
You are right. It's quite ironic that this 10% or so, which makes me think of "the talented tenth" concept W.E.B Du Bois popularized in the early 20th century, was meant to uplift the rest of the oppressed population.

its actually simple ... they control money ... so no matter how successful you are they can always buy us freely ...

as someone said-give me the control of money of nation i don't bother who makes the rules ...

the moment federal reserve came into existence the phase of history has been changed ... industrial revolution was an advantage to all those bankers ...

Very true. Corporate money rules. Next war may be caused by taxes that affects corporate interests. People have died for their gods, their land, why not for their favorite brands?

LOL YEAH ...but blockchain will make some difference than the world we were following ... taxes ... they may raise to 50 to 65 % in next 3 to 4 years of time ..

and its the youth and the students who has to take interest in politics to raise for power ... but they are being distracted big time ... in many colleges they even removed college student elections ...

Are these college students elections related to student groups who do politics and train leaders to represent students interests before authorities?
In Venezuela the government neutralized that entity too. They managed to put in those positions students who were bought out by the government to make sure that the student movement would be dormant and no anti government protests would ensue.
At the same time, a generalized unofficial anti intellectual policy has been implemented to keep youth wasting their time playing, watching tv or reading crap in the social networks. Their lives gravitate around that.
SO, no prospect of counter revolution in the mid term.

true .. ironically they have neutralized everywhere ... as they clear know that student and youth revolutions affect their sick power ...
as you said they are all being distracted big time and being programmed to either work for corporations or waste their time in junk stuff ...

by the way very nice meeting you mate ...

Same here. It's been a pleasure. I am still behind in the last installments of the story :)

same here ... that story is never ending ... so i started exploring solutions ...

and the best one i got is @thevenusproject