The Butterfly Effect

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

Everything in this Universe was meant to be interconnected.

Your thoughts and actions are actually much more powerful than you ever realized. Every little decision you ever made has participated in shaping the reality that unfolds in front of your eyes today. Every little thought has reflected itself on the material world you experience. Every word you ever spoke has traveled the globe only to return back to you, echoing in your head, creating your future guided by the past.

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But there's more to this than just philosophy. Your actions and words do shape the world. If you make someone's day by being extremely kind, benevolent or helpful, there's a high possibility that this person will go on to make somebody else's day, out of pure joy and excitement. They might return home and be a lot more loving towards their family, or they might help a stranger outside just because they felt the need to return the good fortune. Needless to say, that third party will go on to transmit this signal of happiness to somebody else. I'd be extremely happy to be the source any day.

This works the opposite way as well though, so be careful. Every time we hurt someone it's highly likely that this person will go on to do the same to another party, most of the time totally unintentionally. It's just negative energy stored in the shape of bad emotions like anger or sadness and it's only a matter of time till this negative signal is transmitted to another person only to make them sad as well and give them a reason to keep this negative vibe traveling the world. So be careful with your words and actions. One day they will return back to you and I don't know what will be worse; the fact that they returned or the fact that they traveled the world. I keep this in mind because I'm a source as well.

Every person you meet and talk to are fighting a battle you know nothing about. Everybody is facing their own problems and hardships so try to be kind and nice. Even if you think you can't help somedoby in need, at least be kind and positive. Help them look at things from a positive perspective which can easily be achieved if one focuses on what they do have rather whining about what they are missing. It's all about attitude at the end of the day, but it can make a huge difference. Our thoughts are miraculously powerful and keeping this in mind will help you make better use of them. So if somebody needs help, remind them of this fact: they have a powerful brain which can provide them with whatever they want, all they need to do is ask.

Human thought is now a measurable quantity; it is a multidimensional wave. Basic Physics teach us how waves interact with mass and change its properties by altering its vibration frequency. It might be hard to realize this, but your thoughts have a practical impact on matter. This impact might be trivial but it remains a measurable quantity. Furthermore, Basic Physics teach us how certain types of matter (ferromagnetic materials) can be used in order to enhance waves and electromagnetic fields. Just imagine the possibilites and opportunities presented if we discovered matter which can be used to enhance multidimensional waves. Our thoughts would be miraculous and creative. We would be able to manipulate matter, or move objects with our thoughts and who knows what else. This paragraph forced me to post this in fiction, even though I tried to take an absolutely scientific approach. I do realize that for most of you this might sound crazy.

“Our Life is the Creation of our Mind.”
― Buddha

Thank you for your attention
Highest Regards


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. ...
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.

I'm all about the idea of karma. As a therapist, I try and initiate beliefs changes and how being a good person is all the value one needs to create joy. Cool article.

Good writing. I agree on many points. I always try to treat people like I would like to be treated. It sounds like something obvious, but it's important and many of us tent to forget about this simple rule. From time to time people tell me that my empathy makes me weak, that I care too much of others, I give too much, expecting nothing. But I know that my attitude is right and I stick to it for years. Because I know how much I've received from strangers, and I know that I've built some relations that I would never did with different approach.

It is awesome how you merge your engineering background with your writings. :)

This was a wonderful piece. Deep content

We are the co-creators of our lives. Thoughts become words, words become action, action becomes the experience of our thoughts. Beautifully displayed. Thank you for this post.

@tyebrooks Agreed. Thank you for your thoughtful and kind input!

Excelente publicacion gracias por compartirla

Yes yes yes. New follower here.

do you guys remember that Ashton Kutcher movie?