Journey To The Unknown #9. Are They Alone Again?

in #fiction6 years ago

Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Are They Alone Again?

Accompanied by disturbing thoughts, we walked quickly, practically without making a halt, and by evening we reached the edge of the forest. It was pointless to move on in the dark, especially since we could run into hostile Aborigines, so we set up a tent, lightly had a bite of fruit, which we were provided with forest inhabitants, and lay down to rest. We did not feel like sleeping, despite the extreme fatigue, because our anxiety grew as we approached the base.
We tried several times to contact her but to no avail. All sorts of thoughts crept into my head, which was even scary. In general, having scrolled without sleep most of the night, we fell asleep only closer to the morning but nevertheless rose with the first rays of the sun. Having quickly gathered and had a snack, we set off and by noon had already approached the ship.

On all the way we did not meet a single soul, next to the ship, too, there was no one to be seen. Last meters, we, despite the fatigue, almost fled. Unfortunately, our worst fears were justified. The entrance hatch was open, it was dark inside, there was no one from the crew. Traces of struggle, however, were not. It remained only to guess what had happened here. Turning on emergency lighting, Arthur went to the bridge and found a ship's log. The last entry in it was made two days ago. Arthur read aloud: "Communication with all groups disappeared. The last message received from the commander said that they were attacked by a large group of heavily armed people. I gave the SOS signal, but I'm not sure that someone heard it. Went to search. "

Yeah, well, the situation ...

To tell the truth, we were in big confusion, did not know, that it was possible to undertake in the given situation.
Arthur checked just in case the ship's life support system, tested the work of engines and other mechanisms. Everything was in perfect order. This is what alarmed and discouraged. Having conferred, we decided to follow the approximate route of all groups through the magazine, to develop a search plan.

But first of all, it was necessary to try to communicate with any ship, or at least give a distress signal in the hope that it will be intercepted by any of our space friends and will come to our aid. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in contacting anyone, so we sent a message with our coordinates, callsign and a brief summary of our problem. The next morning, collecting the necessary things, weapons and ammunition, as well as the stock of food in backpacks, we set out on our journey.

We chose the route through which the group led by our commander left, rightly believing that it was he who should be sought first. We walked along the desert road. While nothing broke the rest of the early morning. After a while, we began to see rare bushes with beautiful large flowers, then small trees appeared, and with each kilometer, they grew more and more, and the trees grew larger, and now we entered the forest. At the edge we made a small halt, a little rest checked the map and started off again.

It was beginning to get dark when the sky in the northeast suddenly lit up with a bright glow, and there was a loud rumbling. We instinctively crouched and, hiding, waiting for what would happen next. Gradually, in the center of the radiance, a dark spot appeared, which began to grow rapidly in size, approaching the ground. The roar was incredible so that the ears pawned, and the eyes blinked from the radiance. Suddenly everything was quiet, there was a deafening silence ...
We opened our eyes and saw that in a few dozen meters in a forest glade a spaceship appeared before us. Luke opened, people who were armed to the teeth went down to earth ...

A new threat. Part one

Did our friends-aborigines of the wild forest tell us about them? While we were thinking about where these people could come from, they lined up and moved in the same direction in which we were going. This was to our advantage, being careful, we followed. By dawn, without making a single halt, we, following a group of armed men, came to an open area, it was not possible to hide on it, so we had to stop and hide behind trees growing at the very edge of the forest.

The military stopped. Ordinary, who sat down, and who stretched out on the grass. The commanders, meeting together, discussed for a long time until they decided to move on. Unfortunately, we were outside the reception area of ​​our interpreter's sound signals, so we could not understand what was being discussed. But they could see how they looked in the daylight. Ordinary soldiers were muscular, powerful in appearance, giants with a somewhat blunt expression, overgrown with thick vegetation, clumsy, beastlike faces. The fact that they possessed a remarkable force was visible at first sight, as well as the fact that God clearly offended their intellect.
The commanders, on the other hand, were less strong in appearance, but apparently had cunning and perfidy, which was simply written on their faces, by the way, practically without traces of lush vegetation on them.

Finally, the detachment moved forward, but it was dangerous for us to follow directly behind it. We did not know who they were-friends or enemies, for what purpose they had come here, to whom they were heading, how dangerous it was for us to meet with them. We had to be cautious, wait until they moved to such a distance, when to notice us it will not be easy. During this time, we took a little rest, at the same time a little snack from the stocks, which were taken with us, and then cautiously moved after the strangers. By the end of the day, a small settlement appeared, consisting of several dozen single-storey, strong-looking buildings, around which grew a very dense forest.

Nevertheless, it could hide for a while and observe what is happening in this village. Perhaps, it is here that our comrades are languishing in captivity. To restore the forces spent on such a long transition, Arthur suggested taking a nap one by one. The first such honor he offered me, and I did not refuse, for in the literal sense of the word I fell from my feet with fatigue. While I was sleeping, Arthur was watching the village. However, it was quiet there, there was practically no traffic. Perhaps the newcomers also rested after such a long transition.

Waking up after a couple of hours, I felt much better. Arthur and I had a little refreshment, after which he already went to rest, and I began to protect his sleep and to continue to monitor. After a while I saw a woman leading to a small shed, carrying something like a tray covered with a towel, from under which the contours of some utensils such as a jug, cups, etc. were clearly visible.

She did not stay there long and left, carrying empty dishes with her. From all this, I decided that there were some captives in this shed, perhaps our comrades. It was very useful that this building has located some distance from the nearest houses and comparatively close to the edge of the forest. Taking out binoculars from my backpack, I began to study carefully how safe are the approaches to it, the way of retreat and whether there is protection. To my surprise and great joy I discovered that, apparently, the inhabitants of this settlement are not afraid of the attacks of the opponents and do not consider it necessary to expose the guards, considering it sufficient to lock up their captives by hanging a big barn castle on the door.

Also, I did not notice here animals like dogs that would protect people living here. When Arthur woke up, I told him about what I had seen and, after consulting a little, we decided not to delay the matter, and immediately go to the reconnaissance and, if there really are, our comrades languish, free them and hide under the cover of night. Arthur disappeared in the dark, I stayed in place ...

Tediously stretched in anticipation of a minute, it was more than half an hour, and the scout did not return. I already had time to worry, when a branch broke from behind me. Turning around, I saw my friend, and with him were the missing members of our team, as well as a few other people from the tribe, whose guests we were. After consulting a little, we decided that it would be unreasonable to return to the ship now, for it is there that the chase will be directed, when an escape is discovered.

Therefore, we decided to first deliver our friends to their home, and only then, with their help, go to the ship. In addition, we very much hoped that someone heard our signal for help, and the help is already hurrying to us. As we expected, there was no chase after us. In addition, the aborigines led us by secret paths known only to them, and already closer to the sunset the next day we were on the spot. The leader first rejoiced at us, having decided that we had come to resolve his problems, then became sad, having learned that we needed help first of all.

However, after reflection, he realized that the benefits of his help would be mutual. What difference does it make in which territory to fight the enemy? Yes, it will be a little more difficult, at home the walls also help. At the same time, alongside his warriors, people who descended from heaven, those whom he and his tribe equate to the Gods, will fight shoulder to shoulder. We decided to spend 24 hours on the camps. It was necessary to decide who to leave for the protection of the camp in order not to endanger the women and children. Those who leave will need to prepare weapons, ammunition, provisions, as well as discuss the tactics and strategy of the upcoming military actions. Naturally, we all needed to get a good night's sleep and rest before the new test.

To be continued...

Thabks for reading.
see you again.

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