in #fiction4 years ago (edited)

The wound to his leg was the one which caused the most problems for Jay. Though it was arguably the most minor of his injuries. It didn't help that his shoulder was still immobilized. Palau came to greet him almost as soon as he set foot inside the front doors. Giving him a restrained hug. Jay felt quite awkward about that, until Tianni grinned at him. The king had returned from a conference in Japan, the day after the attack. The happiness his family were all fine diluted by the death of people he considered friends. Apparently Leilani had taken the news of Pali Kahele's demise badly as well. The entire island was angered at this completely unnecessary murder. Which turned out to be both a help and a hindrance to Miles. Now the normally chilled out citizens were reporting anything and everything they deemed suspicious. It was okay when the terrorists were blowing up buildings. They'd made a huge mistake by killing an old lady held in high regard.

They gave him a cane, so he could mount the stairs, one at a time. He had to admit he felt completely drained. Both physically and mental. Though he'd toughed it out on his video calls. Miles and Lev were planning some payback. They hadn't said as much, but it soon became obvious Palau knew nothing about the men they'd captured. They didn't have a prison or even cells to put them in, so their whereabouts was a mystery. Wherever they were Jay was certain they weren't feeling well either. He'd hate to be interrogated by either of those men.

It had to be some kind of hangover from his injuries. The dead feeling inside was unfamiliar to him. Only when he was with Tianni, did he feel anything like his old self. There was also a strange feeling of something not done. Something forgotten. He definitely hadn't left the gas on, his rooms were all electric. Boredom was creeping up on him. He could feel it. What Sophie would have recognized as his itchy feet. Not being able to do his job grated on Jay constantly. So when he had a tiny flash of inspiration he acted on it. Contacting his big sister to have her send him the writings his dad had left in those caches. They were autobiographical and Jay assumed were a list of all the cons he'd worked on. Giving them to Miles felt like he was at least doing something useful. The captain read them. He seemed impressed. Enough that Jay thought he might read them himself.

His temporary replacement, Rory, wasn't as good as him. So Tianni and Holly stated. That gave him a well needed boost, when they told him. So there was a spring in his limp when he headed back to his quarters that afternoon. Rounding the corner he collided with Leilani. The clever quip died on his lips. She looked worse than him. It was obvious she'd been crying. He tried to shuffle out of her way as quickly as possible mumbling an apology. She snapped at him in her distress.

"Why won't you get out of my head..? I mean way. Get out of my way. You're always in the way."
She shoved past, rocking him on his heels. What was that all about? A Freudian slip of course, but why was she thinking about him? It had to be the blood. He'd unwittingly brought back memories of her mother and sister's killings. It brought a shiver to his spine simply thinking about how something like that would have affected him. Jay was sure if he lost any of his close family like that he'd have been stepping off a tall building to. His mind couldn't get away from the terrible thoughts. The awful images he was imagining shook him to the core. He was so wrapped up in that internal nightmare he didn't notice Marie until she spoke.
"You look like well trodden shit." Her eyes followed Leilani. "You're not the only one though. It's not you she's angry with you know."
"Experience indicates you're bullshitting me. But thanks for lying about it." He paused as her presence sank in. "How the hell do you get here and where the hell do you come from?"
"That would be telling. I am right though. All that fury is aimed at herself."
"So I'm just the trigger am I?" He asked doubtfully.
"Something like that. I'll see you around I expect."

The little vignette played out inside his head for the rest of the day. It was still churning around when he went to bed that night. Unable to sleep, he was also unable to toss and turn. It wasn't painful so much as very uncomfortable for him. He must have dozed off into a light sleep eventually, because the next thing Jay remembered was the door to his room opening. A figure slipped in, silhouetted by the light coming from the living area. There was no way he could mistake who it was. Leilani had come for him. He wondered how she was going to kill him. When she immediately made her way to the bathroom he had to reevaluate his first thoughts. Homicide would be hard to conceal. Getting rid of him had to be her first priority. If not by fatal means then by planting evidence against him. Implicating Jay in the plots against the royals would work. Marie Gagne would have provided her with all that was needed.

