RE: STEEMPUNK-NET: player interviews (5)

Although very few people know what Pelopidas actually looks like, a composite sketch artist has put together this rendering of his last known appearance. He certainly is a shady character!
Thanks @ravenruis for this interview post, it was great fun working through the questions, and it really stirred my creative juices, getting into the character. Thanks also to @asperger-kids for the wonderful The Invisible Thief series starring Langdon Bennett. Reading through this storyline has really helped me to envision the world of And of course, thanks to @dehenne and the SPN developers for the game itself and establishing the original parameters of the fictional world where Steemopolis Megacity exists. I look forward to exploring the depth and breadth of this new land and its inhabitants.
I still have much more reading to do yet before I start my own fanfic writing within the SPN world. I don't want to create any conflicts with the existing lore of the game.
IMAGE CREDIT: Christopher Perez.

hehe Pelo looks like a steampunk ninja :D
The scope of what we can do in and around the game is one thing that I really love about it. It'll be a great addition when you do start your own to add to the world. thumbs up