The Crack History of the Universe Book 1 Ch.21 The Great War Between Laurasia And Gondwana

in #fiction6 years ago

After the peace was restored to the lands of Pangaea by the brave efforts of the Warriors of the Dinosaur Kings who fought in the name of the Yith Clergy and their great lord above them: Cthulhu. Trans-Time was destroyed and repelled from their lands! However, this came at great devastation to their populations as vast swathes of innocent lives were taken in the name of Trans-Time’s quest for more food and greater profits!

Fortunately, life carried on with all manner of new species emerging from this new age of peace! Diplodocus, Brachiosaurs, Carnosaurs, Allosaurus evolved! And Pherosaurs, and Sauropods began to specialize in unique ways to survive and thrive! And the Ornithischians began to diversify as well!

All was not perfect in this age of great peace however as from the mountains of corpses unharvested and polluted by the war against the Trans-Time corporation came the microorganisms called: Viruses which began to infect Dinosaurs and other species with sickness and other ills that began to contribute to even more uncomfortable questions and challenges to the doctrines that governed society in the Jurassic Period.

For instance, if the Great Old One Cthulhu was so perfect then why was there still pestilence and plague running throughout the land when the ultimate evil was already vanquished? And if the plague was a punishment from Cthulhu then would the Dinosaur Kings simply needed to give up and die to the monstrous Fleshdozers they fought against?!?

The Pestilence Question plagued the Yithian clergy and challenged its hegemony over the Dinosaur Kings for some 20 million years as new plagues and viruses came and went as evolution marched on.

The Splitting of Nations

By the year 190’000’000 B.C.E. as the Pliosaurs evolved and the first of the primitive sea invertebrates came to be in the ocean it was noticed that increasingly over the generations the land of Pangaea was beginning to split apart along what was once a prosperous riverbed that had turned into a great sea over the hundreds of millions of years.


The ocean became a great natural boundary to the Northern and Southern Dinosaur Kings and Lords as trade became harder between the two parts of the continent and more expensive for the one nation government to manage internally between its various lands and provinces.

Additionally, the sea barrier became a political boundary as well as since the Yithian clergy’s most devoted cities and religious centers and the capital city of its power was in the North more and more critics flocked to the South away from the clergy’s reach to express discontent about their abuses of power and their deceptions!

The Dinosaur Kings and lords in the South began to formulate ambitions of their own against the clergy for their own gain and within the Shadows the Serpent People welcomed this move and began to finance it to undermine the power of the Yithians their mortal enemies for the period.

Defiance of the Orthodoxy

The opening salvo that started the beginning of the end of Pangaea as a political entity came when the Dinosaur Lords and Kings of the South hosted their own private election in defiance of the Yith clergy’s new appointed High King of the Dinosaurs: Laus IX Dominitas who was extremely unpopular among the South for his stance on stronger Yithian orthodoxy control over the Southern Kings and Lords and certain proposals to empower clergymen in the South more to reign in the Southern Lords and Kings into the Yith’s power.

By 180’000’000 B.C.E. the sentient lifeforms of Southern Pangaea elected their own Dinosaur King among Kings: Gondwas I Rublias and they had declared independence from Pangaea as the new nation of Gondwana in a move that shocked the North and took it by utter surprise for this unprecedented maneuver!

King Laus IX Dominitas and the clergy then faced trouble at home as they faced an uprising of “Free Pangaeans” radicalized and empowered by the moves that Gondwana recently made to elect their King and a coalition of Eastern Lords elected their own King to further divide the land into Three Kingdoms!

Facing the possibility of total descent into chaos among countless warring Dinosaur Kings the Yithian clergy declared a Holy Crusade against those not devoted to them and Cthulhu himself for their secession from the throne deeming the Eastern separatists as heretics! This move to permanently associate devotion to Cthulhu with obedience to the Church while controversial among some of the Northern Lords and Kings did just the trick for quashing the Rebellion in the East and so the seeds for the lands of Laurasia were planted on that day.

The Southern Question

Although the Holy Crusade and excommunication of the Eastern Pangaeans successfully destroyed resistance in the East against the Yith Clergy, the sentients of Gondwana would not be fooled due to their deeply seated cultural and ideological underpinnings of being free from the state religion since many the people in the south were skeptical of the Yithian church and the religion of Cthulhu.

Already experiments and tests were underway that challenged the idea that magic and mana came from the grace and devotion to Cthulhu that sentient lifeforms had to express and these experiments results were very successful in their findings. Now independent branches of magical thought and casting and other mana based arts came into being as Gondwana experienced a magical revolution in their casting and mana based techniques and abilities.

To the Yithians in Later Pangaea soon to be redubbed as Laurasia this was the perfect justification to declare open war on the sentients of Gondwana! The Yithian Clergy then deemed the Gondwanans magical innovations to be heretical and born of the great evil one: YHVH! From that point on the war between Laurasia and Gondwana began!

The war itself was mostly an affair fought upon the seas and the skies over the growing ocean that divided the two kingdoms with the Laurasians seeming to be fighting fate itself as it was known that the land would only further divide and drift further apart from each other as the continents moved through some extremely slow but present force that was known to exist upon the surface of the Earth.

Laurasia was the aggressor through and through in this war as the Gondwanans simply used their magical and technological innovations to defend themselves until Laurasia exhausted their resources over time as they formed an unbreakable shield and a defensive formation all along the great sea that divided the two lands from themselves.

Ultimately after three million years of conflict and war the Laurasians begrudgingly accepted Gondwana’s offer of a White Peace under the condition of their sovereignty being recognized by the Yith Clergy officially. Other than that sole demand no other territorial gains or war reparations were demanded.

And so, in the year: 177’000’000 B.C.E. Laurasia and Gondwana finally made peace with each other. This action to the Laurasians was only a public façade though. To them they would still engage in a “cold peace” against the Gondwanans reciprocated by the leading nobility of Gondwana on the grounds of their Religious differences.