I Know The Pieces FitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

The doctors were right.

The following is or isn’t an fictional account of possibly real real world events, any correlation or causation to actual events may or may not be coincidental. Nothing is to be believed, no advice is to be taken, and please consult with your local authorities for further questioning.

Surveillance State Image
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It had been foretold, in the past:

“Knowing all this, we know the terms of the war we are in.

The Central Planners have an equation: “free=uncontrolled=dangerous.”

He read the book.

What did we tell you about letting him read?!?

Bitcoin ‘Has No Intrinsic Value’ But Neither Does Fiat.

Yes, yes, we know, this whole thing is a fragile system of lies.

But the value is derived of derivatives, right?

Who the hell cares?

Well we do sir, we need to know, people keep calling. "What is Bitcoin?" “Why the hell is my money not in Bitcoin?”

What am I supposed to tell them?

Lie to them! Tell them “they’re not real” and “perhaps even a pyramid scheme.”

But sir, you are just saying that because you don’t understand it.

But it’s not fair! I didn’t think of it first and I can’t make a killing off it like those young guys, and if I can’t get rich, then no one can!


Enough of this metaphysical nonsense.

Metaphysical Nonsense Image
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Did you bring the things I told you?

The golf club, hot wings, and the piccolo?

You are loosing it.

But..but...AI is greater threat than North Korea.

Yes, yes, AI this, AI that. Strong AI. Friendly AI.

For AI, a real-world reality check - An intelligent computer is only as well-rounded as the people who teach it.

We are bored of this story.

Plus Terminator would be kinda cool, right?

It would at least give us something to do.

Or Eagle Eye if you prefer.

You know that was the beginning of the end of Shia LaBeouf, right?

Enough with the tabloids already, this is NOT Men In Black.

But doctor, you know it is all fake news now.

We’ve been over this.

Enough with the excuses.

Just bury them in the Upper Base.

But what about the financial war brewing?

Hackers Have Stolen Millions Of Dollars In Bitcoin -- Using Only Phone Numbers.

We can make it through this, we always have before.

Plus we are out of eggs, so let’s go to the store so we can make dinner.

Stay tuned.
Stay interesting.
Stay Strange.


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because the doctors will see you now.

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yep, we live in a fragile system of lies, the CB and govs lie to us about everything, sometimes I think if everything we like is really our choice or was imposed to us. Many foods and medicines we take, we dont need. Fiat currency are more manipulated than everything, they print money to support their own lies and greed. Cryptos, blockchain and new techs are the best way to descentralize and take our lives controls a little, but will not be easy. longlife for blockchain :-)