Motivational Story: Guarantee Of Success Is An Opportunity That Is Not In Vain

One story, there is a young man who has a great curiosity. For nearly a year now, he has learned with the wisest teacher in his country. There is an interesting question to ask the teacher.
One day, the opportunity came and was not wasted by the young man. The teacher is resting and in his office, alone.
Before entering the room, the young man asked permission, "Forgive me, Master Is Teacher currently busy?"
"No matter how busy, teachers always make time for my students, what do you want to ask my son?" asked the teacher, inviting the young man inside.
After sitting down, the young man immediately expressed his heart, "Master, I really want to ask you one thing that has long been buried in my mind."
"Just say it."
"Teacher, what is the key to his success? I have learned from teachers all this time, would want to succeed in this life."
Master looked at the students for a moment before answering: "Good question Everyone wants to succeed The question is: What is success?"
Without waiting for a reply from the student, the teacher continues: "Success is the end result, on target, but by failing is the name of the end result that does not match the target.Well, what is your target, specify First.Then there are three important things you should do it on your way to the target. "
With eyes shining, the young man said, "What is it, sir?"
"If you can be more diligent, learn-ask-and do, than anyone else, then a 50 percent guarantee of success is in your hands." The young man recorded well the teacher's answer in his mind.
"Secondly, if you can be much more honest than anyone else, you will get a 20 percent success guarantee again."
The young man excitedly asked, "Then, the other 30 percent, sir?" the young man asked impatiently to see his master not continue his sentence.
The teacher raised the pencil in front of the young man. "The rest you can find here." The student looked at the pencil and said, "What's with the pencil?"
Without answering his students' questions, the teacher touched the dull end of the pencil to the young man's arm. The young man did not understand. Suddenly the teacher spun a pencil and the pointed tip was pushed into the arms of a young man who jumped instantly, weeping in pain.
With a smile, the teacher explains: "A pointy tip is called focus, so direct all your thoughts and actions to a big and real target point, and the remaining 30 percent of the success guarantee will come to you if you really focus on it."
Conclusion: There is no instant success. Of course, there are supporting factors that we must prepare. Success requires learning and struggle. When we set targets, more diligent, honest and focused, it does not mean immediate success in the "silver platter" in front of us. It takes time to get there. Continue to struggle! Enjoy each process, so success is more meaningful.

I can see the lesson here. The path to success involves the pain of learned lessons. Thanks for sharing that.
I will follow you now.