How I Met Queen Elizabeth - Fiction Story

in #fiction4 years ago

It the time of the year where the rain runs away from earth and the sun takes over the leadership, the ozone layers seems like its been heated up by the sword makers. A period where one who owns an air condition gets regular visitors and banks gets filled up by customers who go no transaction to do.

The weather was enough to make one rotate 360 degrees especially those with bald heads, I sat down at the comfort of my home but sat uncomfortably because it feels like the Power distribution companies have gone on another strike. The sun so intense that I had to go get an ice cream to calm my nerve. On my way to the Supermarket, I greeted some friends from distance. Ordinarily, I would have exchanged pleasantries but the weather do not permit that so I had to wave and continue to the mart.

Felt already relieved soon I step in, as their cooling system installed in almost all part touched my inner soul, I felt I should bring in my mattress and make here my new home. I walked straight to the refrigerator where they got all the Ice Cream stocked after inhaling the fresh air, I opened the refrigerator and met different choices to choose from. I took my time in picking the right flavor and just when I was about to shut it, I heard a pretty voice from behind asking me to please wait and I should get her the Vanilla flavor, I turned back slowly to see if the voice matches the face. I must confess, its been ages I saw a lady as beautiful as this. Quickly, I turned again to give her what she requested for, she said thanks as we both walked to the cashier desk for payment.
As a gentleman, I insisted I would pay for both,which I did. She thanked me as we both left same time,the following insued between us

Me: What is your name? I asked
Her: Elizabeth
Me: I looked at her smiling and asked if she is in anyway related to the Queen of England, because your Beauty is Royalty.
Her: No she said and asked for my name in return
Me: I told her my name was Prince but not the Harry she knows, as we both smiled and walked over to where she boarded a cab.
I asked for her number but refused giving it out since we were just meeting for the first time and I insisted I borrow it from her and promise to return it when next we meet. At this point, she told me I was funny and asked for my phone. I watched as she dialed the number, those hands were also pretty. I watched the cab leave like a father sending his son to a boarding school.

I almost forgot about the weather as the beautiful smile of Queen Elizabeth made me forget I was bald. I smiled and walked up happily as I look forward to another day with her.

On getting home, I tried her number, it rang and here again, she said ............ To Be Continued