Accepting death was fine. When he thought she was there to end his life he'd accepted it without any emotion. That deadness inside affecting him far more than he'd thought. Destroying his reputation was much more disturbing. The moonlight was all the illumination in the room. Then only in the patches where it came through the windows. One of which fell on the bathroom doorway. Leilani stepped out into it. Jesus titty fucking Christ, she was naked. This had to be a set up. If he did anything she could yell rape and he'd be history. Was that her plan? The bed dipped as she climbed onto it, raising the covers she reached for him, in the most intimate of ways. His instant erection hurt. She knew he was awake. Her eyes, barely visible in the gloom, bored into his, as she straddled him. Leilani gasped as she lowered herself onto him. Dropping the last few inches she began to hump him. Hard.

Ordinarily, under different circumstances, this would have been a uniquely pleasurable experience. The circumstances weren't the only problem. His legs were too close together. Meaning every downward thrust of her body weight hurt his balls. Was he being raped? It kind of felt like that. In a way. One that removed all responsibility from him. She was quite tall and well toned, but he was a man. He could have fought her off. Why he didn't was impossible to work out. The only sounds were their breathing, the slap of flesh against flesh and her soft moans. It went on forever. It lasted seconds. Her movements growing more and more frenzied until she grunted and shivered.

Leilani climbed off him, heading straight into the bathroom again. When she emerged, she was fully dressed. Then she wasn't there anymore and he had to ask himself if that had really happened. He hadn't had an orgasm. Was it an hallucination or an erotic dream? It must have been another hour before he went to sleep. Waking to the sun pouring in he climbed out of bed for his morning piss, shower and shave. Ah. She hadn't just used the facilities as a changing room. She'd left him a message. Written in bright red lipstick on the mirror. "I hate you" summed up what he now had to assume was a set up. It couldn't be anything else, could it? Women who looked like her didn't have sex with men like him out of hatred. Except as a means to an end. Getting rid of him was the only scenario which made any kind of sense.

He was distracted for the whole day. Dreading seeing her. There was no sign of his visitor though. She must have been avoiding him, in order to lend credence to her planned accusations? The ones that didn't happen. It might not have happened. He hadn't been feeling himself since leaving the hospital. Maybe his brain had been damaged by the blood loss. It was possible he'd written that message on the mirror. Oh shit, he was going insane. As his thoughts of actually finding Leilani and asking her indicated. There was no one he could tell about this. They'd know he'd lost his marbles. Could this be hell or the anteroom to it? He'd met his deceased father. Had a long conversation.

When she came into his room that night, or more accurately early the next morning, the whole thing played out the same again. Leilani entering his room before undressing in the bathroom. This time he made sure his nuts weren't being bounced on. The third night he tried to touch her, she slapped his hand away. Not a single solitary word had passed between them. He still hadn't ejaculated, and in the morning he found the same message written on the mirror. This would make an excellent hell. It had all the right ingredients, apart from the lack of a fiery torment. Sophie noticed how distracted he was during their video call. As his big sister she gave him a talking to. Which boiled down to sort yourself out Jay. There were people who needed him. Funnily enough it worked after a fashion.

Night four, she was late. Raising the possibility that whatever her motive had been it had burned out, or she'd obtained all she needed from him. It certainly wasn't the great sex, although he was pretty sure she was coming each time. Why would she fake it? The script went its now established course. Except this time, when she went to straddle him he grabbed her. Pulling her down beside him. They had quite a fight. Again neither of them saying a word. Whatever Leilani was, she wasn't a scratcher. She could punch though. It was a close run thing, but he managed to restrain her before his strength waned. He held her naked body against his. That was it really. Her back against him, he did his best to first calm her then make some comforting noises. When she fell asleep he thought he'd crossed some kind of bridge. That when they woke in the morning they'd talk. Like two rational human beings.