. The tea should be drunk every two hours while the infection persists.


The Belims Tree can be found in several locations on Keltorin, it is mostly found in the cover of other larger trees.

It is found mostly in the Emerald Forest, the woods of Matarin and the Santel Plains forest.

All images are linked to my steemimg gallery with more information

Like what you've read so far?


Thanks so much for the follow - hope you like what's to come :)

So Keltorin is just an imaginary place?

Keltorin is a bit more than just an imaginary place.

Keltorin is a massive world I have created, I am writing a massive fantasy saga and my recent posts about animals and plants are going to be part of a book that is actually used by characters in the story.

It's a little inception style but it's a book in a book, and I will soon be moving forward with the main story.

I have drawn the map for the world and now I am filling it telling people about all of the animals, plants, peoples and histories.

I am creating new animals and creatures that haven't been depicted or told off before, these are new they will possess different abilities and features.

I wanted more originality in my story rather then just the same magical creatures we always have in our stories.

Wow great.
I think I have missed this description. I think it's a wonderful thing.
I wish you good luck!

Thanks it's just taking a lot longer than I thought it would to finish this section, I am really excited to get started on the main story :)